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Become rich through hard work with Sunagakure — Chapter 185 Chapter 185: A face as good as a city wall

There are not so many coincidences in the world, most of them are man-made.

Just like the daimyo talks currently being held.

Someone asked where the room where the daimyo held talks was.

This is the room where the Five Shadows meeting was held previously.

You tell me, what on earth do the Kingdom of Iron think and do things so perfunctorily?

“Dear lords, the Kingdom of Iron is relatively poor and cannot provide more rooms.

You can only use this room carefully. “

The general of the Kingdom of Iron respectfully addressed all the great names.

“Oh, what’s so special about this room?”

The daimyo of the Kingdom of Water, an old man with a white beard, said doubtfully.

He didn’t believe that the Kingdom of Iron couldn’t come up with a better room.

“This is the room used for the Five Shadows Conference.”

The Iron Kingdom general raised his head and led the daimyo to their seats.

After hearing the words of the Iron Kingdom general, the daimyo nodded with satisfaction.

Yes, really good, using the enemy’s meeting place to formulate strategies to attack the enemy. Only their noble names can do such an elegant thing.

Soon, everyone sat down, with the daimyo of the five major countries sitting on top, and the daimyo of the small countries below.

“Daimyo of the Kingdom of Wind, the meeting was initiated by you. Please speak first.”

The general of the Kingdom of Iron respectfully greeted the name of the Kingdom of Wind.

The daimyo of the Kingdom of Wind thought about the strength of their daimyo, and stood up with an arrogant look on his face, as if he had already defeated Yunqing and the Five Hidden Villages at this time.

And this meeting is not to discuss how to deal with the five hidden villages, but to divide the spoils.

“Ahem, dear lords, my purpose in initiating this meeting is to unite.

We must unite and defeat the five hidden villages one by one.

We should be clear about these cancers in the world. “

As soon as he finished speaking, there were bursts of applause in the room.

It’s really good to say that the cancer in the world should be eliminated by a group of noble people like us. We are the saviors.

The other daimyo also looked at the daimyo of the Kingdom of Wind with satisfaction. They really didn’t expect that this guy who grew up eating sand could speak quite nicely.

Hearing the applause, the Daimyo of the Kingdom of Wind became even more excited. He stretched out his hand and pressed Void twice to signal everyone to be quiet.

“I think we should unite, everyone, we have chakra weapons provided by the Iron Kingdom, we can gather hundreds of thousands of samurai armies, we have money and resources, and we can fully arm them.

We have the power to wipe out the world, so why should we be threatened by those barbarians?

I suggest that we join forces and wipe out the world, and then we form an alliance and rule together.

From then on, world peace. “

The more he talked, the more excited he became. The Daimyo of the Kingdom of Wind felt that the idea he had suddenly came up with was too powerful and too correct.

The adoring gazes of other daimyo also made him feel that he was the savior of the world.

At this moment, the name of the Kingdom of Wind was lost.

I have survived decades of life, enjoyed glory and wealth, and chatted with alluring beauties in bed.

However, none of these can make him happy. At this moment, he is happy and enjoying.

At this moment, he felt that he had reached the pinnacle, the pinnacle of life, the true pinnacle.

The thousands of miles of mountains and rivers in the ninja world are changing under his command.

Not only the great names of the Kingdom of Wind, but also other great names, under the temptation of the beautiful blue scenery, also felt that they had reached their peak.

The feeling of pointing out the country is so refreshing.

Among them, the one who is getting deeper and deeper into this beautiful blueprint is the general of the Iron Kingdom.

“My dear lords, this cancer of ninjas must be eliminated.

Please allow me, the Kingdom of Iron, to join in this process.

We, the Iron Kingdom, are willing to do our best to support you all. “

The Iron Country general said excitedly.

He seemed to have seen the scene of warriors from all over the world, under his leadership, singing passionate war songs, taking firm steps, waving swords, charging forward, eradicating the cancer in the ninja world, and leading the warriors to the top again.

“Eradicate the cancer in the ninja world and reach the top.”

“Eradicate the cancer in the ninja world and reach the top.”

“Eradicate the cancer in the ninja world and reach the top.”

I don’t know who set the pace, but fierce slogans suddenly sounded in the conference room.

