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Become rich through hard work with Sunagakure — Chapter 154

Overtaking on corners has happened from time to time in history.

Even in the history of the ninja world, it always happened.

Such as the future shell organization.

They used scientific tools to overtake in corners.

Being able to complete overtaking in corners is enough to demonstrate its strength.

this is the truth.

However, Sarutobi Hiruzen was no longer in the mood to care about overtaking on corners.

Because Uzumaki Mito was already dying, the Nine-Tails transfer began.

In the wooden house left by the Senju Hashirama of the Senju clan, four people, Uzumaki Mito, Koharu, Kushina and Tsunade, are staying here.

“Grandma, you…?”

Tsunade looked at her grandma with a sad look on her face.

The most uncomfortable thing in life is sending your loved ones away.

Now, she not only has to send her relatives away, but also has to send her on the road with her own hands.

“Silly girl, everyone is destined to die. As long as you die well, it will be worth it.

Besides, I should have gone to see your grandpa a long time ago.

Don’t be too sad. “

Mito Uzumaki looked at Tsunade calmly and smiled kindly.

At her age, there is nothing she can’t see clearly.

Matters of life and death have long been put aside.

What happens next is very simple.

Uzumaki Mito and Kushina make the delivery.

Kyuubi has long been honest because he was bullied by Mito Uzumaki for decades.

Don’t dare to look for trouble at all.

In addition, this is the place left by Senju Hashirama.

The Wood Release Ninjutsu here is specifically used to limit it.

Outside the room, Hiruzen Sarutobi personally led a group of elite Anbu to guard here.

Not only Sarutobi Hiruzen, but also Hatake Sakumo and Shimura Danzo.

It can be said that if you want to attack this place, the price you need to pay is beyond the imagination of ordinary people.

For example, Uchiha Madara decisively chose to leave after discovering that there were no troops here.

He is old and frail and does not want to fight with a group of young and strong people.

Winning or losing won’t do him any good.

The old injuries caused by Yun Qing’s injuries a few years ago when he still had enough physical strength are still there.

There was no complete recovery at all.

It can only be said that there is no problem on the surface. In fact, the injuries suffered by the body have not recovered at all.

He was just suppressing it forcefully and relying on A Fei and the ten-tailed bodies to continue his life.

“Tsk, it’s really ugly. I, the mighty Uchiha Madara, have been defeated by time.”

Outside the Senju Mansion, in a dark corner, Uchiha Madara laughed to himself.

In Uchiha’s eyes, Sarutobi Hiruzen and Hatake Sakumo were fighting for their lives at this time, and they were not much weaker than him.

Of course, it’s him now, not at his peak.

At their peak, Uchiha Madara and Senju Hashirama had almost reached the Six Paths level.

At the very least, both Yin Dun and Yang Dun have been outdone by the two of them.

It is far beyond the comparison of Hiruzen Sarutobi and Sakumo Hatake who have just stepped into the super shadow level.

“Madara-sama, why don’t we go make trouble?”

A Fei asked very blindly.

Madara glanced at A Fei and said speechlessly: “Make trouble, how can you make trouble.

That little monkey Sarutobi led a group of elite ninjas to guard this place.

Besides, when the Kyuubi comes out, I’m afraid the first one to be killed will be me. “

Madara is very self-aware and knows how much Kyuubi hates him.

If Kyuubi had a list of haters, Madara felt that he would be at the first place, followed by Senju Hashirama and Uzumaki Mito at the third place.

The second and third combined were not as powerful as his first.

Thinking about it this way, Madara felt that he had defeated Senju Hashirama, which made him feel happy.

Suddenly I found that I had defeated Senju Hashirama in one aspect.

Uchiha’s mood quickly improved.

Things that cause trouble are no longer taken so seriously.

“Let’s go, forget about this place, it’s just a nine-tails, just an elf.

When I regain my youth, I can catch them casually. “

Uchiha Madara, who suddenly felt better, took Fei away quickly and wandered around Konoha.

As for A Fei, as an idiot, he did not question Madara’s words. In his eyes, Madara was right.

The so-called tailed beasts are little elves, which are easy to catch.

In the original work, Madara truly achieved the achievement of treating the tailed beasts as elves and capturing nine elves alone.

During the fourth battle, Uchiha Madara, who was blind, effortlessly captured nine tailed beasts.

The result is that Uchiha Madara doesn’t really have much recognition for the strength of the tailed beasts.

It just barely reached the range between him and Hashirama.

Of course, Uzumaki Mito is also at this level.

“Madara-sama, who are the people you recognize?”

The yin-yang-faced black and white Zetsu who was hiding in the shadow suddenly asked.

He really wanted to know who Uchiha Madara recognized. If anyone was still alive, he could fool him.

See if you can become an ally.

“Hashirama, the Third Kazekage.”

Madara didn’t know what he was thinking, and suddenly said.

He answered calmly without even thinking about it.

It can be seen how high the two people’s status in Madara’s heart is.

“The Third Kazekage, do you think we can bring him to our place?”

The black and white man with a yin and yang face asked with no idea of ​​life or death.

As for the fact that the two sides have a grudge.

He has a yin and yang face, black and white, and he has no hatred against anyone.

As long as he has the ability, as long as he feels that he can be deceived, he will definitely go up and show off his great deception skills twice.

I haven’t seen the so-called legend of the ninja world, Uchiha Madara, and he has been deceived.

“Yes, he is a profiteer.

As long as we find his needs, we can get him to join us. “

Uchiha Madara recognized his own eyesight.

He deeply felt that his eyes had never seen the wrong person.

In the original work, only one person, Black Zetsu, was chosen by Uchiha Madara.

Everyone else was plotted by him.

For example, Obito always thought he could control everything.

And Nagato, who healed himself and became a god.

Two people are the greatest proof.

Of course, there is also the indispensable Senju Hashirama.

Madara believed that Senju Hashirama was the person who could change the ninja world, but as a result, Hashirama really ended the Warring States Period.

As for those things that were wrong, Madara said, that’s because I’m old and haven’t had time to use physical correction methods to correct them again.

When I recover, I will use the physical rest method to let the whole world know that I, Madara Uchiha, have not made any mistakes.

The physical correction method is a correction method recognized by all heavens and all realms.

I have never encountered a problem that cannot be corrected. If there is, it can only be said that your physics is not in place.

In addition, there is also Master Wang Jingze’s True Fragrance Law to cooperate.

Together, they are truly invincible.

However, this matter is recognized by everyone.

In the ninja world, Hiruzen Sarutobi feels that his status is supreme and should not be threatened.

It turns out that you, the Uchiha clan, think you are good and want to challenge me, so just disappear.

The physical correction method, the Uchiha genocide, is extremely effective.


Become rich through hard work with Sunagakure

Become rich through hard work with Sunagakure

Status: Completed Author:


Time travel is not scary. There are nine time travels in ten novels. It is not scary to time travel to Naruto. What is scary is that time travel to Sunagakure, the village that relies on eating soil and using love to generate electricity. After awakening the random lottery system, Yun Qing decided , he wants to lead Sunagakure to become rich through hard work and rise in the ninja world.
The new book Zhenguan Paper Seller has been released, everyone is welcome to read it.


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