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Become rich through hard work with Sunagakure — Chapter 181 Chapter 181 is all my own doing.

“Is Mr. Kakuzu gone?”

Not long after Kakuzu left, Ye Cang walked out from the corner of the second floor, blushing and wondering.

“Ah, let’s go.”

Looking at the blushing Ye Cang, Yun Qing said with a smile.

This girl, you are still shy about something that everyone knows.

Of course, Yun Qing wouldn’t care either.

“Okay girl, don’t worry about it, it’s nothing. As for this guy Kakuzu, he is just envious and jealous.”

Yun Qing smiled teasingly at Ye Cang.

“Envious, jealous, and hateful? What does he envy you for?

Being able to fight is still an identity. “

Ye Cang tilted his head and said innocently.

The innocent expression made Yun Qing’s heart beat fast.

“I envy my wife who has long legs and is devoted to me.”

Yunqing’s emotional intelligence was off the charts at this moment, and he blurted out a love word.

After hearing Yun Qing’s words, Ye Cang’s head started to smoke.

Seeing Ye Cang’s cute look, Yun Qing disappeared in an instant.

Outside Yunqing’s single-family building, a film of light invisible to the naked eye shrouds the place.

But in this high-rise area, there are no ordinary people living there.

Invisible to the naked eye, no one has yet exercised their perceptual abilities.

It’s just strength and weakness.


Yunqing lives a fairy-like life here.

You don’t have to go to work, you still receive your salary, you are accompanied by a beautiful woman, and you are as happy as a god every day.

On the other side, the daimyo’s life was not so happy.

Regarding the famous names of the five major countries, who is living the worst life now?

Needless to say, when ranked, it must be wind, earth, thunder, water, and fire.

Daimyos are also divided into rich and poor. The Daimyos of the Kingdom of Wind are very poor, the poorest among the five major countries.

Of course, that was now. Before, he was not too poor.

Now there are 70,000 people under his command, which is a bit stretched.

Yes, he expanded the number of samurai armies.

“What should we do? If this continues, we will soon be out of money.

We can’t continue to waste any more. What is the situation in Sunagakure Village now? “

In the daimyo’s mansion in the Kingdom of Wind, the daimyo was circling around the room anxiously.

The two left and right prime ministers of the Kingdom of Wind were sitting there upright, as if they didn’t see the daimyo’s anxiety.

“Right Prime Minister, Left Prime Minister, you two are talking about what to do.”

Seeing his left and right hands sitting there like sculptures, the daimyo roared angrily.

“Your Excellency Daimyo, the best way is to wait for others to take action, and we will wait for the opportunity to act.”

Hearing the angry voice of the daimyo, the right minister opened his eyes and spoke slowly.

That magnanimity of having everything under control makes the Prime Minister envious. Why don’t I have such a good attitude? No wonder others always put me down.

“I also know this is a good idea, but we are going to run out of money.

You should know how much money the national treasury has. “

The daimyo said, I am not stupid, and I also know that waiting for opportunities is a good way.

When the news of Madara’s death spread throughout the ninja world, the most frightened were the daimyo who had been deceived.

If it hadn’t been for the news that Yun Qing was seriously injured and dying, Sunagakure Village had indeed mobilized all the ninjas outside, looking on guard, and he would have surrendered long ago.

“Don’t you still have money in your private treasury? It can last for a while. We can still have food for about two months.”

An angry sadness flashed in the eyes of the right minister.

I obviously have money, but if I don’t spend it, it seems like this country belongs to me.

If it weren’t for your mixed moves, it wouldn’t be like this.

“In terms of private treasury…?”

The daimyo of the Kingdom of Wind hesitated.

The national treasury belongs to the Kingdom of Wind. If you spend it, you can spend it. It is none of his business. The private treasury is his own money. If it has no effect, who can he turn to?

“Then there’s no other way. Otherwise, reduce the samurai army.”

