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Become rich through hard work with Sunagakure — Chapter 172 Chapter 172 The show is happening one after another

The situation in the ninja world is changing again and again, and various characters have taken action.

Under the instigation of Uchiha Madara and Black and White Zetsu, the Daimyo gathered his troops and assumed a posture of challenging the world.

All the hidden villages also responded.

Sunagakure, Konoha, Kumogakure, and Kirigakure, all the side wars between the four families disappeared, small groups of troops began to disperse and retreat, and large groups of troops were ready to return for reinforcements at any time.

The Daming Mansion also stationed its samurai troops near Daming City.

In short, it’s just a sentence, hidden and ready to go.

No one wants to break out first and be the murderer who causes the war.

And Madara, the instigator of all this, was wandering in the ninja world at this time, watching the people who were displaced by the war.

Daming Mansion is very strong and powerful.

They are rich, and with chakra weapons, they have the capital to turn money into strength.

Especially after the Iron Kingdom openly sold chakra weapons.

No one expected that the Iron Kingdom, a samurai nation that uses chakra, would quietly possess the ability to forge chakra weapons.

It’s okay to have the forging ability, and the public sale has started.

The famous names of the five major countries traveled thousands of miles to buy from them.

The Iron Country’s approach also successfully made the five hidden villages unhappy.

The bad-tempered Raikage almost sent troops to the Iron Kingdom.

Bastard, we were not good to you before, we bought few weapons from you, why are you trying to trick us like this?

In fact, the five hidden villages have forgotten one thing, that is, there are no hidden villages in the Iron Kingdom, only samurai. The samurai are loyal to the daimyo, and they are on the side of the daimyo.

In their eyes, there is no sense of guilt at all for poaching the five hidden villages.

Regardless of the original work, the Kingdom of Iron seems quite friendly. You must know that samurai were originally a privileged class, and they were responsible for killing people on the street and so on.

In the Kingdom of Wind, the Daimyo City has become a major military town, and the Daimyo of the Kingdom of Wind have gathered 50,000 samurai troops here.

Of course, most of them are ordinary people, and the remaining half, many of them are wandering warriors and some wandering ninjas.

Although the Daimyo of the Kingdom of Wind has become arrogant, he is not completely stupid after all.

Knowing that most of his men are just mobs.

Therefore, his magical brain circuit did a magical thing.

He distributed all the chakra weapons he bought from the Iron Country, and also distributed the chakra refining method he obtained from the wandering ninjas.

The samurai army under the hand has been graded.

Ordinary people are on one level, and those with chakra are on another level.

Those who can command the army to fight are divided into another level.

In short, in order to defeat Yunqing, the name of the Kingdom of Wind also started his own crazy journey.

In the past, the Daming City of the Kingdom of Wind was the most prosperous place in the Kingdom of Wind. Now, due to the advent of Loulan and the sudden rise of Sand Hidden Village, the title of the most prosperous Daming City of the Kingdom of Wind is no longer guaranteed.

Especially after the daimyo of the Land of Wind gathered his samurai army here.

There are too many fights and fights happening every day.

Today the samurai was drunk and kicked over the vegetable stall. Tomorrow the samurai drank too much and several people smashed the tavern.

Then the day after tomorrow, a few people went to comfort the young lady because she was not feeling well, and the store was closed down.

In one sentence, a group of disorderly people gathering together are looking for trouble.

“Hashirama is wrong, really wrong. The system of handing over the power of rule to ordinary people and singling out ninjas is a big mistake.

There is no peace in this world. “

Walking in the Daimyo City of the Land of Wind, Uchiha Madara sighed in his heart as he saw that the Daimyo City had begun to decline due to samurai troubles.

“This time, I won.”

Madara concluded in his mind.

“Old man, you still dare to ask me for money. I am a samurai from the Daming Mansion.”

“Sir, please leave some money. My family is still waiting to get money to buy food.”

“Go away.”

“No, sir, please.”

“If you don’t get out of here, I’ll draw the knife.”

“I can’t, my lord.”

The angry samurai put aside the vegetables he grabbed, raised his scabbard, and smashed it down on the vegetable farmer’s leg, causing a heart-rending scream.

On the corner of the street, a tragedy that has become accustomed to it is happening.

A samurai robbed a vegetable farmer’s vegetables and left without paying him. The farmer stopped him and his leg was broken.

Such a cruel and inhumane thing only resulted in laughter from the people around him.

No one cares.

“Madara-sama, they are too much.”

Ah Fei looked at this scene and said softly.

“They are no longer human, they are beasts in human skin.

When war comes, they will all suffer retribution. “

Madara replied expressionlessly.

He thought of the people under their Uchiha control during the Warring States Period, who lived much better than this.

As long as taxes are paid on time, you never have to worry about other things, such as wars, robberies, etc.

During times of disaster, they Uchiha would also protect the people and take care of their food.

“I heard that Konoha assigned the country of Taki to the Ninja clan and adopted the past method.

I don’t know what the situation is.

Go check it out. “

Uchiha Madara, who was a little frustrated, called Fei and walked towards the country of Taki.

He wanted to see what the living environment was like in Konoha, where the ninja clan manages the people and the village manages the ninja clan.

The land of Taki Country is not small, and after it is distributed to the Ninja clan, each of them will have a large territory.

There are many ordinary people surviving.

Sarutobi Hiruzen, who was far away in Konoha, didn’t know that the founder of Konoha was going to inspect the work.

The scene of the famous city in the Kingdom of Wind is not unique.

The famous cities of the five major countries are all the same now, and the description information of these scenes has been placed on Ying’s desk in the five hidden villages.

“Tragedy, Daming City is a tragedy now.

Fifty thousand idle warriors drink and fight all day long, and no one can control them. “

In the conference room in the Kazekage building, Ebizo said happily.

“Daming Mansion has accumulated enough money over the past few decades to support them.

While they have nothing to do, we can make a fortune. “

“We still earn little. The major producer of grain is the Country of Fire. Over at the Daming Mansion, there are officials who have colluded with the Daming Mansion of the Fire Country and started buying and selling.”

“Hmph, maybe it’s with Konoha. Konoha still has ninjas at the border.

Will the Daimyos of the Land of Fire be allowed to sell food like crazy? “

“Hehe, that old fox Sarutobi Hiruzen is trying to trick the daimyo to death.

So cruel. “

“Konoha has made it clear that it wants to kill the daimyo and nobles.

They were also tricked. Evil will be punished. If you seize the opportunity, Sarutobi Hiruzen will not be polite. He is not a die-hard loyal person, not to mention that he is not loyal to the Daimyo of Heart Fire Country. “

Yun Qing said quietly.

As soon as the words fell, the entire conference room burst into shocking laughter.

In front of the conference table, a group of big shots from Sunagakure Village were chatting with each other.

After something like this broke out in the ninja world, they were no longer worried.

Their mood is getting better and better.

Chapter One


Become rich through hard work with Sunagakure

Become rich through hard work with Sunagakure

Status: Completed Author:


Time travel is not scary. There are nine time travels in ten novels. It is not scary to time travel to Naruto. What is scary is that time travel to Sunagakure, the village that relies on eating soil and using love to generate electricity. After awakening the random lottery system, Yun Qing decided , he wants to lead Sunagakure to become rich through hard work and rise in the ninja world.
The new book Zhenguan Paper Seller has been released, everyone is welcome to read it.


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