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Become rich through hard work with Sunagakure — Chapter 272 Chapter 270 Split, split, split.

However, no matter how much drama Danzo Shimura has in mind, he needs to take it back. Who made it so difficult to deal with so many things now?

Besides, he didn’t bring many people with him.

If he had brought many masters with him today and the situation in the Kingdom of Rain was not good, he would definitely go up and kill the three little ones and take back the Samsara Eye.

Unfortunately, everything is if.

In this world, if it is a fairly worthless thing.

There are no ifs for valuable things.

Shimura Danzo’s state is that the more he thinks about it, the more angry he becomes, and the more he wants to hit someone when he takes a step back.

Then, he took the people away early and did not stay in the Country of Rain.

As for Nagato, watching Shimura Danzo leave, he always felt that there was a vague malice surrounding him.

Seeing Nagato’s frown, Ayu stepped forward and asked after seeing everyone off:

“What’s wrong, Nagato, what happened to make you frown like this?”

“No, Lord Ayu, it’s just that I always feel like there’s a malice surrounding me.”

He shook his head to show that he was fine.


However, Nagato was fine, and Ayu was. When he heard the word malicious, Ayu suddenly thought of one thing, that is, there was a dark thing that had not yet been solved.

After thinking about it, Ayu felt that he needed to vaccinate the three little ones.

“Yahiko, Nagato, Konan, you three come with me. I have something to ask you.”

Ayu greeted the three little ones and walked towards his office.

“Master Ayu, if you have anything to say, just say it. We are loyal to you.”

Yahiko looked at Ayu, who looked gloomy, as if something big was about to happen, and quickly expressed his loyalty.

“I ask you, what do you think of me treating you?”

“Okay, very good. You are so kind to us. You teach us ninjutsu and give us food to eat.”

“What do you think of me towards the Country of Rain and Hidden Rain Village?”

“Even better, because of you, the Kingdom of Rain has become stronger and stronger, and because of you, the people of the Kingdom of Rain can gradually afford to eat.”

“Very good. If one day someone tells you that I used to be a conspirator and a bad person, will you still trust me?”

After being silent and struggling for a while, Yahiko slowly opened his mouth and said with firm eyes:

“Yes, we will still trust you.

We’ve wondered before, who you really are, and now we know.

You are the leader of the Rain Country, you are the one who raised us, gave us food, and taught us ninjutsu.

No matter what you were like in the past, we only know that if it weren’t for you, we would be dead long ago. “

A touching and touching words slowly came out from the mouths of the three little ones.

After hearing these words and looking at the firm eyes of the three little ones, Ayu was filled with emotion.

At this moment, he knew that he could finally face his past self.

At the same time, he also understood that he finally said goodbye to the past.

From today on, there is no longer Ayu, the boss of the money exchange, but only Ayu, the leader of the Kingdom of Rain and the boss of Yuyin Village.

For the common people, being able to afford food is better than anything else.

As for his former identity as the boss and how many evil things he had done, they were all trivial matters and could be ignored.

Anyway, he didn’t harm me before, so why should I care.

Work honestly, get paid on time every month, earn more money, buy two new clothes for your children, eat a few more full meals, if you have the conditions, eating a few bowls of meat, isn’t it better than anything else? .

Life is not such a simple thing, what else should we pursue?

Therefore, Ayu thought too much from the beginning.

It can only be said that Ayu thought too much and was afraid of wolves and tigers, and finally got himself into a trap.

Although this pit is not big.

After sending away the three little ones, Ayu sat on the chair in the office, feeling a sense of pride in his heart.

I’m pretty awesome.

“What you said before was to guard against me.”

Suddenly, a gloomy voice sounded in the room, and a dark shadow appeared on the roof at some point.

“Yes, that’s right, I’m just guarding you.”

Ayu heard Hei Jue’s words and replied without any hesitation.

At the same time, Ayu calmly pressed a red button under his desk.

What do you think? If I don’t guard against conspirators like you, who should I guard against? Why should I guard against myself?

Is there something wrong with my head or something? I have nothing to guard against and am playing by myself.

“Don’t you want revenge? The Five Hidden Villages have ruined your family’s legacy for generations.”

“No, building the Kingdom of Rain will be stronger than my family’s foundation for generations.”

“As long as you control the Samsara Eye well, you can control the world.”

“Stop making trouble and control the world. The Immortal of Six Paths also has the Eye of Samsara. He’s dead. He didn’t control the world when he was alive.”

“You are toasting and not eating, but you are punished with a drink. Do you want to die?”

“Yes, that’s right, I’m just seeking death.”

After the conversation, Hei Jue had only one feeling. The Ayu in front of him seemed to be poisonous. No matter what he said, he would directly attack him.

It was an uncomfortable feeling to go against him, and it was not as easy to fool as Uchiha Madara.

Of course Ayu is harder to fool than Uchiha Madara.

