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Become rich through hard work with Sunagakure — Chapter 262 Chapter 260 The shady person

After a lot of construction, the Kingdom of Earth has become much more prosperous, but most places are still desolate.

But there is no way. Who makes the country too large, even with the efficiency of ninjas, there is no way to sort it out quickly.

What we want to say is that when you know that you may be intercepted.

Lao Zi, who had an abnormal brain circuit, still chose to walk on remote roads and specifically selected some desolate areas to walk.

In this case, the chance of him being intercepted is greatly increased.

As for what you said after the picture is so big, how can it be intercepted and killed?

Let me ask you, with the help of two pairs of white eyes, a sky full of bugs, and several dogs, how difficult can it be to deduce a person’s route?

So, now there is a big battle in a remote corner of the Kingdom of Earth.

“Art fire escape ho fireball.”

“Wind Release-Cut.”

“Metal shield tank.”

“The art of turning the mind around.”

“Shadow Manipulation.”


A bunch of secret techniques were used together. When Lao Zi stepped into the protective circle, a group of Konoha’s second generations rushed out in a daze.

Kunai, shuriken, and all kinds of terrifying weapon ninjutsu were thrown at Lao Zi.

Standing in the center of the crowd’s protective circle, Lao Zi’s face was expressionless, without any change, and he could only calmly open his chakra coat.

Chakra Coat is a good move and can basically defend against most ninjutsu.

As long as the coat is thick enough, nothing will be a problem.

There was an explosion.

“Konoha, you are too arrogant, openly intercepting and killing me.”

Amid the smoke, Lao Zi’s voice came out without any fluctuation in his tone. It could be seen that he had expected this scene.

“Konoha, we are not Konoha ninjas, we are just a group of rebellious ninjas.”

Nara Shikaku didn’t know what he was thinking. His head twitched and he replied with a smile.

Lao Zi glanced at Nara Shikaku, stopped talking, and stared sharply at Namikaze Minato who didn’t know when he appeared not far away.

Looking at the dazzling blond hair, Lao Zi clenched his fists.

Namikaze Minato chuckled and threw dozens of kunai beside Lao Zi.


Seeing Minato Namikaze’s actions, Lao Zi snorted disdainfully.

In an instant, he rushed directly in front of Nara Shikaku and punched him without mercy.

With a bang, the fist wrapped in the chakra coat collided with a big ball.

“Quickly, blond boy, try this trick.”

Lao Zi looked at Namikaze Minato and sneered.

A shocking giant beast appeared in the field.

Next, it will be a battle to take care of yourself.

The second generations from Konoha have never felt that death is so close to them.

The four-tails controlled by Lao Zi are far more terrifying than facing the four-tails themselves.

Soon after, news spread throughout the ninja world that the fourth-tailed Jinchūriki Lao Zi of Iwagakure was attacked by a terrorist while he was out.

Countries in the ninja world condemned this behavior.

Among them, the one who scolded the most fiercely and kept talking about finding the murderer and bringing peace to the ninja world was Konoha.

No one knows what happened in that battle, but the name of Golden Flash gradually spread among the upper echelons of each hidden village.

Inside Iwagakure Village.


“It’s very bad. The blond boy from Konoha is very strong. All he lacks is time and chakra.”

“Hmph, I told you to be careful, but you didn’t listen.”

“It doesn’t matter whether I listen or not. Byakugan, under the surveillance of the Inuzuka clan and the Aburame clan, what can I do?”

“Spread the word to the ninja world and help promote Konoha.

Konoha’s new generation of geniuses defeated the Four Jinchūriki of Iwagakure Village. “

“Okay, it’s good to flatter him and show weakness.”

A fight was formed in the conversation between the two.

In Sand Hidden Village, Yun Qing looked at the news coming from unknown channels and smiled disdainfully.

If Minato Namikaze defeated Lao Zi in a few years, he would still believe it. Now, if Minato Namikaze could leave safely with the group of interceptors, Yun Qing would feel good about it.

“However, even so, Namikaze Minato is worthy of being the protagonist of this era.

In the original work, it is indeed terrifying to single-handedly reverse the existence of the Three Wars. “

A flash of disgust flashed in Yun Qing’s eyes.

The opponent he hates the most is someone who is extremely fast and can give anyone a 50-50 shot.

It’s really disgusting.

They say they can fight, but they can indeed hit some. After all, they can break your defense and hurt you.

You say they can’t fight, just using hard power is just that.

The most disgusting thing about Namikaze Minato is that he is a fire brigade. If you ignore him, he will pierce your chest like a sharp knife.

Once you pay too much attention to him, Konoha will have more power to kill you.

In the original work, Namikaze Minato’s famous battle was the killing of fifty jounin in one battle.

Fifty jounin can be defeated by letting the three ninjas and the shadows of each village go, but it is impossible to kill them all.

Unless these fifty people don’t run away, but that’s possible.

“There are too many geniuses in Konoha, we should find ways to weaken them.

However, because my previous performance was too dazzling, Sarutobi Hiruzen may not be able to use mixed moves for Konoha. “

Yun Qing banged his head, a little helpless.

If he had known earlier, he wouldn’t have acted so dazzlingly.

Who would have thought that under pressure, Hiruzen Sarutobi would not act foolishly, but would instead show his magnanimous side.

“If we continue to think this way, for the future of Konoha and to deal with himself, Sarutobi Hiruzen is very likely to take out the reincarnation of the dirty land and study it as a last resort.”

Yun Qing’s mind was also very vivid. He knew that Konoha had all those cards, and coupled with some speculations about Sarutobi Hiruzen’s behavior and character, Yun Qing felt that he seemed to have guessed some secrets.

The more I thought about it, the blood stains on Yun Qing seemed very possible.

The greatest heritage of Konoha, in Yun Qing’s eyes, are the forbidden techniques left behind by the Second Hokage.

To say that the reincarnation of the dirty land was not prepared for Senju Hashirama, even if I beat Yun Qing to death, I wouldn’t believe it.

If one day Konoha is in crisis, if the leader of Konoha abides by the ancestral system and does not use those forbidden techniques, Yun Qing will not believe it even to death.

When Konoha’s life and death were at stake, Hiruzen Sarutobi would never mind disturbing the rest time of Senju Hashirama and Senju Tobirama.

Summoning Senju Hashirama and Senju Tobirama, coupled with a series of powerful forbidden techniques, Konoha can definitely survive successfully.

Thinking about the way the second Hokage Senju Tobirama used the mutual detonation technique in the original work, you can know that this guy created a series of ninjutsu in order to cooperate with the reincarnation of the dirty land.

To go even further, judging from Madara’s knowledge of the Seal of the Reincarnation of the Earth, it is speculated that the Reincarnation of the Earth was probably prepared for Madara and Hashirama together, just to leave it as Konoha’s heritage.

As long as the dirty land is not lost in reincarnation, Konoha will have a deeper heritage for one day.

Chapter 1, I have a day off today, I don’t want to get up, so the update is late.


Become rich through hard work with Sunagakure

Become rich through hard work with Sunagakure

Status: Completed Author:


Time travel is not scary. There are nine time travels in ten novels. It is not scary to time travel to Naruto. What is scary is that time travel to Sunagakure, the village that relies on eating soil and using love to generate electricity. After awakening the random lottery system, Yun Qing decided , he wants to lead Sunagakure to become rich through hard work and rise in the ninja world.
The new book Zhenguan Paper Seller has been released, everyone is welcome to read it.


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