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Become rich through hard work with Sunagakure — Chapter 15 Communicating through the Air

“Hey, monk, you’re going too far. Why do I study ninjutsu while you are only responsible for meditating?”

There was a rumbling sound, and streams of quicksand surged up on the ground in front of Fenfu. Later, these quicksands formed a huge civet cat about the size of a hill.

Shukaku looked at Fenfu impatiently. He felt that he was at a disadvantage. He had devoted himself to studying ninjutsu. This monk was out to show off and talk, so he could only work hard without complaining.

“Heart and strength are different. I am responsible for cultivating the mind, and you are responsible for cultivating the strength. Everything about me is based on you.”

Fenfu opened his eyes and replied calmly.

The whole person is like a pool of water.

“What’s more, Lord Kazekage promised to build you a statue for the world to admire.”

Fenfu said, I know you too well, you are just talking about the king.

“Okay, okay, let’s continue today’s lecture. Anyway, I can’t defeat you.”

Shukaku immediately became more energetic when he heard that Yunqing would build a statue for him for the world to admire.

Fenfu had no problem with Shukaku’s reaction.

After spending decades together, there is nothing we don’t understand.

After decades, the Four-Tails and Lao Zi can still play an almost perfect Jinchuuriki.

He and Shukaku had been together for decades, and Yunqing “taught” them, so there was nothing they didn’t understand.

Soon after, in this space of consciousness, bursts of sutras rang out, and Shukaku and Fenfu sat opposite each other, appearing extremely harmonious.


A few days later, Ebizo looked at the port that had been sorted out, nodded with satisfaction, and gestured to Fenfu, who immediately summoned a piece of floating sand, took Ebizo, and four jounin to fly towards the sea. go.

As the floating sand flew up, wisps of invisible sand and dust floated away on the coast, centered on the floating sand where Fenfu and others were sitting.

“Ha, how about it, monk? This is my latest ninjutsu invention. We can maintain super high combat effectiveness at sea.

The most important thing is that I can reconstitute my true form at any time and can also be used to detect attacks. “

As soon as Fusha reached the sea, Fenfu sat there and started talking to Shukaku.

Mainly, Shukaku started showing off one-sidedly.

Four fully armed Sunagakure jounin stood in all directions, guarding Fenfu and Ebizo with eyes and ears in all directions.

“Don’t be too nervous. The chance of us meeting Kirigakure is very small. What’s more, our departure was not hidden in the first place.

Kirigakure should already know. “

Ebizo’s eyes sparkled with wisdom as he advised the four jounin.

Glancing at the blessing beside him with his eyes closed, Ebizo felt more confident.

Before coming, Yun Qing had promised that Fenfu would definitely not be able to kill the Wuyin Village led by Ghost Lantern Huayue. However, if Fenfu led them to run away, Ghost Lantern Huayue would be too exhausted to catch up.

The four Sunagakure jounin looked at Ebizo helplessly. They felt that Ebizo-sama had violated the iron rules of ninjas. Shouldn’t ninjas hide in the dark? When we arrived at your place, we told each other our itinerary.

“Sir Elder, aren’t we in danger?”

A young Sunagakure jounin said doubtfully.

“Danger, how can we be in danger? What’s more, as a ninja, there are no tasks that are not dangerous.

Moreover, it is not us who are worried about danger now, but Kirigakure. “

Ebizo glanced at the young jounin with a smile, and then taught.

Without the presence of shadow-level blessings, they would be quite dangerous and could die at any time.

With the presence of the shadow-level blessings, the situation suddenly changed.

If they start causing trouble, only harassing, not attacking, playing tricks on the enemy, it will only be a matter of time.

The most important thing is that if the Demon Lantern attacks them, it will cause a war between the two ninja villages.

The young Sand Ninja wanted to say something else, but as soon as he opened his mouth, he was held down by the veteran Jounin next to him.

Arguing is not a good habit, especially with your boss.

“Young man, please study more. If you have time, read more books written by Yun Qing. It will be very helpful for you to change your thinking.”

Ebizo smiled and looked at the young Suna ninja who was reminded by the person next to him.

Ebizo, who was born during the Warring States Period and experienced the first and second Kazekages, was not considered an old-schooler.

Years of fighting on the battlefield and the power struggles between the major ninja villages have allowed him to develop strong nerves, allowing him to easily accept the changes brought about by Yun Qing.

“The Sand Ninja sent to the Whirlpool Country should have arrived.”

Ebizo murmured.

When he and people of Fenfu’s level are on an envoy, someone needs to notify them in advance, and the Whirlpool Ninja Village in the Country of Whirlpool also needs to prepare in advance.

“Well, the sand I left on him shows that he has arrived at the Country of Whirlpool, Whirlpool Ninja Village, and he should start making preparations.”

Fenfu opened his eyes and responded.

It’s not in their character to be unprepared.


On the other side, the Kingdom of Water, the fleet of Kirigakure Village.

A Mist Ninja drove a fast boat around the fleet. On the ship, many ninjas also stood at various posts.

The flag of Kirigakure Village was hung on the big ship at the front.

In the captain’s room, Ghost Lantern Huanyue had a gloomy face, sitting opposite Minazuki Kuchiki.

“This guy Ebizo really plays his cards well.”

Ghost Lantern Huanyue gritted his teeth and said.

He guessed that Sand Hidden Village would take action, but he did not expect that it would be so direct.

“Since the third Kazekage came to power in Sand Hidden Village, everything he did was rampant and barbaric, but in fact it contained great wisdom. He used one move to sow discord and leverage others’ power, and he used it extremely skillfully.”

As the person in charge of wisdom, Minazuki Kuchiki carefully analyzed the actions of Sunagakure Village.

He firmly believes that a leader’s style will affect the style of those who follow him.

“It’s a trouble, but what do they ask for?

They should ask for something, and the benefits they seek far exceed the price they pay.

I really can’t think of any benefit that is greater than the cost of starting a war with our Kirigakure Village. “

Ghost Lantern Huayue frowned deeply. He needed to think about many things. He saw more than others, and he needed to consider more than others.

They all know that there is no shortage of sealing skills in Sand Hidden Village. Sand Hidden Village has no shortage of people. In other words, their food limits the population.

Sand Hidden Village should be recuperating and waiting for the next war to begin.

“The current slogan of Sunagakure Village is to develop the economy. The relationship between Sunagakure Village and the daimyo of the Land of Wind is quite bad. The Third Kazekage openly recruited people in the Country of Rain.

I think what attracts them to the Kingdom of Whirlpool is its population, especially those with special skills. “

Minazuki Kuchiki thought of the recent behavior of Sunagakure Village and reminded him.

“That’s interesting, but it’s nothing. If that’s the case, Ebizo and the others won’t be able to help much.

Their Sand Hidden Village doesn’t want to accept a group of uncles.

The land, the sealing technique, these things are still ours after all. “

With the reminder, Gui Deng Huanyue smiled coldly and understood immediately.


Become rich through hard work with Sunagakure

Become rich through hard work with Sunagakure

Status: Completed Author:


Time travel is not scary. There are nine time travels in ten novels. It is not scary to time travel to Naruto. What is scary is that time travel to Sunagakure, the village that relies on eating soil and using love to generate electricity. After awakening the random lottery system, Yun Qing decided , he wants to lead Sunagakure to become rich through hard work and rise in the ninja world.
The new book Zhenguan Paper Seller has been released, everyone is welcome to read it.


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