From the very beginning, Ayu played politics, while Madara played dreams.

As far as Ayu is concerned, you are a thing that you dare not even show your face, what nonsense are you bragging to me?

To rule the world, do you think I am a fool or a middle-aged boy?

It’s okay, don’t fool me about world domination.

“Okay, in that case, let’s see.”

Hei Jue said a harsh word, turned around and left.

“Let’s go, you can leave.”

Ayu thought silently in his heart.

As soon as Ayu’s inner thoughts came to an end, a few paper kunais were thrown towards Black Jue.

Next, it’s time for the three little ones to fight against Black Zetsu.

Even though Black Zetsu is weak, it depends on who he is competing with.

Compared to people like Uchiha Madara and Indra, they are really too weak to look at.

But if compared with the three little ones who have not grown to their full bodies, he is still very good.

A big battle came and went as soon as it was said to be over, not too earth-shattering, just a few simple big moves.

After discovering that he had no way to create any achievements, Hei Jue ran away decisively.

This is not his hometown, but Ayu’s lair.

The Country of Rain is poor, and it has gathered the old members of the Rain Hidden Village, plus the ninjas it has trained.

It’s not like Hei Zetsu can cause trouble here alone.

If a Black Zetsu could penetrate Yuyin Village, Ayu wouldn’t need to talk about armed forces.

After driving away Hei Jue, he also reminded the three little ones that someone was spying on them.

The Samsara Eye seems to contain many secrets, which they don’t know.

Of course, the entire ninja world doesn’t know much about the secret of the Rinnegan.

Although there were many questions, looking at Ayu’s tired look, the third child just thought about it and stopped asking.

As people with normal brains, they still know when to ask what and when not to ask what. Like now, it’s obvious that they don’t ask anything.

Although Ayu will tell them all, your ignorance will offend many people.

Ayu is a good boss. At least, he is very good when it comes to dealing with the three little ones.

Ayu glanced over and knew what the third child was thinking. Without saying anything, he took out a notebook from the drawer of his desk.

“This is the process of me getting to know that dark thing. There are also some things about my past and some things about the Samsara Eye.

You can take it back and read it for yourself. After reading it, just destroy it.

Although not too important, it is still troublesome. “

“Thank you, Master Ayu.”

The three little ones happily took it and turned away.

Staying here is a bit ungrateful.

Master Ayu is a good leader.

Not only is he dedicated to the development of the Kingdom of Rain, but he also treats his subordinates quite well.

“Chief, you…?”

Ying looked at Ayu with hesitation and hesitation.

He didn’t understand what happened to Ayu and why he even explained it to the three little ones.

The previous leader would never do such a thing.

“It’s okay. Since we have separated from the past and we are all brand new, we must do our best.

You can’t always carry the past with you. “

Ayu smiled and said that he had nothing to do.

Ayu’s IQ makes him understand many things nowadays.

He knew that this was an opportunity, an opportunity to completely separate from the past and get closer to the three little ones.

Hei Jue said that if you control the Samsara Eye, you can control the world. Ayu didn’t believe this. Hei Jue was definitely exaggerating.

However, it should be no problem to control the world by shrinking it a hundred times, to have the Samsara Eye appear a shadow level, or to have a half-step super shadow.

In this way, getting one step closer to Sanxiao will help him step down smoothly.

The Kingdom of Rain has a super strong man of its own and does not, those are two concepts.

Their status in the ninja world is also different.

“Ying, you know, the separation from Black Zetsu is also a way of cutting off the retreat.

From today on, we will be completely integrated into the Kingdom of Rain. “

Ayu walked to the window, looked at the pouring rain outside, and sighed.

“Understood, from now on, we can only go to the dark side in one way.”

Shadow said calmly.

After following Ayu for decades, his IQ is not low.

“Believe in yourself, believe in me, believe in Yahiko and the others, we will reach the top, and even more, maybe one day, we can even take a peek at the five hidden villages.”

Ayu suddenly laughed.

Ayu felt that what he said was a bit unrealistic.

How difficult it is to peek at the location of the five hidden villages.

In the ninja world, only the former Takigakure Village has been seen up close once.

Even the Hidden Rain Village controlled by Hanzo couldn’t peep into it.

There is no way, who made the foundation too weak.

If the foundation were thicker, we would have successfully peeked into it.

The environment in the Country of Rain is doomed. If they don’t develop technology and take the road of getting rich through technology, they won’t have much of a future.


Become rich through hard work with Sunagakure

Become rich through hard work with Sunagakure

Status: Completed Author:


Time travel is not scary. There are nine time travels in ten novels. It is not scary to time travel to Naruto. What is scary is that time travel to Sunagakure, the village that relies on eating soil and using love to generate electricity. After awakening the random lottery system, Yun Qing decided , he wants to lead Sunagakure to become rich through hard work and rise in the ninja world.
The new book Zhenguan Paper Seller has been released, everyone is welcome to read it.


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