Spreading his hands, the Right Prime Minister said that there was nothing he could do.

He is not a god and cannot change money.

“Okay, I’ll do it.”

Upon hearing the words of reducing the samurai army, the daimyo gritted his teeth and immediately made up his mind.

In the eyes of the daimyo, the samurai army was now the weight of his survival and success.

He didn’t believe that Sunagakure Village dared to massacre 70,000 people.

Seeing the decisive look of the daimyo, the right minister was completely disappointed.

These days, the group of warriors, under the doting favor of the daimyo, have become more and more lawless.

He raped civilian girls in the street and molested the daughters of nobles.

Some gangsters even dared to go to his house to steal food and drink, and were disrespectful to him.

If his family hadn’t kept some ninjas and samurai in captivity, his prestige would have been lost long ago.

Now that the daimyo still treats the samurai army as a treasure, how can the right minister not be disappointed?

Seeing the disappointment in the eyes of the right prime minister, the left prime minister, who was sitting opposite him and had been silent, hesitated and stood up.

Seeing the left prime minister standing up, the right prime minister and the daimyo were both surprised.

Why did this old fritter stand up today? Is there anything he can do?

Ignoring the expressions of the two men, Prime Minister Zuo said to himself:

“Master Daimyo, there is another way now, which is to imitate the Five Shadows Conference and convene the Five Great Names Conference, and also summon the daimyo from those small countries to gather the power of the world to jointly conquer the Hidden Village.”

After saying that, regardless of the shocked expressions of the daimyo and the right minister, the left minister saluted and then left directly.

It was as if what he just said was not his.

As for the Daimyo, he was still stunned on the spot until Zuo Xiang withdrew.

Just when the left prime minister said that he would imitate the Five Shadows Conference, convene a meeting with the daimyo, and gather the power of the whole world, the daimyo of the Kingdom of Wind was confused, and then he was ecstatic.

It turns out there is such a way.

As for the Right Prime Minister, he just wanted to say one thing: You, the Left Prime Minister, are poisonous. If you don’t use safe methods, you will have to encourage the famous people to die.

Go to hell and gather the power of the whole world.

Today ordinary people gather together, tomorrow ninjas can gather together.

At that time, it will be a shocking battle between ordinary people and ninjas.

This shocking battle is easy to say.

However, when you, an ordinary person, fight against a ninja, you just use your own shortcomings to attack the other’s strengths.

If ordinary people compete with ninjas in terms of strength, you may not live long enough.

Seeing the daimyo’s ecstatic expression, the right minister opened his mouth but said nothing.

“Right Prime Minister, what do you think of the Left Prime Minister’s idea?”

The daimyo asked his right minister excitedly.

He was excited.

“Well enough.”

In the end, the Prime Minister could only say these three words.

“What do you mean it’s okay? This is obviously very good.

Right Chancellor, you are the person I trust most, and you cannot compete for power. “

The daimyo was very dissatisfied and waved his hand, telling his right minister to leave quickly.

The right prime minister left Daming Mansion in a daze. When he came out, he saw the left prime minister standing there calmly under the protection of his son and several ninja warriors.

The right minister knew as soon as he saw this posture that he was waiting for him.

“The moment I saw your son, I understood why you made that suggestion just now.”

The right minister said calmly to the left minister.

There was no shock or panic at all, everything was so natural.

Chapter 1: Good morning everyone, happy new day.


Become rich through hard work with Sunagakure

Become rich through hard work with Sunagakure

Status: Completed Author:


Time travel is not scary. There are nine time travels in ten novels. It is not scary to time travel to Naruto. What is scary is that time travel to Sunagakure, the village that relies on eating soil and using love to generate electricity. After awakening the random lottery system, Yun Qing decided , he wants to lead Sunagakure to become rich through hard work and rise in the ninja world.
The new book Zhenguan Paper Seller has been released, everyone is welcome to read it.


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