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Become rich through hard work with Sunagakure — Chapter 25 Future Arrangements

“Give priority to the elderly and women first. Children should follow their parents closely and don’t get separated.”

“Everyone must walk in an orderly manner, keep to the right, and come one by one.”

“Don’t be anxious. There are many locations. Don’t be anxious. Our Sunagakure Village will arrange everything.”

After the ship entered the port, teams of Suna ninjas stood at the steps and arranged for people to disembark steadily in an orderly manner.

“Mom, where is this?”

A red-haired little girl held her mother’s hand and looked timidly at Sunagakure beside her.

“Hey, this is the Kingdom of Wind, and we will live here from now on.”

The girl’s mother said forcefully.

Women are weak by nature, but mothers are strong.

The girl’s mother knew that after her husband broke up for them, she needed to support the family.

“Come with me, fair lady and pretty girl, and I will take you to the place where you live.”

A handsome young sand ninja, with a gentle smile, said to the mother and daughter who didn’t know what they were doing.

Women and girls all looked at the handsome Sand Ninja with vigilance. Having just experienced the destruction of their families, they were wary of everything around them.

Looking at this scene, the handsome Suna Shinobu was not impatient and continued to comfort the two of them gently, occasionally telling a joke. Under his comfort, the two of them gradually gave up their guard.

the other side.

“Adults with children, please come here and I will take you to rest.”

A young and handsome Sand Ninja shouted loudly, and it could be seen that some people had gathered next to him.

The Sand Ninja’s advance preparations, Uzumaki Akizawa and Uzumaki Yan’s hard work, coupled with the people from the Uzumaki clan, were already physically and mentally exhausted, exhausted, and had no energy to resist.

Everything went on in an orderly manner without any glitches.

“It’s strange, are all the good-looking people in Sunagakure Village so good?

Why are all of them either handsome boys or pretty girls? “

Uzumaki Yan looked at the good-looking girl who received him in confusion, and asked Uzumaki Akize.

“I don’t know. In a desert environment, everyone should have rough skin.”

Uzumaki Akizawa was also quite puzzled as to what this was for.

Uzumaki Yan looked at Uzumaki Akize with a black line on his face, and it was the first time he noticed that this brother of the same race was so direct.

“Um, two adults, could you please keep your voice down?

Also, it’s my fault that I live in a desert environment and don’t have skin that becomes plump and beautiful. “

The young sand ninja girl said with a smile as a circle of tic-tac-toe appeared on her forehead.

As for the murderous aura around him, it has already made people around him shy away.

“Sorry girl, we are not polite. Please tell us why all the people who came to greet us are young, handsome and beautiful Suna ninjas.”

Uzumaki Yan stopped Uzumaki Akize who wanted to continue speaking, and quickly apologized with a smile.

Rolling his eyes at Uzumaki Akizawa and looking at Uzumaki Yan with satisfaction, the young Sand Ninja girl said: “My name is Ye Nan, and I belong to the Ye clan of Sunagakure Village. As for the young, beautiful and handsome thing you mentioned, it’s Kazekage. The adults decide.

Master Kazekage said that people are all good-looking animals. When you see someone who is handsome and beautiful, your first impression will be good.

Contribute to the harmony and unity of both parties. “


Uzumaki Akize and Uzumaki Yan looked at each other and saw the helplessness in each other’s eyes.

This explanation is quite powerful, but also very correct.

Look at the Sunagakure brothers and sisters who are well-trained, always smiling, and explaining the Uzumaki clan in a gentle voice.

Especially the children who smiled under the comfort of the explanation.

The two of them had to say that it was the most correct and appropriate decision to use young, beautiful and handsome people as receptionists.

“Miss Ye Nan, can you tell us some stories about Master Feng Ying?”

With the attitude of knowing himself and his enemy, Uzumaki Akize asked quickly.

Seeing that the two of them were outsiders, good-looking, and still had a long way to go, Ye Nan began to explain to the two what Yun Qing had done.

“I have to say that Lord Kazekage is a wise man and sees everything clearly.”

Uzumaki Yan said with a hint of longing.

For a short while, the two of them had already imagined Yunqing as a young and handsome man who, in times of crisis, shouldered the great responsibility of Shayin, strategized, and won a victory thousands of miles away.

Seeing the big from the small may not necessarily see through a person, but it can indeed see a person’s ability to deal with others. This is what the two think.

“It’s not bad, Lord Kazekage always says that he himself is a good-looking person, and he thinks that others must also be good-looking people.

It is also said that reading more books, reading more newspapers, eating less snacks, and sleeping more can help improve intelligence. “

Looking at the two people talking incessantly, Ye Nan shrugged and said speechlessly.

Her clan sister is Ye Cang. After a long period of brainwashing, the image of Yun Qing in her mind has been quite fixed.

Therefore, she felt nothing about anything the two of them associated with each other.

Under the leadership of Ye Nan, Uzumaki Akizawa and Uzumaki Yan met Ebizo, Sunaki, Bunfuku and others who disappeared after getting off the boat.

“Mr. Qiu Ze, Mr. Yan, what we need to discuss now is your arrangements.

You can tell me what your plans are for the next step. I just studied the recent development of Sunagakure Village and didn’t have time to receive you.

As compensation, I can provide you with some ideas. “

After the two sat down, Ebizo explained his disappearance in one stroke.

“We have learned about the situation in part of Sunagakure Village, and we are going to take the path of medical ninjutsu.

We are preparing to popularize medical ninjutsu. “

Uzumaki Akize glanced at Uzumaki Yan and said the words he had prepared long ago.

He also wanted to see what Ebizo meant.

“Medical ninjutsu?” Ebizo knocked on the table and thought thoughtfully.

“It’s a very good way. Lord Kazekage has always said that medical care is infrastructure and a necessity for the development of a force.

If you can promote the medical development of Sunagakure Village, Master Kazekage will be very “happy”. “

Ebizo gritted his teeth at the word “happy” in the end, and then said: “Can you tell me why you developed medical ninjutsu? For most forces, this should be a blank.”

Ebizo was very confused. He was not joking. Many ninja villages have not developed medical ninjutsu until now. Only they and Konoha began to invest money in development.

“Well, thank you for the advice, Mr. Elder. We only came up with this after seeing the development of Sunagakure Village.

As for the basis of development, we have copied the research of the first Hokage and Mito-sama. Although it is incomplete, it is still possible to supplement it. “

Uzumaki Akiza smiled.

Ebizo is still good, or in other words, Sunagakure Village still hopes to accept them.

Ebizo’s reference is more about which piece of cake they want and whether it is easy to give it to them.

Now that Ebizo didn’t refuse explicitly, it meant that he and Uzumaki Yan made the right bet.

“Enviable basic resources.”

Ebizo made no secret of his envy.


Become rich through hard work with Sunagakure

Become rich through hard work with Sunagakure

Status: Completed Author:


Time travel is not scary. There are nine time travels in ten novels. It is not scary to time travel to Naruto. What is scary is that time travel to Sunagakure, the village that relies on eating soil and using love to generate electricity. After awakening the random lottery system, Yun Qing decided , he wants to lead Sunagakure to become rich through hard work and rise in the ninja world.
The new book Zhenguan Paper Seller has been released, everyone is welcome to read it.


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