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Become rich through hard work with Sunagakure — Chapter 205 Chapter 205 Imitation

Small but complete.

It’s a pretty good word to describe the newly built Sanlangshan meeting place.

Although it is newly built, if the Sanlang Mountain Conference Hall is built too ugly with the combined efforts of the five hidden villages, it will be a terrible slap in the face.

For their own sake, they invested a lot of manpower and material resources in the construction of the Five Hidden Villages.

For example, the various facilities and places inside are quite comprehensive.

Accommodation, bathing, play, exercise, relaxation, cultivation, etc. are all available.

As for the daily maintenance people, of course they are recruited on the spot.

There are still many people left in the Iron Country, and giving them a job would be a very kind act.

The other party will thank them gratefully.

At this time, an extremely fierce competition was taking place in the training ground of Sanlangshan Conference Center.

There was a scattered group of people sitting on the seats next to the training ground. They were all senior executives of Hidden Village who came to watch the movie.

Yunqing took a heavy blow from Shengshu and kicked him away.

“Hey, it’s pretty good. There’s progress.”

As soon as he finished speaking, Yun Qing stepped up to him and struck him with a sweeping blow.

“That’s right, I am practicing very seriously. I chop, stab and pick three hundred times a day. It is a daily activity.”

After blocking Yun Qing’s blow, Sheng Shu said breathlessly.


Yun Qing stared at Junyan who was close at hand, found it slightly, and used his hands to fight off the rope tree.

Raise your hand and gather terrifying energy.


Boom, a terrifying heat attack blasted towards the rope tree.

“Wood Release – Wood Dragon.”

Nao Shu gritted his teeth and used his grandfather’s signature ninjutsu to block Yun Qing’s attack with difficulty.

Looking at Naoshu’s resolute face, Yunqing seemed to see a Thousand-Armed Hashirama wearing the armor of the Warring States Period and using Wood Release to sweep the world.

“It’s great, I actually trained a wood escape ninja.

Maybe the rope tree can really reach Hashirama’s level. “

Yun Qing thought silently in his heart.

He once read the history of the ninja world, and witnessed the heroic appearance of Senju Hashirama in history.

The being known as the God of Ninja is really powerful.

Senju Hashirama is the only one who can touch the Sixth Level existence by himself.

Yunqing knew that if Hashirama hadn’t thought that Madara was dead and he had no love left, then Hashirama would definitely reach the Six Paths level.

Why did Senju Hashirama die? Maybe the setting was too strong and the author wanted him to die.

“No fighting, it’s boring.”

Putting away the sword, Yun Qing said boredly.

Thinking of Senju Hashirama, Yun Qing suddenly felt a little irritable.

“Ah, hey, why don’t you fight? I just thought it was interesting.

I still haven’t used the wooden man technique yet. “

Hearing Yunqing’s words that he didn’t want to fight, Shengshu was stunned for a moment, and then a little unhappy.

What’s going on? I just had fun.

“Whoever learns from me will live, and whoever resembles me will die.

If you blindly imitate your grandfather, your achievements will be like Hashirama, but maybe you can find a way out. “

Yun Qing stared at the rope tree and said the last word.

Yun Qing had no choice but to be cruel.

After all, he was the one who taught Rope Tree, so he still wanted to give him the guidance he needed.

“Ok, I know.”

Naoshu clenched his fists and was silent for a moment, then unclenched his fists and said in relief.

He also had troubles that he couldn’t express.

Seeing the Uchiha clan becoming more and more prosperous, he couldn’t express the pain in his heart.

The pressure from his family forced him to stand up and become the backbone of the Thousand Hands clan.

The fastest way to increase your strength is to set a goal and then imitate it.

Imitating the path of your predecessors is the fastest way to make progress.

However, if you blindly imitate, your future will be limited.

Naoshu himself knew this, but he had no choice.

How do you think a person who is at the peak of the shadow level of more than ten years is still Mudun? How do you think he got there? He got it in exchange for his future.

“Senju Hashirama is very strong. If you imitate him, you will always be good enough. If you want to surpass Senju Hashirama, you need to find a way to break free.

If one day you break free, your future is limitless. “

Yun Qing smiled brightly.

The more restricted you are, the more benefits you will get when you break free.

The wrong path also depends on how you go about it.

Just like General Wei in history, he followed the most traditional military tactics throughout his life. But you can say that he is weak. He is not weak. On the contrary, from being a groom to a general who is under one person, he is so strong. explode.

Yunqing can’t say that the rope tree is weak.

What’s more, what qualifications does he have to talk about Rope Tree? He has been imitating it.

Imitate Irene, imitate Hua Ye, imitate the prince.

The way the additional and dragon slayer magic is used is imitating Erin.

The void engine and divine body are imitating Hua Ye.

The use of chakra energy body is imitating the prince I have seen.

The only thing he didn’t imitate was the swordsmanship he gradually learned from the three body arts.

This is the only thing he gave to the rope tree that belonged to him.

In the nearby auditorium, others were also discussing.

“Father, what do Feng Ying’s words mean?”

Huang Tu was a little confused and really didn’t understand what Yun Qing meant.

“Idiot, Wood Release is a good thing, Senju Hashirama is using it to sweep the world.

But only by going your own way can you become a strong person. “

Onoki said with twinkling eyes.

He taught his children and never meant to let them follow their own old path.

“It’s not bad. With 80% of the firepower of Senju Hashirama, the Senju clan can regain its glory.”

Lao Zi shook his head and added casually.

“Tsk, what Konoha wanted was never the second Hashirama, but a Senju Hashirama.”

Onoki chuckled and said disdainfully.

“The Konoha family has a great cause, and the difference is never the second generation Hashirama, but the Senju Hashirama.

Family, to a certain extent, family is a restricted product. “

Similar conversations were heard in several places.

Everyone has their own opinion.

Sarutobi Hiruzen didn’t express anything, didn’t make any comments of his own.

“Teacher, it’s my fault.”

Orochimaru looked ashamed.

“Wrong, there is no mistake. He who is content is always happy. What’s more, the rope tree may be able to break free.”

Sarutobi Hiruzen chuckled.

How about the second generation Hashirama? It’s better than not even having the second generation Hashirama.

Look at Onoki, isn’t it an imitation of Chendun, and isn’t his life quite nourishing?

There is also the magnetic escape of Sunagakure Village, which is imitated from generation to generation.

What’s wrong with imitation? At least it can cultivate a large number of backbones.

Life is full of different manifestations. Everyone has his or her own opinion, and no one will think that they are wrong.

In the eyes of the Senju clan, the second generation of Hashirama is very good, why should they keep fighting for it?

It’s good to be honest and keep the family business.

Time has passed in bits and pieces, and the first film and television review is about to begin.

Chapter 2: Very tired from work, sleep.


Become rich through hard work with Sunagakure

Become rich through hard work with Sunagakure

Status: Completed Author:


Time travel is not scary. There are nine time travels in ten novels. It is not scary to time travel to Naruto. What is scary is that time travel to Sunagakure, the village that relies on eating soil and using love to generate electricity. After awakening the random lottery system, Yun Qing decided , he wants to lead Sunagakure to become rich through hard work and rise in the ninja world.
The new book Zhenguan Paper Seller has been released, everyone is welcome to read it.


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