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Become rich through hard work with Sunagakure — Chapter 173 Chapter 173 This is reality

“Okay, let’s not talk about Daming City, that’s where we watch jokes, so we don’t need to worry about it.

The more aggressive they are, the smoother it will be for us to take over. “

Yun Qing’s eyes flashed and he said playfully.

The more the daimyo does this, the happier he becomes.

It’s not like Sunagakure Village can’t afford it.

Sand Hidden Village has its own basic base, and now it no longer relies on the support of Daming Mansion.

Not afraid at all.

“Yes, Master Kazekage is right. The more the daimyo plays like this, the more people’s hearts will lose, and the better it will be for us.”

Ebizo nodded, agreeing with Yun Qing’s words.

Now, he was so impressed by Yun Qing’s foresight.

Build your own basic base, strengthen your foundation, and get rid of the shortcomings of relying on big names.

Although it was very difficult and hard at the beginning, once the results show up, it is really awesome.

They can definitely compete with the daimyo.

If they don’t have the confidence and sufficient resources, they will have no choice but to go head-to-head with the daimyo. At that time, even if they win, it will be a mess, and the civilians below will point at their spines and scold them for being rebels.

It’s different now. Let the daimyo expand his army of 100,000 samurai.

If these undisciplined things continue to cause trouble, the civilians at the bottom will voluntarily let them take action.

They can act as saviors to save the Kingdom of Wind.

“Everyone, manage our own territory and let the ninja protect our basic territory in the Kingdom of Wind.

Ignore everything else.

Someone will take action before us. “

Yun Qing thought about the situation in other countries, and the smile on his lips became deeper and deeper.

Among the five hidden villages, only two can sit firmly on the Diaoyutai, Sand Hidden Village and Konoha.

Sand Hidden Village was laid out early.

Konoha has a strong foundation and owns the country of Taki.

Kirigakure Village could have laughed at the situation, but unfortunately, it had an unreliable name.

A stupid daimyo would probably launch an attack brazenly, attack Kirigakure Village, and trigger a war.

Iwagakure Village is still seriously injured. Although it has swallowed up part of Iwa Country’s territory before, the foundation has not been laid well and the basic market is not there.

It takes the least amount of time.

Cloud Hidden Village is better than Iwagakure Village.

“Just manage ourselves well and watch the world change. We only care about ourselves.”

Yun Qing smiled and gave the final order, then dismissed the meeting.

The people left one after another, leaving only Samana, Ebizo and Fenfu sitting here.

Fenfu came back decisively after “escorting” the daimyo back to daimyo city.

Sunasuke is still guarding the seaport, and Chiyo and his people are still at the border.

The two of them always wanted to come back, but Yun Qing left them there to be used as surprise soldiers.

“Lord Salmon, take out some of the weapons we have stored and distribute them to various towns under our control.

Be prepared to defend.

Share your blessings, you and Shukaku prepare to cut off the Land of Wind.

Fifty thousand pigs are not easy to kill. “

After everyone left, Yun Qing quickly gave the order.

“Is it so difficult? They all use melee weapons, but we use long-range weapons. Killing them is like slaughtering a dog.”

Samana said arrogantly.

Samana has reason to be unruly, as he said, they all use long-range weapons.

“You can never make a big mistake by being careful, not to mention, the samurai’s sword energy is still very terrifying.

The world is so big, no one can tell which corner has several powerful warriors hidden in it. “

Shaking his head, Yun Qing said calmly.

“Just like senjutsu, it’s obvious that senjutsu and chakra are two modes, although they can coexist.

No one can tell how strong a samurai will be as he goes all the way.

Just like Sakumo Hatake. “

Yun Qingcai didn’t believe that a huge ninja world would not have a few great swordsmen.

Yunqing knew one thing, whether Hatake Sakumo could really wield sword energy without relying on chakra, or it was terrifying sword energy.

In the original work, Kai does not rely on chakra, and under the Eight Gate Dungeon, without burning his life, he can perform air cannon attacks like Hirutora. Now the enhanced version of Hatake Sakumo cannot use sword energy.

Anyway, Yunqing didn’t believe it. Yunqing firmly believed that second-in-commands like Hatake Sakumo could do it. Among those samurai who had studied swordsmanship for decades, there must be those who could wield sword energy at will.

After Yun Qing finished speaking, the expressions of the other three people changed instantly.

At this time, they also wanted to understand that indeed, the ninja world is so big, there are all kinds of weird things.

Moreover, Samana himself is not young. He has experienced the end of the Warring States Period and has heard many legends about samurai.

“Samurai, if you say this, the Kingdom of Iron will probably intervene.”

Samana said with an embarrassed expression.

He thinks more and thinks wider.

“If you put it like that, it’s either possible or it will interfere.

How can a country that can be neutral not have some trump cards?

If you can sell weapons regardless of the face of the Five Hidden Villages, you dare to provoke the Unable Hidden Village. “

As the wise man of Sand Hidden Village, Ebizo is also a conspirator and will never underestimate anyone.

“Shukaku felt a familiar aura on the daimyo’s body, and if nothing else, it was Uchiha Madara’s.

There should be his shadow behind this incident. “

Fenfu clasped his hands together and said softly.

“Are you sure?”

After hearing the words of Fenfu, Samana and Ebizo’s expressions changed immediately.

Fenfu nodded to express his determination.

“If this is the case, do we need to notify other hidden villages?”

