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Become rich through hard work with Sunagakure — Chapter 226 Chapter 226 Voting

After Uzumaki Akiza finished speaking, all the Uzumaki clan members started talking.

They had also heard about going out during this period, but they did not expect that the Uzumaki clan would also need to go out.

You know, their family runs a hospital. What does the hospital represent? It represents war resources. All medical items can be called strategic resources.

In the ninja world, a place of war, strategic resources cannot be sold out.

During the eight years of the Anti-Japanese War, customs export items, even sterile gauze, had to be stamped with layers of stamps before leaving. We can see how serious the problem became once the war started.

And their Uzumaki clan is not only a strategic resource for items, but also a strategic resource for people.

Combining battlefield first aid technology and medical and surgical skills, they can support the entire Sunagakure Village.

From this point of view, the Country of Wind and Sand Hidden Village should not let their Uzumaki clan expand their industry to other places no matter what.

After all, they are not a sauna and entertainment place like the Ye family.

“Clan leader, does Kazekage-sama agree to our industrial transfer?”

A Uzumaki clan member stood up and asked loudly.

After a long discussion, why not ask some practical questions.

“I agree. First of all, I want to make it clear that the external transfer of industry is not the relocation of our Uzumaki clan, but the investment and construction of hospitals.”

Uzumaki Akiza also knew what the clan members were worried about.

He was afraid that he had come up with this matter himself, and then Yunqing would not agree and would blame Yunqing.

“Then what should we do with our first investment?”

asked Uzumaki Kouko, the Uzumaki clan member with the best medical skills.

“We will enter into joint ventures with the other four hidden villages, and we will jointly contribute 50% of the money and people to build in them.

We symbolize peace because we are angels in white.

At the same time, the ninja world will also stipulate that during the war, entering the hospital is not allowed. “

Uzumaki Akiza spoke out all his thoughts at once.

“The five hidden villages all have their own medical systems. We need to learn from these. This is an opportunity. At the same time, non-combatants should be respected. This is the result of the last Five Shadows meeting.”

Uzumaki Yan also added next to him at this time.

“That’s good, I understand.”

Uzumaki Xiangzi sat back.

She already understood the operations.

It is obvious that the five hidden villages are preparing to fight against each other to do something to show peace.

As for whether peace can come, that is not a matter for the Five Hidden Villages. They are only responsible for showing it.

Instead of conducting raids on non-combat ninjas and hospitals, it is obvious that this is used to set a bottom line for the war.

And the ninjas will agree with this. No one wants to offend the ninja who can save his life.

Unless you can guarantee that you will never get hurt.

Otherwise, believe it or not, if you massacre a hospital today, no one will treat you tomorrow if you are injured.

How did Uncle Cao Cao die later? Wasn’t it because he was tricked to death?

After killing Hua Tuo, the subsequent doctors were afraid of death, so they all tricked him into coming. Then his illness became worse and worse, and he finally died.

“Everyone, what do you think? If you think it’s okay, let’s just raise our hands and the minority will obey the majority.”

Seeing that everyone’s discussion was getting more and more intense, Uzumaki Akiza quickly asked in a lively manner.

“Lord Clan Leader, do we need to go to Konoha and Kirigakure Village?”

A middle-aged tribesman stood up.

“Yes, and the princess has helped us get the land approval and everything else.”

Uzumaki Yan replied without waiting for Uzumaki Akize to speak.

“Okay, I have no questions.”

The middle-aged tribesman sat down with a complicated expression on his face.


There is only one person in the Uzumaki clan who can support the title of princess, and that is Uzumaki Kushina. As for other women, including Uzumaki Akiza’s future children, they cannot be called princesses.

The other Uzumaki clan members also showed complicated expressions. They also knew some things.

Uzumaki Akizawa had told them some secrets.

Uzumaki Akiza didn’t want his people to live in hatred. Of course, it was up to him whether he could come out of it.

This is not stupid, but smart.

Hatred builds up over time and eventually drives people crazy.

Only by releasing hatred can we move forward and get better.









There are all kinds of attitudes, this is the stance of the Uzumaki clan.

Most people agreed, a few abstained, and only a few disagreed.

Uzumaki Akiza looked at those who disagreed and knew that many of their family members had died at the hands of other hidden villages.

You can’t persuade people to give up hatred, this is the basic of being a human being.

“Okay, based on the decision of the minority to obey the majority, this matter will be arranged like this.

Invest in medical construction in other hidden villages. “

Uzumaki Akiza stood up and said loudly.

“Those who are willing to travel to other hidden villages to work and carry out the first batch of construction can come and sign up.

Not force. “

Uzumaki Yan also followed up and said.

The Uzumaki clan is still very united. In order not to embarrass the clan leader, some clan members with good medical skills have signed up and are willing to go to other countries for a while.

If no one really wanted to go, Uzumaki Akiza could still send others, but that would be embarrassing.

The main thing is that everyone agrees with Uzumaki Akiza’s achievements.

After all, this clan leader led them to live a good life.

Open a hospital, build a factory, and distribute dividends.

Every family lives in a small villa, and their children are born on the finish line of other people’s homes.

His political status is not low either.

Therefore, the members of the Uzumaki clan are still very grateful to Uzumaki Akizawa. This clan leader has indeed done a good job.


Uzumaki Akize and Uzumaki Yan sat opposite each other.

“Yan, I’m going to go to Konoha myself to meet the princess.”

Uzumaki Akiza said with a complicated expression.

“Okay, no matter what, you two are related by blood.

You should go see her, the princess is innocent. “

Uzumaki Yan agreed with his approach.

The matters between the Uzumaki clan and Konoha, the turmoil between the former Daimyo of the Uzumaki Kingdom, the Uzumaki clan leader, and Hiruzen Sarutobi have nothing to do with them. They cannot always live in the previous world and need to come out.

“Yes, we are still related by blood.”

Cousins ​​are also relatives, especially when there are no direct relatives.

For a moment, the two fell into silence.

“Yan, after I leave, this place will be left to you. You must run the steaming and health care project jointly with the Ye family.

This is a good project to make money, and you can make a lot of money. “

Uzumaki Akize warned.

“Don’t worry, I understand.”

Both of them have taken a fancy to the health care market and have been thinking of ways to enter it.

This is a blank market.

Chapter 1, good morning, I wish you all good health and all the best. You can rest tomorrow.


Become rich through hard work with Sunagakure

Become rich through hard work with Sunagakure

Status: Completed Author:


Time travel is not scary. There are nine time travels in ten novels. It is not scary to time travel to Naruto. What is scary is that time travel to Sunagakure, the village that relies on eating soil and using love to generate electricity. After awakening the random lottery system, Yun Qing decided , he wants to lead Sunagakure to become rich through hard work and rise in the ninja world.
The new book Zhenguan Paper Seller has been released, everyone is welcome to read it.


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