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Become rich through hard work with Sunagakure — Chapter 152 Chapter 152 Self-examination

As soon as Sarutobi Hiruzen returned to Konoha Hidden Village, he learned of an earth-shattering event.

A rebellion broke out in the Iwagakure ninja village. Some people took advantage of Onoki’s coma to openly rebel. If the upper water family of Iwagakure hadn’t fought hard to maintain the situation in the hidden village, Onoki might not have been able to wake up.

Ohnoki woke up in time and led the frontline ninjas of Iwagakure Village to quickly retreat, suppressing the rebellion in Iwagakure Village.

According to incomplete statistics, Onoki killed three ninja clans in one go.

The whole incident shocked the entire ninja world.

Everyone never expected that Onoki would be so ruthless and play so big in order to stabilize the situation and show his determination.

“A good calculation. He stabilized the situation in the Hidden Village without much loss of strength on his side. More importantly, he also withdrew from the Ninja World War and showed his strength.

The big wild wood is good at calculations, and the will of stone is indeed smelly and hard. “

In the Hokage’s office, Sarutobi Hiruzen said angrily.

“This kind of thing is both expected and unexpected.

We all know something about Ohnoki’s strength and character.

And those fools in Yanyin Village were just used as pawns. “

Danzo Shimura said with a sullen face and a hint of anger.

They, the leaders of the Hidden Village, know more and have seen more.

They knew deeply why the three families that were massacred were massacred.

It wasn’t because they were spying on Tsuchikage’s position, they had the strength, and Ohnoki would still welcome them if they could ascend to the position.

However, they colluded with the Daiming Mansion and attempted to turn Iwagakure Village into the Daimyo’s private property in exchange for status.

This is something Onoki doesn’t allow, which is why the Shangshui clan angrily stops it.

Peeping at the movie location is not a big deal, who wouldn’t peep at it?

Take Konoha as an example. Danzo Shimura’s desire to be Hokage is known to everyone not only in Konoha but also in the ninja world.

It’s not like living a good life, eating, drinking, playing and having fun all day long.

The Uchiha clan doesn’t peek at the position of Hokage for a day or two. In the original book, if they hadn’t been emotionally unstable in the end and talked about how they wanted to rebel, how could they have been so miserable.

In the ninja world, peeking into the shadows is not a big deal, the big deal is colluding with outsiders, harming the interests of the hidden village and openly rebelling.

As long as you are not openly rebellious or colluding with outsiders, you are still a member of the Ying family, let alone peeking or competing.

The massacre in Iwagakure Village successfully served as a wake-up call to all the hidden villages.

Check if there are any ninjas in your hidden village who are colluding with the Daming Mansion.

“Danzo, Koharu, and Men Yan, thoroughly investigate the situation of ninjas in the Hidden Village.

Let’s see who is colluding with Daming Mansion. “

Sarutobi Hiruzen blew out a big smoke ring and said with a gloomy expression.

He didn’t think he could be much better than Ohnoki.

There are people who collude with the daimyo in Iwagakure Village under Onoki’s control.

The situation in Konoha is more complicated, and there are more ninjas. Are there more people colluding with the Daming Mansion?

Also, the daimyo is clamoring every day to form the twelve guardian ninjas. Is there someone secretly giving the daimyo a blood transfusion?

Sarutobi Hiruzen was very suspicious of where the ninjas selected by the daimyo to guard the twelve ninjas came from.

Ninety percent of the ninjas in the ninja world are controlled by the five hidden villages.

The rest are some wandering ninjas.

Expecting those wandering ninjas to go very far relying on orthodox training methods is probably just like a dream.

Just look at the Shell Organization in Boruto. None of those ninjas became that strong through orthodox training.

All rely on the power of scientific ninja tools.

This also shows that the five hidden villages are the orthodox ninja system.

Their cultivation method is the oldest.

For others, it is almost impossible to surpass the Five Hidden Villages by following the oldest chakra training system.

The Daimyo of the Land of Fire was actually able to recruit more than a dozen elite jounin as guardians.

Sarutobi Hiruzen was confused.

What happened in Iwagakure Village stopped the war in the shinobi world for a few days.

All the hidden villages have begun self-examination.

The result of the self-examination was that in Konoha Village, Shimura Danzo and Sarutobi Hiruzen patted the shoulders of several Konoha ninjas and said, boy, I see your bones are amazing, you are a good piece of material, go and fight on the front line.

Fight more wars and achieve more military exploits, and you will be the next shadow.

As for your death in battle, don’t worry, your wife, children and mother will be taken care of by us.

The result of Kirigakure Village’s self-examination was that the sharks in the shark tank where the Third Mizukage kept fish were eating an average of several extra meals a day.

All fresh and hot meat.

The result of Yunyin Village’s self-examination was that many ninjas suddenly appeared on the highest mountain in Yunyin Village, sealing chakra and bodies to play extreme sports.

For example, mountain bungee jumping without safety belts.

As for Sand Hidden Village, there is naturally self-examination. Yun Qing does not think that everyone in Sand Hidden Village believes in him and believes in him from the bottom of his heart.

Yunqing has always claimed that he is a civilized person who will not exclude dissidents and pays attention to ruling the country by law.

However, people in Sunagakure Village didn’t know why, but dozens of straight cement pillars suddenly appeared at the harbor.

It was also specially blessed that these cement pillars should be placed at the bottom to be used as the foundation under the sea.

The methods of all the hidden villages are very good. At the very least, after this thorough investigation, many people have started to live a positive life.

Moreover, the military expenditures of various hidden villages have increased one after another.

In the Land of Fire, Danzo Shimura took on a big deal.

Just after they sent some young and promising ninjas to the front line, a lot of pots and pans were broken for unknown reasons in the Daming Mansion.

They are all pulled out by the entire vehicle.

For a time, Daming Mansion’s eating utensils became a problem.

Danzo Shimura took aim at this opportunity and hooked up with the logistics director of Daming Mansion.

I took a big order and made a lot of money.

In order to thank the daimyo who created his wealth, Shimura Danzo wrote a letter to Orochimaru and Hatake Sakumo overnight, saying that the young and promising ninjas he sent were all good talents and they should be taught well.

Carrying out dangerous missions several times will help them grow.

The Daimyo of the Land of Fire received many lists of unexpected ninja deaths forwarded from Konoha.

Sarutobi Hiruzen also specially took Danzo Shimura and went to the Daming Mansion with those death lists, cried hard, and expressed their tragic emotions, how much Konoha had paid for the Land of Fire.

The daimyo also lamented the miserable life of the Konoha ninja, so he paid a sum of money from his treasury to comfort the Konoha ninja.

As the saying goes, children who cry get milk. Hiruzen Sarutobi was better at crying and got a lot of small money to buy milk.

Danzo Shimura once again received a big order.

The reason is that a thief broke into Daming Mansion and smashed a bunch of fragile porcelain.

Chapter two


Become rich through hard work with Sunagakure

Become rich through hard work with Sunagakure

Status: Completed Author:


Time travel is not scary. There are nine time travels in ten novels. It is not scary to time travel to Naruto. What is scary is that time travel to Sunagakure, the village that relies on eating soil and using love to generate electricity. After awakening the random lottery system, Yun Qing decided , he wants to lead Sunagakure to become rich through hard work and rise in the ninja world.
The new book Zhenguan Paper Seller has been released, everyone is welcome to read it.


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