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Become rich through hard work with Sunagakure — Chapter 270 Chapter 268 Happy, excited, happy.

I don’t know how many years ago in the Ninja World, an earth-shaking event happened in the Ninja World.

After years of chaos, the Kingdom of Rain is finally unified again.

Everyone knows the unified person, but no one knows him.

Ayu officially appeared in the Land of Rain and announced his existence to the entire ninja world.

On top of the Ayu Hidden Village leader’s building, Ayu was very excited as he looked at the people gathered in the rain below, as well as the senior officials from the five hidden villages and the ninja countries opposite.

However, no matter how excited you are, what needs to be announced still needs to be announced.

Ayu walked forward excitedly, took a deep breath, and said loudly:

“From today on, I am the leader of Rain Country and Yuyin Village.

I declare that Rain Hidden Village will become the capital of the Kingdom of Rain.

I will lead you to prosperity. “

“Long live, long live Master Ayu.”

“Long live.”

“Long live.”

Earth-shaking cheers resounded throughout the sky after Ayu’s voice fell.

Even the heavy rain in the sky seemed to have stopped.

“Huh, that’s awesome.”

Shimura Danzo looked at Ayu, who was standing in the center of thousands of people with a smile on his face, and snorted coldly.

“Of course it’s amazing. From behind the scenes to in front of the stage, I’m afraid he never thought that he would have such a great reputation.”

Ebi said with emotion while hiding under the protection of Luo Sha.

“No matter how great his reputation is, now that he is on stage, he can no longer be as unscrupulous as before.

The threat of the money exchange has completely disappeared. “

The leader of the Gui Deng clan stretched out his hand to catch the rain falling from the sky and said slightly.

“Let’s go and congratulate each other. After all, we are all old friends.”

An elder from Yanyin Village, escorted by Huang Tu, walked towards Ayu.

These guests from the Five Hidden Villages are not only here to watch the ceremony, they also have other things to do.

For example, let’s ask about the next general direction of Rain Hidden Village and Rain Country.

Should he follow in the footsteps of the Five Hidden Villages, or should he want to go his own way, or should he turn himself into the front line of the dark forces?

“Yahiko, Nagato, and Konan, the next three of you are mainly responsible for forming the standing troops of the Rain Hidden Village and eliminating all threats in the Rain Country.

Especially those wandering samurai and traitorous ninjas, don’t hold back. “

“Yes, Sir Chief.”

“Ying, next you are responsible for contacting each hidden village. Our factory needs orders, many, many orders.

We in the Country of Rain cannot grow a large amount of food. In this case, we will give up completely. “


One appointment after another was spoken in Ayu’s mouth.

When he saw those expectant eyes, Ayu felt that his heart had sublimated, and he began to transform.

From today on, he is no longer alone. There is responsibility on his shoulders.

In the past, as long as he was cruel, he could escape to the ends of the earth, to a place where no one could find him.

He could always be alone if he wanted to.

Whether it was the three little ones or the shadow, he could give up. But it was different now. He could no longer do that.

He has a burden, he needs to be responsible for his country and the people who support him.

After the three little ones and Ying left, Ayu sat there alone, thinking a lot in his head.

He never expected that everything would go so smoothly and that everyone would accept him so easily.

Stretching out his hands, looking at the hands that were empty but filled with many things, Ayu smiled, very happily.

“This is the difference between being on stage and behind the scenes. Behind the scenes, as long as you are willing, there is nothing you can’t give up.

In front of the stage, my heart can no longer be cruel, or in other words, there is no way to be cruel to the extreme. “

Ayu was really happy. He felt that this was the first time he felt alive and happy except when death was approaching.

“This feeling is really good.”

Sitting there, Ayu murmured.

He really felt good, very happy, extremely happy.

It feels really good to be trusted.

Not only Ayu was happy, but the people in Yuyin Village and the Country of Rain were also happy.

“It turns out Master Ayu looks like this, so handsome.”

“Yes, I really didn’t expect that Master Ayu is so young. I hope he can lead us to become rich and powerful.”

“Yes, you see, before Lord Ayu came, it was difficult for us to even survive. Now, we have jobs and food to eat.”

“Yes, we can still eat meat occasionally.”

“Master Ayu said that as long as we work hard, everything will be possible.”

“Come on, Master Ayu is here, we have a future.”

The faces of the people in the Rain Country were filled with the light of happiness.

The light was so dazzling that not even the dark sky or the heavy rain could cover up its brilliance.

Walking on the streets of Yuyin Village, I heard waves of discussions coming to my ears.

There was no change in the expressions of Ebizo and the others, as if all this was within their expectations.

“Haha, that’s awesome.”

Danzo Shimura sneered again, no one knew what he was laughing at.

“It’s normal. If you can experience the change, everyone will accept it.”

“It seems that the food in the Land of Rain is still sold by Konoha.”

“We sold it. The Country of Rain is our big customer now.”

“Oh, so Konoha is still a supporter of Ayu.”

“Yes, a unified Rain Country will be more beneficial to us.”

“It’s good for all of us. The Country of Rain has a lot of good things.”

“I don’t know if other countries are good for us.”

“Who knows, but the Country of Rain should be a special case.”

“Maybe not.”

“I heard that Ying went to the Kingdom of Wind before.”

“Well, that’s right. The Third Kazekage-sama also gave me a lot of orders.”

“Yuyin Village seems to have received a lot of orders before.”

“Not only from our Sunagakure Village, but also from you.”

“We didn’t say no, why are you so excited?”

The people who came were all old foxes, and after their heated discussions, many things slowly came to a conclusion.

The unification of the Rain Kingdom is also very beneficial to them.

There are still many things they want in the Kingdom of Rain.

For example, minerals, and another example, free labor.

The labor force in the five major countries has begun to become saturated, and they need someone to exploit.

Then, the Rain Country is a good one and a good target for exploitation.

They like people who can exploit people and be grateful at the same time.

Yes, they are so hateful.

So, Ayu is not the only one who is happy.

Next, what they have to determine is whether Ayu wants to go with them.

They hope that Ayu will be obedient and cooperate well, otherwise, their visit will be in vain.

Chapter 1, Good morning, I still have to work, it’s really hard.


Become rich through hard work with Sunagakure

Become rich through hard work with Sunagakure

Status: Completed Author:


Time travel is not scary. There are nine time travels in ten novels. It is not scary to time travel to Naruto. What is scary is that time travel to Sunagakure, the village that relies on eating soil and using love to generate electricity. After awakening the random lottery system, Yun Qing decided , he wants to lead Sunagakure to become rich through hard work and rise in the ninja world.
The new book Zhenguan Paper Seller has been released, everyone is welcome to read it.


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