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Become rich through hard work with Sunagakure — Chapter 2 The ever-changing ninja world

Three days passed in the blink of an eye, and above the Kazekage Building, Yunqing, accompanied by Chiyo and other elders, began the succession ceremony.

“I will lead you to a prosperous life.”

Looking at the crowd below, Yun Qing said confidently with a smile.

Chiyo and other elders in the rear suddenly had black lines on their faces.

“Sure enough, my demands on him are too high.”

Chiyo murmured with dull eyes.

Then it is said that what leads people to wealth should not be glory?

As the saying goes, appearance is justice. Yunqing, who is already good-looking, combined with the template of Irene Berserion, Yunqing can be said to have incredible justice.

With his outstanding righteous appearance and Yun Qing’s suggestive magic, the people below unconsciously gained confidence in Yun Qing.


In the same conference room, sitting at the round table, the elders of Yun Qing and Sunagakure, as well as the heads of various major clans, sat together.

“Ahem, gentlemen, the actual situation is here. Internal and external troubles, the Daming City is holding back, and Konoha and Iwagakure are pressing harder. My opinions are here, do you want to share your opinions?”

Yun Qing pushed it with both hands and said casually.

Yun Qing’s opinion is very simple. Withdraw troops on a large scale. As long as the daimyo doesn’t give an explanation, he doesn’t care whether he loses his country or not.

“Master Kazekage, is this going too far and going against the one-country-one-village system of the First Hokage?”

An elder replied with an ugly expression.

“It goes against the one-country-one-village system of the First Hokage. Don’t be ridiculous. Elder, what you said is funny.

Now Konoha is pressing harder and harder, and our ninjas are fighting on the front lines. The daimyo does not give support and sells military supplies.

Otherwise, Mr. Elder, you can try to fight for two days. “

Before Yun Qing could answer, a patriarch of the Sunagakure clan took the lead in retorting.

In the following time, the elders and the heads of the major clans expressed their opinions one after another.

Some support withdrawing troops, some support continuing the fight, and some even want to communicate with Daming Mansion.

In short, there were a hundred people of all kinds in the meeting room, and the quarrel had already begun in the conference room with less than a hundred people.

“That’s enough. I support Yun Qing’s opinion and withdraw the troops.”

Finally, as the quarrel continued, Chiyo’s face became increasingly ugly, she slapped the table and roared angrily.

“Shamen is still seriously injured and has not yet woken up. Our supplies have begun to run out, and Daming Mansion has been slow to provide them. We have no way to hold on.”

Ebizo spread his hands and expressed his opinions based on the actual situation.

If you want to fight, you can pay for it out of your own pocket.

Not only are people required, but money is also required, and 80% of them also require lives.

Faced with the actual situation, many elders and clan leaders could only compromise, and one by one they sat back in their seats in despair.

“Everyone, we have no choice but to withdraw our troops and stop the war, or compromise with the daimyo and everything in the future will be restricted.”

Yun Qing saw that some people were still unconvinced and continued to persuade them with the actual situation.

Compromise to the daimyo, stop making trouble, you stab us in the back, and we still have to compromise with you, how mean we are.

Many elders roared inwardly.

What I didn’t say is, withdraw your troops, you must withdraw your troops, give him a break for a few years, and then fight again when he is strong enough.

After receiving the support of many elders and clan heads, Yun Qing smiled helplessly. No one was really willing to withdraw their troops. They were all five major countries, and no one wanted to admit defeat.

What’s more, if you are so strong, why should you compromise?

But life is like this. Personal force cannot turn everything around, especially when there are people behind you.

“Be patient and cultivate him for ten years first. After ten years, we will see.”

Yun Qing clenched his fists and gritted his teeth.

Thinking about the strong man Sunagakure in the original work, Yunqing is confident that he can regain his place.

