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Become rich through hard work with Sunagakure — Chapter 246 Chapter 244 An Embarrassing Situation

Just like women have relatives for a few days every month.

Normal people will feel unhappy for a few days every month.

Or complain about the stupidity of your boss, or feel that life is meaningless.

In short, there are many reasons, and no one can explain them.

As for you feeling like no one cares when you’re in a bad mood, that’s an easier question.

Who makes you weak, who makes you have no sense of existence.

If you can influence the fate of hundreds of thousands, millions, or tens of millions of people, then people will definitely care about your bad mood.

Just like Yun Qing, when he is in a bad mood and feels confused about his future, as long as he shows it a little, many people will care about him.

Moreover, it is either a handsome man or a beautiful woman, and everyone has great power.

What are these reasons? The big reason is because Yun Qing did a good job in Sand Hidden Village.

Meets most people’s expectations of a leader.

Overall, Yun Qing is a good leader.

Just like now, because he was confused, he thought about whether other people in Sunagakure Village would also be in this confused stage.

As for the solution to this psychological problem, Yun Qing also needs to think about it himself.

After all, violence cannot solve most psychological problems.

Violence can only solve a small number of psychological problems.

And these few psychological problems are special circumstances.

For example, the prince and the second pillar.

Erzhuzi had a psychological problem, and the prince figured it out in one fell swoop.

But this method is not practical for most people.

Therefore, Yunqing brought in Konoha’s professional medical research team to solve this problem.

“How about this? Is this condition considered a disease?”

Yun Qing handed over the cases about psychological problems he had collected to Uzumaki Yan and asked.

Uzumaki Yan didn’t answer, he frowned, frowned deeply, and then started to look at it bit by bit.

He needs to understand something. After all, being a doctor is a serious profession and cannot be dealt with blindly.

Otherwise, if you prescribe the wrong medicine and make the problem serious, you could easily be beaten to death.

That’s right, he was beaten to death.

Who made this a ninja world?

“Judging from the information you gave me, it is true that these “diseases” are all psychological.

They all have cognitive problems. “

Uzumaki is very strong, especially since he came to Sand Hidden Village and has been studying medical skills.

In addition, he has seen a lot of patients and has seen a lot. Naturally, he has seen a lot of people with strange personalities.

He hadn’t noticed it before, but now that Yun Qing had exposed it, he immediately understood that in fact, all these people had mental illnesses.

Yun Qing feels that people in the ninja world are all sick and mentally unhealthy.

For example, the arrogant Erzhuzi thinks that he is the second and third child.

If Itachi hadn’t killed Orochimaru for him and Obito always took him with him, he would have died long ago.

During the battle against the Five Shadows, Onoki was almost killed. If Obito hadn’t saved him in time, he would have definitely died.

People who challenge themselves every day are either sick or something.

There are many other bizarre mental illnesses, such as loving money to the point of panic, obsession with eternal life, love for art, and reverence for God.

Wait, there are too many of these situations.

Yunqing felt that he should set up a psychological department, just like the psychological census of college students, the residents of Sunagakure Village and the ninjas also came from a psychological census.

Of course, Yun Qing felt that Scorpion should be the top priority.

“Every time you make a mistake, the cases you gave can be called sick.

However, this is a new subject and we need to study it. “

Whirlpool Yan is also helpless. He has too many things to study.

He was too busy and too difficult. Uzumaki Akizawa was not here, so he could only deal with all the problems by himself.

Forget about resisting on his own, he still needs to solve the problems within the clan and the hospital.

Forget about ordinary problems, he needs to solve all kinds of fund mobilization.

Who made their patriarch absent?

“Understood, so I decided to give you some support.”

Yun Qing said that he especially understood the discomfort of Whirlpool Yan.

“Support? Then it seems that you have already done some research, Kazekage-sama.”

Uzumaki Yan became interested.

The main reason is that it’s okay if you don’t show interest.

After this new subject is opened up, their various improvements will be quite high.

Especially fame.

They are the authority when it comes to opening up new subjects and creating something from scratch.

And this subject can serve as the heritage of their family.

Whirlpool Hospital is also very embarrassing.

Compared with Pharmacy, they are a step behind Chiyo. This is what Chiyo has given to them. It is normal for them to be a little short.

How long did Chiyo study it? How long did they study it?

Compared with medical ninjutsu, pure ninjutsu, medical ninjutsu is much worse than Tsunade.

In this way, they naturally want to study crazily and delve into new subjects crazily.

Only by creating a brand of their own can their Whirlpool Hospital truly stand up.

Otherwise, their market competitiveness may disappear at any time.

The Senju clan including Tsunade, Chiyo and her daughter-in-law can all enter the medical world at any time.

Once they enter, it will be a heavy blow to the Whirlpool Hospital.

Therefore, Uzumaki Hospital has been working hard to expand its own things.

Yun Qing also knew about this problem, so he came to help the Uzumaki clan.

Of course, it is not to help the Uzumaki clan, it can only be said to be helping each other and making progress together.

Yunqing took out a lot of psychology books.

These books were all dug out by Yun Qing from the depths of Hua Ye’s brain.

If Hua Ye’s storage capacity wasn’t terrible enough and he didn’t need to clear the memory regularly, Yunqing would have said, “Grandpa Hua, you’re pretty good.”

Grandpa Hua, you are truly a loyal supporter of the sin of lust.

For tens of thousands of years, I didn’t think about anything but playing with women.

Hua Ye fought tens of thousands of people in the south and north, conquered many civilizations, and naturally read many civilizations.

Therefore, Yun Qing still dug out a lot of good things after hard digging.

At the very least, it is very useful for the current Sunagakure Village.

Looking at the books that Yun Qing took out for him, Uzumaki Yan fell silent.

You’re here to slap me in the face.

“Yan, I’ll leave the rest to you. I hope you can give me a satisfactory answer.”

Yun Qing left, leaving Uzumaki Yan’s office and walking towards his home.

He was in a good mood after solving a big problem.

Otherwise, his mood will be depressed for a while.

“It seems that I need to sort out Hua Ye’s memories. There are too many and they are too confusing.”

Yun Qing thought as he walked.

He really didn’t understand how Hua Ye did it. After tens of thousands of years, he still hadn’t had enough fun.

It messed up my entire memory.

It makes people feel uncomfortable when they see it.

Chapter 1, Good morning everyone.


Become rich through hard work with Sunagakure

Become rich through hard work with Sunagakure

Status: Completed Author:


Time travel is not scary. There are nine time travels in ten novels. It is not scary to time travel to Naruto. What is scary is that time travel to Sunagakure, the village that relies on eating soil and using love to generate electricity. After awakening the random lottery system, Yun Qing decided , he wants to lead Sunagakure to become rich through hard work and rise in the ninja world.
The new book Zhenguan Paper Seller has been released, everyone is welcome to read it.


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