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Become rich through hard work with Sunagakure — Chapter 175 Chapter 175 Chatting

Man is a very magical animal. When he encounters a problem, the first thing he thinks of is to ask someone.

He doesn’t care whether this person understands or not, what he wants more is to talk to this person.

And what Madara found was Yun Qing.

“Tell me, should I kill you or should I kill you?”

In the Genless desert of the Kingdom of Wind, Yunqing floated in mid-air and said angrily.

Madara still wears A Fei’s battle suit, connecting with the heretic demon to maintain his combat effectiveness.

“I don’t want to fight, I just want to talk.”

Madara said expressionlessly.

Ban’s words made Yun Qing laugh in anger.

“If you don’t want to fight, if you don’t want to fight, why don’t you drive such a big thing to my Sunagakure Village for a fight?”

Thinking of this, Yun Qing became angry, not just ordinary anger.

This morning, he finished breakfast and went to work talking and laughing with Ye Cang.

Suddenly, there was a loud noise in the sky, and a cannonball mixed with Wudun and Yin-Yang chakra hit.

Thanks to Yun Qing’s quick reaction and strong strength, he blocked it, otherwise, Sunagakure Village would have been rebuilt.

Yun Qing knew the power of this chakra ball.

He might be able to block it and survive, but not everyone in Sand Hidden Village is named Yunqing.

This is also the reason why Yunqing is angry. I will treat you Uchiha Madara well.

You have been eating and drinking in my Sand Hidden Village for so long, and I have never cared about you. If you are in a bad mood, I will personally provide you with chat services.

When the results are good, the first thing you do when you come back is to drive the Heretic Golem and shoot at Sunagakure Village.

What, you want to put an end to all grudges in one shot?

“Didn’t you block it?”

“What if I hadn’t blocked it.”

Hearing Yun Qing’s rhetorical question, Uchiha Madara opened his mouth but said nothing.

He knew that Yun Qing could definitely block it, so he came here.

Seeing Madara who was silent, Yun Qing didn’t want to talk to him anymore.

“Tell me, do you have any last words to say? After you finish speaking, I will personally send you on your way.

I really send you on your way. This time, I will kill you without reservation. “

Yun Qing, who didn’t want to continue talking nonsense, said impatiently.

After hearing what Yun Qing said, Madara stopped worrying and said straightforwardly:

“I have traveled through the five major countries and found that there are two states under ninja rule and under daimyo rule.

I want to know why. “

Yun Qing was stunned, never expecting that Madara’s question was so tricky.

“Why would you ask such a question?

You must have taken the wrong medicine. “

“What, you don’t know either?”

Madara was disappointed. He didn’t expect that Yun Qing didn’t know the answer.

“No, I know, I just didn’t know how to say it. I really want to know why you asked that.”

Yunqing interrupted Madara’s random thoughts.

He did know part of it, but what he was curious about was how could Madara have such thoughts.

“Back then, I had a conflict with Hashirama. I firmly believed that either ninjas or ordinary people should be eliminated.

Hashirama chose to coexist peacefully, with ninjas in charge of ninjas and ordinary people in charge of ordinary people.

This is the one-country-one-village system. As you can see, the war still continues.

However, it changed from being between families to being between villages.

As for me, I just thought, if I take away all the chakra, the ninja world will be peaceful.

Now, I have traveled through the five major countries and found that ninja governance is better than daimyo governance. “

Uchiha Madara slowly spoke out his thoughts and informed Yu Yunqing.

Especially my own mental journey over the past few decades.

However, he didn’t say anything about the Uchiha.

As a listener, Yun Qing played his role perfectly.

Listen to Madara’s story without saying a word.

Madara told him everything except hiding the things about Black Zetsu and the Uchiha clan.

“There is no perfect solution to your problem.

It’s not the ninja’s fault, nor the daimyo’s fault.

These are the fault of class. “

After listening to Madara’s words, Yun Qing gave his answer.

“It’s class’s fault???”

Madara was confused.

“The ninja world can be divided into two types of people, ordinary people and ninjas.

Ordinary people are divided into two classes, the common people and the nobles.

The nobles did not regard the common people as human beings, so they tried their best to squeeze them.

In the eyes of ninjas, common people and nobles are the same. Nobles will cheat ninjas, but common people will not and will provide benefits to ninjas.

Put it this way, do you understand? “

Yunqing took apart the crushed pieces and explained to Madara.

However, Yunqing saw that Madara still looked confused and knew that Madara didn’t understand.

Taking a deep breath, he continued: “Common people and nobles, in the eyes of ninjas, are all a matter of being hacked to death.

Therefore, ninjas disdain to exploit people.

The nobles do exploit the people. “

This time, Madara understood.

To paraphrase Madara’s thinking, I am too proud to exploit someone who can be hacked to death with a knife.

And the person who can also be hacked to death by me will exploit the person who can be hacked to death by me.

“I understand this time, that’s why.

What seems trivial to us is already a great gift to the people at the lowest level.

So, they thanked us, thanked the Ninjas. “

Madara said something that made Yunqing vomit blood.

I’ve been explaining it for a long time, but you didn’t understand a word.

No, it’s not that I didn’t understand a sentence, I still understood some of it.

It’s just that the understanding is wrong.

“Uchiha Madara, you are only suitable as a force deterrent, not a leader.

If you are a leader, doing nothing bad is the greatest good thing. “

In the end, Yun Qing could only say this.

The corners of Ban’s mouth twitched fiercely, as for hitting me in the face like this.

Telling everything so clearly, where can I put my old face?

However, Madara did not refute. In his eyes, Yunqing was the boss who governed the world and made Sunagakure Village rich.

For such a capable person, if his governance ability is not good, he can only accept his fate.

Of course, it is more likely that he knows that he cannot defeat Yun Qing now and does not want to engage in a meaningless fight.

“Where is Hashirama? How do you evaluate Hashirama?”

Finally, Madara asked when he saw purple chakra emerging from Yunqing’s body and raising the knife in his hand at the same time, about to enlarge his move.

“Senju Hashirama is just like you. He has extraordinary strength and governance ability, but he is not up to par. As a leader, he is unqualified.

Without Senju Tobirama, what would Konoha be like?

Letting people choose, I might as well let you be the first Hokage. “

Regarding Zhujian’s evaluation, Yunqing was not polite at all.

To be honest, in Yun Qing’s eyes, Konoha’s first Hokage might as well let Madara come.

At the very least, Madara, who is decisive in killing, will unify the ninja world, and will not leave behind the bullshit one village, one country system, and will not scatter the tailed beasts.

If all nine tailed beasts were in Konoha’s hands, other hidden villages would never dare to move.

The Ninja World War will not break out so early.

It’s impossible for Hashirama’s front foot to die and his back foot to explode.

Saying less will delay it by a few years.

Chapter 2: I spent a whole day interviewing today, so the update is late. Feel sorry.


Become rich through hard work with Sunagakure

Become rich through hard work with Sunagakure

Status: Completed Author:


Time travel is not scary. There are nine time travels in ten novels. It is not scary to time travel to Naruto. What is scary is that time travel to Sunagakure, the village that relies on eating soil and using love to generate electricity. After awakening the random lottery system, Yun Qing decided , he wants to lead Sunagakure to become rich through hard work and rise in the ninja world.
The new book Zhenguan Paper Seller has been released, everyone is welcome to read it.


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