Ten years later, Chiyo is not too old, Sunasuke is in his prime, as long as Scorpion’s parents are not dead, Scorpion may not defect, and the fourth generation Kazekage and his wife who can leave chakra to protect Gaara, finally Plus share the blessings.

Yun Qing believed that he could unite these people and regain the situation.

After receiving support, Yunqing decisively sent orders to shrink the front line in an all-round way.

Konoha Sunagakure battlefield.

Sunasuke looked at the Konoha ninjas who were slowly retreating, and felt relieved.

Just now, he fought against Hatake Sakumo, Orochimaru and others, and barely managed a draw.

“Lord Sunasuke, the Third Kazekage has sent an order, asking us to shrink the front and retreat. Don’t worry about the use of the sealing scroll and take away all supplies.”

A Jonin next to him said to Sunaki.

“Deploy twenty jounin and fifty chuunin to come out, break up the rear with me, and let Fenfu lead the people back to Sunagakure Village.”

Sunasuke was also a decisive person and ordered the retreat without any hesitation.

Only those on the front lines can understand the cruelty of war.

The same scene was happening on the battlefield between Sunagakure and Iwagakure.

Under the surprised gazes of the second-generation Tsuchikage Mu and his disciple Onoki, Sunagakure quickly retreated behind a group of jounin.

“Master, what on earth is going on? Why did Sunagakure retreat?”

Ohnoki floated in mid-air and asked Wu confusedly.

Their Yanyin had an advantage, but it was not obvious. When Yunqing led Sha Men away, he also beat their Yanyin to a semi-crimp.

“Something must have happened to Shamon. He will be disabled even if he is not dead. Yunqing will succeed and cannot leave Sand Hidden Village for a long time. The battlefield situation with Konoha cannot be too wonderful.”

Wu was covered in bandages, and only his exposed eyes shone with wisdom.

“Ohnoki, I need to go back. I’ll leave this place to you. After Sunagakure Village withdraws from the battlefield, the war between us and Konoha will reach its climax,”

Looking at the sand ninja retreating in an orderly manner, he said without emotion.

“Master, don’t we have a treaty with Konoha?”

Onoki was a little dizzy.

Sunagakure had a genius named Yun Qing, who single-handedly defeated a thousand-man ninja coalition, and became famous in the ninja world at the beginning of the Second Ninja War. This also gave Sunagakure Village the capital to have one versus two, and still have an advantage.

Wu and Ohnoki are both people who have met Uchiha Madara and were lucky enough to survive from Madara.

Sarutobi Hiruzen even met the First Hokage and became his apprentice for a few days.

They all know the strength of those two cheaters, and in their opinion, Yun Qing has the potential to become a cheater.

This is why Iwagakure also played a three-sided battle and was able to eliminate two bloodstains and throw both jinchūriki here.

Because they have a private agreement to kick out Sunagakure Village first.

“In the treaty, Sunagakure Village withdraws from this ninja war and is willing to compensate. Even when we started the war, Kumogakure’s group of barbarians were still watching from behind.”

Wu has never taken the so-called treaty seriously.

What kind of person is a ninja? That is, he is an existence that does everything for the mission. The so-called treaty is just that the time has not come to tear it up.

Konoha Village is different from the yellow sand in the sky of Sunagakure Village. This place is as green as spring and has normal four seasons.

In the Hokage Building, the upright and mature Hiruzen Sarutobi was discussing with his “classmates”.

“The newly appointed Third Kazekage is very smart and has chosen the right path.”

Glancing around the people around him, Uchiha Mirror chuckled.

“This is the most difficult part. According to the news from Danzo and Men Yan, the magnetic escape bloodstain has retreated. Now it seems that Sunagakure is very united.”

Sarutobi Hiruzen said with a headache.

The alternation of film positions will affect the interests of many people. Just like him, he only managed to secure this position with the support of a group of classmates.

It wasn’t until the end of the battle that he finally sat down.

The unity shown by Sunagakure now made him uncomfortable.

