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Become rich through hard work with Sunagakure — Chapter 161 Chapter 161: Angry and Helpless

“Why are you at my house?”

“This is closer to the Kazekage Building.”

“What a liar. How come I don’t know after living here for so long?”

“Sir Samana said that the aunt who cleans your house is sick and asked me to clean up.”

“Tsk, nosy old man, do you know you are destroying yourself?”

“So what if I know, I tried hard, but in the end it ended up like this.”

Ye Cang raised his head and looked at Yun Qing with pear blossoms in his eyes. The sadness in his eyes made people feel heartbroken.

“Okay, okay, don’t cry. The facts have become a foregone conclusion, so just accept it.”

Yun Qing stretched out his hand to wipe away Ye Cang’s tears and sighed.

Yun Qing felt that he might be the most useless time traveler. Other time travellers were all blaming the sky, the earth, the air, quitting when they saw beautiful women, and destroying the marriages of their elders at the earliest opportunity.

As for me, with a beautiful woman by my side, I still go out to find young ladies every day. I choose to endure the marriage of my elders silently.

It really has no style at all.

“I am already eighteen years old. The patriarch said that he will go to the Samana to discuss marriage.”

Ye Cang suddenly raised his head and whispered to Yun Qing.

“Ah, if you think about it, it goes by quite quickly.”

Subconsciously he glanced at Ye Cang’s omen, and he had indeed grown up.

I have to say that the setting of Japanese comics is amazing.

“The little girl has grown up.”

Yun Qing could only smile.

To be honest, Yun Qing thinks that arranged marriages are good. At least, you don’t have to worry about the partner.

As for love, Yun Qing no longer believed in it.

He has power in his hands, his strength dominates the world, and Ye Cang’s IQ is at the top of his game. He doesn’t believe that the scenes in third-rate romance novels can still be performed on him.

It was difficult for Yun Qing to understand what the women in those novels who gave up their glory and wealth and fell in love with wild boys thought about.

Are you able to hold on after eating enough?

He didn’t have good clothes and good food, so he had to live in hard times, even with several women.

“Girl, let me ask you one last time, have you really decided?”

After brainstorming for a while, Yun Qing asked solemnly.

“Yeah, I’ve thought about it.”

Ye Cang blushed, nodded, and replied weakly.

Once, she thought that as long as she showed her unique talent, she would be able to control freedom, but she thought too much.

Ye Xiu made it clear to her that since she enjoyed the convenience brought by her family, she needed to be responsible for it.

Unless she reaches Madara Uchiha’s level and abandons her family, then she can do whatever she wants.

Ye Cang thought about the brothers and sisters in his clan, they all seemed to be like this.

No matter who you marry or whoever you marry, they will all be a good match.

Even in a free marriage, the other parties are of similar status and strength.

There are really no recent popular novels in which a wealthy lady marries a counterattack genius.

Of course, it may be that Sunagakure Village does not have the kind of genius who can challenge everything.

Looking at the couples who appear in Naruto, there is no one with a particularly large status gap.

There are three generations and three ninjas behind Namikaze Minato as backers.

No matter how unwilling to admit it, Namikaze Minato was no longer a real commoner the moment he became Jiraiya’s apprentice and obtained the psychic scroll from Mt. Myoboku.

As for the Crown Prince and Crown Princess, they are the sons of the Fourth Hokage. This identity is enough to prove that the Crown Prince is of high origin.

Ye Cang didn’t know what would happen in the future, but she knew that among the major hidden villages, there really wasn’t a particularly big gap in status between them.

If she wants to play special, she must be prepared to challenge Sunagakure Village.

Ye Cang still knows how much he weighs.

Don’t talk about Yun Qing, Sha Jie and Fen Fu can kill her.

“Master Kazekage, I have already made up my mind, I want to marry you.”

After picking up his mood and getting back on the road, Ye Cang once again showed a bright smile.

She had already accepted her fate, but she had not changed her mind.

“Okay, you’ve accepted your fate, so why should I struggle?”

Yun Qing shrugged. If he continued to refuse, it would be a huge blow to Ye Cang.

After all, if people can’t get married because of you, is it too much for you to refuse them?

“Let’s go to the tavern for a drink, and then I will take you to see my property and savings. From now on, it will be under your control.

As for work, I will give two of us leave today. “

Yun Qing is also a person who knows how to be straightforward.

Now that you have decided to be together, you must be honest with each other.

A girl is the best choice for her body, face, and temperament. If you have reservations about others, it is really unkind.

Yun Qing was abusing his power to gain privileges for the two of them. On the other side, a group of Shayin Village bosses who had received news of Yun Qing’s return were waiting hard.

In the conference room of the Kazekage Building, a group of Sunagakure Village bosses were sitting here waiting for Yunqing and Lord Kazekage to come to the meeting.

They are all waiting for Master Kazekage to distribute the benefits to them.

An ANBU suddenly appeared in the conference room, knelt down on one knee and said, “My lords, Lord Kazekage said that he is tired and Miss Ye Cang is tired too. The two of them want to go out to play together.”

After saying that, the ANBU ninja immediately left.

A gust of wind blew through, dispersing the heavyness in the air.

MLGB, I came here early in the morning waiting for a meeting, so you just say this.

If I hadn’t been able to defeat you, if you hadn’t been able to make us rich, we would have impeached you to death and tried to find a way to kill you.

Burning with anger, rage inside.

After quantifying the anger value, the anger value of all the big guys here has reached the level of amplifying moves.

“Ahem, everyone, since Lord Kazekage is tired and needs to rest, we will give Lord Kazekage a holiday.

Let everyone do whatever they need to do. “

Ye Xiu, who was sitting in the front seat, stood up with a kind smile and said gently.

NMB, I went shopping with your girl, you must not be in a hurry.

Young people are afraid of Ye Xiu, but old people are not. There are several elderly men sitting in the conference room.

They all stared at Ye Xiu with eyes as sharp as knives.

If looks could kill, Ye Xiu would have been cut into pieces by a thousand cuts.

As for Ye Xiu, he walked out leisurely under the gaze of murderous eyes with an expression like a dead pig not afraid of boiling water.

“Ahem, everyone, let’s go back first.”

Salmon stood up and walked out expressionlessly. However, from the span and frequency of his steps, we could tell that Salmon was obviously not as thick-skinned as Ye Xiu.

The others looked at each other, sighed, and had no choice but to go home.

As for causing trouble for Yunqing, I’m sorry, it’s the same sentence as above, you can’t beat him, but he can still make us money.

We can only accept our fate.

Fuck, isn’t she just a beautiful girl? It seems like I don’t have one at home. I’ll send it to you when I get back.

Sunagakure Village does not practice monogamy.

The ninja world does not practice monogamy, but most people only marry one wife, which may be related to their wife’s fighting ability.

No one who marries a wife who kills people with a knife more violently than you would want to marry again.

Even the quiet princess had killed people on the battlefield and had a pretty good record.

Chapter 1: Happy morning to everyone.


Become rich through hard work with Sunagakure

Become rich through hard work with Sunagakure

Status: Completed Author:


Time travel is not scary. There are nine time travels in ten novels. It is not scary to time travel to Naruto. What is scary is that time travel to Sunagakure, the village that relies on eating soil and using love to generate electricity. After awakening the random lottery system, Yun Qing decided , he wants to lead Sunagakure to become rich through hard work and rise in the ninja world.
The new book Zhenguan Paper Seller has been released, everyone is welcome to read it.


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