The daimyo stood up, waved their arms, and shouted excitedly.

They all saw the future. Under their army, the hidden village was easily shattered like a chicken or a dog.

The five shadows were like dogs in a defeated army, kneeling on the ground, begging for their forgiveness.

People are afraid of self-hypnosis and self-encouragement. The more they self-hypnotize and self-encourage, the deeper they will fall and feel that they are the second in command and the third in the world.

The famous people are like this now, they are so excited that they don’t want to be too excited.

Self-hypnosis is so powerful that the whole person is going crazy.

After all, the daimyo are not ninjas and do not understand the uniqueness of ninjutsu.

I don’t know, but there is a ninjutsu in the world called telescope jutsu.

The third Hokage, Sarutobi Hiruzen, used him to spy on him.

At the same time, he is occasionally used for monitoring.

In the corner of the room, an “invisible” man was holding a crystal ball given to him by the Third Hokage and keeping a steady watch.

In the Hidden Leaf Village, the third generation Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen was watching a live broadcast with his friends and the heads of the ninja clan.

“Huh, let’s all talk and express our opinions.”

Hiruzen Sarutobi blew out a big smoke ring with a smile and said to his friends.

In the center of the room, there was a huge water balloon. A group of ninjas sat on both sides to maintain the existence of the water balloon. On top of the water balloon, a live broadcast of the daimyo’s talks was being broadcast.

“Hmph, what else is there to discuss? The ninja army will attack and destroy those samurai armies.

Together with other hidden villages, he blew up the Three Wolf Mountains in the Kingdom of Iron. “

Danzo Shimura snorted disdainfully.

He looked down upon the fantasies of daimyo.

A bunch of idiots who don’t know what they are thinking all day long.

I really thought it would be better if there were more people.

“What’s the reason? What’s the reason?

Do you need a reason to do things? “

Sarutobi Hiruzen said hesitantly.

Looking at Sarutobi Hiruzen’s hesitant and useless look, the people below just wanted to say, just fucking pretend.

I don’t believe it.

Everyone below is staring at the sky and no one wants to talk. At this time, it is easy to be picked on.

However, everyone looked around and found that no one was speaking, so they all looked at the Nara clan leader.

The meaning conveyed by the eyes is very simple. We all know that your Nara clan is the top horse boy of Hokage. Come out and speak quickly.

But the Nara clan chief just wants to scold you, you bastards, you are really too much, just come to me if you need anything.

However, the Nara clan leader knew that taking the blame for the Hokage was also a form of trust and a way to strengthen the leadership relationship.

After greeting a bunch of other mothers, I decisively stood up and expressed my stance:

“Ahem, Hokage-sama, samurai are a thing that has been eliminated. Moreover, in the past few days, a group of bandits have suddenly emerged in the country. I suggest that they be eliminated.

I also heard that they have a tendency to move towards Daming City. “

Hearing the words of the Nara clan leader, everyone else was shocked. Damn it, you are so dark, you can even say such a thing.

You can use this simple and crude tactic of borrowing a knife to kill people. You have such a dark heart. Can Lord Hokage agree with this?

“Oh, that’s right. Then send someone to follow closely. The Daimyo City is the front of the Fire Country. Where is the Daimyo? We need to protect the safety of the Daimyo.”

Sarutobi Hiruzen subconsciously glanced at the huge water ball in the room, and then said tiredly.

“Well, being Hokage is not a light thing. You have to take care of the people under you, and you also have to worry about the safety of the daimyo. It’s really tiring.”

Sarutobi Hiruzen once again refreshed his reputation among the ninja clan.

Danzo Shimura could only say that no wonder he couldn’t become Hokage. With his shame, no one could compare to him.

Chapter 1, good evening


Become rich through hard work with Sunagakure

Become rich through hard work with Sunagakure

Status: Completed Author:


Time travel is not scary. There are nine time travels in ten novels. It is not scary to time travel to Naruto. What is scary is that time travel to Sunagakure, the village that relies on eating soil and using love to generate electricity. After awakening the random lottery system, Yun Qing decided , he wants to lead Sunagakure to become rich through hard work and rise in the ninja world.
The new book Zhenguan Paper Seller has been released, everyone is welcome to read it.


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