To defeat the five united Ninja Villages, the strength and resources required are unimaginable.

“There is no other way but to give up. Kumogakure and Iwagakure also have a very bad attitude towards us, especially Kumogakure. Their losses are not big.”

After sleeping, Xiaochun frowned and suggested.

Because several parties jointly signed an agreement to kick out the Sunagakure village that owns Yunqing first. Since Kumogakure and Sunagakure are not bordering, they said that they will not attack, and you can do the rest.

The result was that Yunyin’s strength did not suffer much loss.

Huh, he exhaled a puff of smoke and filled the whole room. Through the smoke, his sharp eyes scanned several people.

“Tell Danzo and Men Yan to carry out strategic suppression. We must win as winners.”

Sarutobi Hiruzen, an upright man in his prime, was not afraid of any challenge.

“What about Kumogakure and Iwagakure?”

Xiaochun asked helplessly after going to bed.

She knew this was the consequence. If someone hit her and didn’t fight back, that was not the style of young Hiruzen.

At the beginning of the war, Sunagakure directly penetrated their defense line and broke into the Land of Fire. Before leaving, he kidnapped a large number of civilians, craftsmen, and food supplies.

Kirigakure Village is isolated overseas all year round. It occupies a favorable terrain and maintains a strategic position where it can advance, attack, retreat and defend.

In the Mizukage Building, the second generation Mizukage Ghost Lantern Genzuki was laughing wildly.

“Haha, without that waste, he teamed up with Konoha to barely suppress the Sunagakure Village, and with his apprentice and two jinchūriki, he suppressed the Yunqing of the Sunagakure Village. He is really getting better and better.”

“Lord Mizukage, that Yunqing can break the army by himself, comparable to Senju Hashirama and Uchiha Madara.”

The young man next to him reluctantly advised.

“No, Kuchiki, you are wrong. Senju Hashirama and Uchiha Madara are not human beings. Although I don’t know how they did it, it is definitely beyond the scope of ninjutsu and blood stains. As long as As long as the ninjutsu used by a person is within the range of cognition, it can be suppressed.”

Ghost Lantern Huayue said disdainfully.

Many people were eliminated due to blood stains, but Gui Deng Huanyue was disdainful, and then he beat Wu Gai until his whole body was covered in bandages.

He is confident that he has reached the peak of human beings. As for Uchiha Madara and Senju Hashirama, they are not human.

“Mizukage-sama, what should we do with the Jinchuriki? There is Uzumaki Mito in Konoha, Sunagakure Village has also shown the strength of the One-Tail this time, and the Jinchuriki of Iwagakure Village have good combat capabilities. Should we also study it? ?”

Kuchiki ignored Ghost Lantern’s crazy words and turned to another topic.

“Isn’t there a direction for the research on sealing techniques yet? What about the research on the attributes of tailed beasts?”

Gui Deng Huanyue was very dissatisfied. Are the people on his side so weak? Everyone has applied it to the battlefield, but their first step here is not good enough.

“Sealing is not our strong point, and we have nothing to do. We have been alone overseas. The geographical location is good, but there is not enough communication, and our progress is relatively slow.”

There are advantages and disadvantages. Kuchiki said that he had no choice.

“Forget it, let’s choose the ninja swords first, and we’ll talk about the rest later. Wait a minute. We are not good at sealing, but our neighbors are good at sealing. We can learn from it.”

A cruel smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and his eyes looked into the distance.


Become rich through hard work with Sunagakure

Become rich through hard work with Sunagakure

Status: Completed Author:


Time travel is not scary. There are nine time travels in ten novels. It is not scary to time travel to Naruto. What is scary is that time travel to Sunagakure, the village that relies on eating soil and using love to generate electricity. After awakening the random lottery system, Yun Qing decided , he wants to lead Sunagakure to become rich through hard work and rise in the ninja world.
The new book Zhenguan Paper Seller has been released, everyone is welcome to read it.


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