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Become rich through hard work with Sunagakure — Chapter 269 Chapter 267 I can’t do it myself

Ying didn’t know that his words directly aroused the enthusiasm of the three little ones.

It dealt a fatal blow to the robbers, wandering ninjas and samurai along the way in the Rain Country.

After all, the three little ones also successfully raised an armed force relying on Ayu’s blood transfusion and dreams.

Moreover, in the Rain Country, this armed force is not weak.

Especially for those wandering ninjas, the pressure is even greater.

Soon, the four of them separated.

After the three children knew that Ying needed to report to Ayu, they quickly apologized and felt sorry for disturbing Ying’s schedule.

And Ying is quite satisfied with the three little ones.

As expected of their next generation, they are well-educated and much better than those messy people.

In the office, Ayu was very satisfied after learning about the achievements of Ying’s career. He was extremely satisfied. He was worthy of being his most capable subordinate.

“You did a great job, and Kakuzu is also very good. You are indeed our old friend, and you are reliable in doing things.”

Ayu was very satisfied. As for the money spent, it was a small problem. As long as the matter was solved, money was not a problem.

Moreover, looking at the several large orders that Yun Qing sent him back, the money was worth it.

Ying looked at the excited Ayu, thought for a moment, and told him the advice Kakudu gave him.

“Chief, Kakuzu-sama said that if you have time, you can go see the Third Kazekage. He also said that it has been exposed anyway and everyone knows it, so why not just go out in an open and honest manner.”

After Ying finished speaking, he lowered his head and stopped talking.

He is just a tool, only responsible for conveying, not explaining.

After listening to Ying’s words, Ayu put away his excited expression and began to meditate.

Follow the trend, from behind the scenes to semi-behind the scenes, and then to the front of the stage.

Ayu had expected this process, but he didn’t go as fast as he wanted.

However, Kakuzu’s suggestion seemed good to him.

He felt that he could completely come to the stage.

But years of habit made him a little hesitant.

He was used to living in the shadows, and he was a little uncomfortable when he suddenly came to the stage.

“Ying, what do you think I should do?”

Since you don’t know how to choose, you might as well listen to other people’s choices.

Even if it is just for advice, it is good to listen.

“Master Chief, I think we can take a look at Kakuzu.

He stayed in front, and many people knew him. “

Kage didn’t know what he was thinking, so he just said it.

Anyway, he felt that it was okay to go to the front, maybe because he was not a leader, and he had been traveling in the ninja world in the past few years and met all kinds of people.

“Look at Kakuzu?”

Tapping her fingers on the table, Ayu began to think deeply.

They all knew about Kakuzu, a victim of Takigakure village politics, a man whose heart was broken.

In the beginning, their money exchange received him. Without them, Kakuzu would have been killed long ago.

Nowadays, everyone is the boss of a big company, and the company’s business is spread all over the ninja world. Who still remembers that he was a big boss in the logistics industry who was hunted down badly?

Who still remembers that he was made miserable before and had no fixed place to live every day, so he could only rely on bounties to get by.

If you don’t pay attention, you will be chased by many people.

All I can say is that the choices are different.

“Maybe, and that’s right, maybe we’re not as important as I thought.”

After thinking about it, Ayu suddenly said with enlightenment.

Ayu suddenly realized that they were actually no different from Kakuzu, they were all homeless dogs.

They have a lot of connections and power and can gather a group of people, but don’t forget that Kakuzu still has Kage-level strength.

People are not even afraid of a lonely movie-level wanderer, but they are afraid of a bunch of them.

No, if you think about it carefully, you will know that it won’t.

Before, they just thought too much.

“Kage, go ahead and arrange for someone to quickly make a batch of finished products and then load them into the truck. I will personally escort them to Sunagakure Village.

I am going to meet the Third Kazekage as the leader of the Rain Country.

At the same time, tell Yahiko and the others that when they attack the gangsters in the Kingdom of Rain, they must know what they are facing.

I want to tell the ninja world that I, Ayu, have entered the land of rain. “

After thinking about it, Ayu made an instant decision.

Seeing the high-spirited Ayu, Ying also became happy.

From now on, when he goes out to discuss business, he no longer has to be secretive. He can openly display the sign of the Land of Rain.

I’m very excited. When discussing business with others, who doesn’t want to disclose their identity?

He, Ying, is also a person with goals and dreams.

He also wanted to be like Kakuzu and go out openly.

Negotiate business with people openly.

Moreover, his identity is public and someone is covering his back, so the price can be raised a little.

Otherwise, the prices of their Rain Country products are too low.

Moreover, given the current low prices, many people are unwilling to place orders.

Ayu looked at the excited Ying and sighed slightly. He could only say that he had been squeezed too hard before.

It seems that Ying was tricked by his secret identity.

Ayu also knew something about Ying.

As a smart man, he also understood the reason why Ying tried his best to persuade him to step out from behind the scenes.

For some time before, Shadow had been walking in the ninja world on his behalf, and he had suffered enough from not having a bright identity.

After all, no matter who you are, the first step to do business with someone is to understand them clearly.

Otherwise, no one would dare to do business with you.

Almost all of Rain Kingdom’s previous business orders were placed by “old friends” whom I knew before, and the prices were kept extremely low.

It can be said that it made them very unhappy.

Unhappy to the extreme.

It’s not like they have never expanded their business, but there is no other way. Business expansion is not that simple.

Ying’s eloquence is not very good to begin with, and he doesn’t have an upright identity, so who dares to chat.

A big businessman is not afraid of thieves from the Kingdom of Rain. He despises his shady status and doesn’t care about the price difference.

I don’t care about the price difference, but I’m not afraid of people with shady identities, and I’m afraid of thieves from the Kingdom of Rain.

After clearing the money and goods, he was robbed and there was nothing anyone could do.

Moreover, after the goods were robbed and transferred to the underground world, no one could investigate.

Small businessmen cannot be investigated, but big businessmen are not even afraid of robbery.

This embarrassing situation of being neither up nor down has caused Ying and Ayu to suffer a lot.

“Kage, don’t worry. Now that we are online with Sunagakure Village, things will be better soon.”

Ayu used the skills that all bosses know and began to comfort Qiying.

After all, it is also one of the responsibilities to soothe the restless hearts of subordinates.

“Yes, Sir Chief, our good days are coming soon. We will be better off and we will never have to be bullied again.”

He was also excited when he thought that he had an upright identity and that the Country of Rain had an armed force of its own.

I couldn’t be more excited.

Chapter 2, good morning.


Become rich through hard work with Sunagakure

Become rich through hard work with Sunagakure

Status: Completed Author:


Time travel is not scary. There are nine time travels in ten novels. It is not scary to time travel to Naruto. What is scary is that time travel to Sunagakure, the village that relies on eating soil and using love to generate electricity. After awakening the random lottery system, Yun Qing decided , he wants to lead Sunagakure to become rich through hard work and rise in the ninja world.
The new book Zhenguan Paper Seller has been released, everyone is welcome to read it.


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