Ebizo looked towards Yunqing.

“No, the other hidden villages are not fools, they must have a way to know about this.

Madara didn’t even think about hiding it, and besides, why would a person who couldn’t live long care about that? “

Yun Qing waved his hand to show that he didn’t care.

Even Yunqing could feel the blessings, and Uchiha Madara didn’t want to hide it.

The majestic Uchiha Madara, if he wanted to hide, no one would find out.

Yunqing, I guess Madara won’t live long.

In the country of Taki, Madara walked on Uchiha territory, looking at the civilians who lived a good life, with a smile on his lips.

I have traveled to many places and met many people.

In the country of Taki, Uchiha Madara just wanted to say one thing, he is worthy of Konoha and worthy of the long-standing ninja clan.

In terms of management, he is really good at it.

The country of Taki is unbelievably rich, and it is definitely better than before.

In order to facilitate management, each ninja clan built a city, and each household of the people had their own land.

In the eyes of the ninja, there is no distinction between nobles and commoners, they are all weaker than him anyway.

The most important thing is that Madara saw that the ninja clan of Konoha were consciously teaching the people how to live a good life.

Give the people high-yielding grain seeds from Konoha, and teach them how to grow medicinal materials, how to breed, and how to grow flowers.

In areas with barren land, the ninja clan of Konoha built factories to provide jobs for the people and produce for them.

We also introduced new foreign products.

Under the management of the Ninja clan, everyone in this group of people is a rich man, not to mention eating and drinking every day.

The level of well-off society has still been reached.

Someone will take care of you when you are sick, you will have a position at work, and you will have land at home.

When children are old enough to go to school and can refine chakra, they can join the ninja clan to study and then hang out with the ninja clan.

Walking around, Uchiha Madara saw a lot in the country of Taki.

To sum it up in one sentence, my life here is pretty good.

A different kind of peace was achieved.

“This is a different approach from Sunagakure Village, and it does make the common people better.

It also brings peace. “

Sitting in a tavern, looking at the Uchiha clan who came to collect taxes, and the tavern owner who handed over the tax with a smile, Madara murmured.

After finishing his glass of wine, Madara walked towards the tavern owner.

“Checkout boss.”

Madara arrived with a hoarse voice.

“No, sir, I’ll pay for your glass of wine. It’s free of charge.”

The tavern owner said with a smile.

Ban raised his head in surprise. There are people who don’t want money. Is this boss stupid?

“How much do you earn in a month? Are you stupid if you don’t want me as soon as you pay the money?”

Ban is also a straight person, so I can say whatever I want.

“Pay the money, that’s how much it is, much less than what I paid to the daimyo before.

Moreover, the business is so good and you are still supporting me at such an old age. I am happy. Why don’t you ask for money? “

The tavern owner was not angry at all because of Madara’s words, but instead smiled even happier.

“They are ninjas, ninjas who kill people at every turn. Aren’t you afraid of them?

Moreover, they are from the Uchiha clan. “

Madara was surprised by the boss’s attitude and decided to work harder and continue the fire path.

“Tsk, what’s there to be afraid of? I think the Uchiha clan is very good. My daughter refined chakra a while ago and immediately gave it to several people to practice fire escape ninjutsu. She also said that she could marry someone from their clan if she wanted to in the future. young man.

They are not scary either, at least they don’t kill people for no reason, they are much better than the nobles.

The tax is not high and there are no messy additional taxes. “

The boss was very disdainful of Madara’s words. Since he was disdainful, he had to refute it.

Madara could feel that the boss was telling the truth.

He really liked the rule of the Uchiha clan.

“In the past, it was not enough to pay taxes. Nobles were unhappy, daimyo were unhappy, and they had to continue to pay.

When the war comes, our lives are not guaranteed. Bandits come back every now and then, which is not a good day.

It’s fine now, don’t worry, the Uchiha clan will kill all the bandits nearby when they come.

It’s really good to collect taxes and repay only one kind of tax, and to distribute land. “

Perhaps because he heard the conversation between Madara and the boss, a customer who came over for a drink interrupted.

Madara was silent, he didn’t know how to reply.

He could only say that he and Senju Hashirama both thought too much before, and the demands of the people at the bottom were very simple.

The land is divided, the bandits are killed, and the small life is over, it is good.

As for the so-called equality of all people, tax collection is a matter of crawling on them and sucking their blood.

Sorry, they are more open-minded than you.

Shaking his head, Madara walked outside, he wanted to continue to see.

He discovered that peace is sometimes so simple.

It wasn’t as difficult as he thought at all, and the so-called illusion world might not be that good either.

Civilians don’t care what they are ruled by or who they rule by. They only care about whether they can have enough to eat and drink.

Can you live a good life?

Peace is really simple.

Requirements, not that many.

this is the truth.

Chapter 2, Good night, I have been busy looking for a job these days and doing interviews.


Become rich through hard work with Sunagakure

Become rich through hard work with Sunagakure

Status: Completed Author:


Time travel is not scary. There are nine time travels in ten novels. It is not scary to time travel to Naruto. What is scary is that time travel to Sunagakure, the village that relies on eating soil and using love to generate electricity. After awakening the random lottery system, Yun Qing decided , he wants to lead Sunagakure to become rich through hard work and rise in the ninja world.
The new book Zhenguan Paper Seller has been released, everyone is welcome to read it.


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