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Become rich through hard work with Sunagakure — Chapter 260 Chapter 258 Disappointment

Jiraiya was quite speechless for the group of second-generation people who appeared in his team.

After being speechless, Jiraiya didn’t take it seriously.

Aren’t they just a group of second-generation officials and second-generation rich people, who are several generations more expensive?

There is nothing to be afraid of.

Who is he, Toad Sage, Jiraiya?

Then, Jiraiya brought all the second generations together and gave them a hard education.

This education is mainly education by force.

Let them know the gap between themselves and real masters.

For example, when faced with the shadow sealing technique, Jiraiya chose to break away directly.

Facing the approaching human shield tank, Jiraiya chose to punch it.

The Uchiha family’s signature fire escape ninjutsu, Jiraiya’s way of dealing with it is the powerful water escape ninjutsu.

As for the Yamanaka clan’s mind-turning, Jiraiya performed what it means to have two minds and two purposes.

There are other signature ninjutsus of the ninja clan. Jiraiya used his strength to tell them that you are too weak.

Your tricks are too weak to even scratch my itch.

To sum up, everyone here in Jiraiya was bullied.

Looking at the second generation lying on the ground, Jiraiya snorted and sneered: “You are too weak, no wonder your family wants to send you to the front line.

I’m afraid I think I’m embarrassed by you. “

Faced with Jiraiya’s cynicism, everyone’s expressions changed and they didn’t want to speak.

They wanted to tell the real reason, but they were too weak.

So weak that they don’t even want to say it themselves.

“Minato, take care of them, I don’t want to be a nanny for a bunch of weaklings.

Just play with them for a few days and then send them back.

At this level, it would be embarrassing to be on the battlefield. “

Jiraiya sneered disdainfully.

“is teacher.”

Faced with the trouble thrown by Jiraiya, the kind-hearted Minato chose to bear it alone.

Who told this to be something my teacher told me to do?

Jiraiya left. After teaching these second generations a lesson, he turned around and left without any hesitation.

The whole person looks like a scumbag.

“Everyone, let me take you to rest first. Everyone is actually doing well, but the teacher is a bit strict.”

Minato decided to forcefully save Ippo for the sake of his teacher’s popularity.

“Huchi, Master Minato, Huchi, you don’t need to comfort us, we know ourselves, Huchi, how many kilograms are there.”

A young man from the Shimura family stood up tremblingly and said breathlessly.

“Yes, Minato-sama.”

“Minato-sama, don’t worry, we know how much we weigh.”

Minato was a little embarrassed and didn’t know how to explain it.

Seeing how a group of people, even though they had exhausted their chakra and had no strength, were still trying to stand up, Minato was a little moved.

This group of people is not as miserable as the teacher said.

“Lord Minato, please take us to rest. If you have any tasks, please try your best to leave them to us.”

Uchiha Fugaku tried his best to stand up and said reluctantly.

Just now, his fire escape was forcibly extinguished by Jiraiya.

Then I got a pretty good review.

“I’ll go find a doctor to take a look at you. Your condition is really not good.”

A look of embarrassment appeared on Minato’s face.

None of this group of people had any self-awareness at all. They were all too tired to get up.

“No, really no need, Minato-sama.”

Nara Shikaku struggled to get up, but halfway through his struggle, he fell to the ground again.

Now, not only Minato was a little embarrassed, but the rest of them were too.

In the end, Minato found someone to carry them all back.

Otherwise, Minato would be afraid that the weak ones would be picked up by wild wolves.

Minato could only say that his teacher was very cruel and beat them all until they couldn’t get up.

Chakra is exhausted, stamina is exhausted.

After settling the second generation, Minato went directly to find his teacher.

When Minato found Jiraiya, Jiraiya was working hard correcting documents.

Seeing Minato’s arrival, Jiraiya’s eyes immediately lit up and he quickly greeted him.

“Come on, come on Minato, isn’t your dream to be Hokage? Help me change these documents quickly.”

Jiraiya didn’t give Minato a chance to speak and directly pushed Minato into his position.

Minato was even more embarrassed now.

“Teacher, isn’t it a little inappropriate to do this? Most of the documents here need to be read by you personally.”

Minato said carefully to his teacher. .

“It doesn’t matter, whoever you like will watch it, but I won’t watch it anyway.

As for the important ones, just come back and pick up some of the most important ones and tell me. “

Jiraiya waved his hand and handed them all directly to Minato.

That irresponsible look is like a prodigal son.

Minato, on the other hand, could only accept this task with embarrassment and excitement.

What document Jiraiya is correcting is the government affairs of the entire country of Taki.

The power exercised is almost equivalent to preparing the Hokage, that is, the crown prince.

Now that he has been authorized, how can he not be excited?

As for the embarrassment, of course it was more embarrassing. I was working hard here, thinking carefully about the consequences of my orders, and Jiraiya was sitting in front of me, drinking tea, eating snacks, and reading a little pornographic book. .

There was such a big gap in their lives, how could he not be embarrassed?

“Minato, what do you think of these second generation people?”

While Minato was working hard to correct the documents, Jiraiya’s voice suddenly sounded, startling him.

“It’s pretty good, both in terms of strength and character.

I think it’s very good, they are worthy of being trained by the ninja clan. “

Minato thought about it for a moment and realized that there was no trap in this question, so he answered casually.

Jiraiya sneered disdainfully, and then said: “Let me ask you, how did they go back recently.”

“The chakra was exhausted and the physical strength was gone. I was helped back by someone.”

Minato was still kind-hearted and didn’t say that he was carried back.

“Let me ask you, on the battlefield, when you are sure that you can’t beat the opponent, you will fight to the death, and you won’t leave any chakra or physical strength behind.”

“Of course I won’t… know how.”

Minato replied without thinking.

Halfway through his answer, Minato knew why Jiraiya’s opinion of them was low, and it really should have been lower.

This is already the front line. According to your current situation, a war may break out at any time.

As for you people, if you can’t preserve your physical strength and chakra on the battlefield, you are looking for death.

“I know what the problem is, Jiraiya-sensei.”

Minato lowered his head in shame, he was still immature and should continue to work hard.

Seeing Minato’s appearance, Jiraiya laughed twice and said nothing.

“Minato, remember, we are on the front line now, and we must follow the rules of the battlefield.

We are not afraid of challenges, but we do not want to be challenged to the point of being worthless. “

Jiraiya said meaningfully. .

Chapter One, Good morning, Chapter One is here.


Become rich through hard work with Sunagakure

Become rich through hard work with Sunagakure

Status: Completed Author:


Time travel is not scary. There are nine time travels in ten novels. It is not scary to time travel to Naruto. What is scary is that time travel to Sunagakure, the village that relies on eating soil and using love to generate electricity. After awakening the random lottery system, Yun Qing decided , he wants to lead Sunagakure to become rich through hard work and rise in the ninja world.
The new book Zhenguan Paper Seller has been released, everyone is welcome to read it.


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