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Become rich through hard work with Sunagakure — Chapter 296 Chapter 294 Night Talk

“Ye Nan, I’ll leave Shazhi to you.”

“Master Shatu, there is no one else here, so don’t worry.”

“Well, I don’t have to worry about you doing things. The main thing is that the child is stupid. Don’t mind what she said.”

“Don’t worry, we’re all here at that age, so there’s nothing to worry about.”

Ye Nan said that she would not pay too much attention to children, especially those who are arrogant in adolescence.

During the exchange between the two, Saori’s eyes were like knives, piercing the two of them crazily.

Especially since the two of them kept belittling her, they almost made her worthless.

This situation makes Shazhiqing extremely embarrassed.

In the end, Shatu left. Seeing Shatu’s leaving figure, Saori finally felt much better.

However, Saori secretly made up her mind that when she returned to Sand Hidden Village, it would be the time for her to sue Shatu Xiang.

She wanted to tell Shatu all about her that Shatu had belittled her, and let him educate Shatu hard.

Ye Nan looked at Shazhi’s changing face with amusement.

She was quite curious about how Saori did it. She was red and white for a while, frowning for a while, and smiling for a while.

This face-changing technology is really too powerful.

“Okay, don’t look any further. The sand has gone far. Come in quickly. I’m so tired today, so I have to rest early.”

Ye Nan asked Shazhi to come in quickly.

“Oh, alright.”

After hurriedly closing the door and entering the room, Saori began to observe.

Ye Nan’s room is not big, more than 20 square meters, with two single beds, a separate small bathroom, a clothes drying rack, a wardrobe and a small table.

Very simple, very clean. It can be seen that Ye Nan is a clean person.

“You pack your things yourself, and I’ll take a shower, tidy up, and take a shower as well. You can stay in the empty bed.

This is my first time sleeping in a room with someone other than my husband, little girl, this is my first time. “

Speaking of the latter part, Ye Nan winked at Saori and said with a smile.

Saori suddenly blushed, and then stuttered back: “Me too.”

Looking at the blushing Shazhi, Ye Nan shook her head and quickly went to take a shower.

At night, after packing everything, the two of them lay quietly on the bed.

“Master Ye Nan, I…”

“Just call me Ye Nan, or Sister Ye Nan. There is no need to be an adult. In private, there is no need to be so serious.”

Ye Nan interrupted Sha Zhi. She was not used to being called “adult” by people who slept in the same room as her. She was not used to hearing it.

“Oh, okay, Sister Ye Nan, is the war you talked about during the day the same as what was shown in the movie?”

“No, it’s not. It’s much bloodier than those, and it’s also much crueler.

At the very least, in the movies, four-year-olds are never shown going to war, nor can they act. Teenage ninjas massacre a town alone, just for a piece of information. “

Ye Nan’s words shocked Shazhi.

“Why, why would a four-year-old child go to the battlefield? What can a four-year-old child do?”

“Can kill people, can throw kunai.”

“Master Shatu didn’t tell you that he went to the battlefield at the age of four or five.”

“No, I never said it, and my father never told me.”

“Master Shatu’s generation, they are almost all in this situation.

It’s a miserable world, so thank yourself for being born in a good era. “

“Yes, indeed.”

Saori’s mood suddenly dropped. She didn’t expect that a topic she randomly found would be so exciting.

“By the way, Saori, I don’t mind calling you that.”

“No, I don’t mind.”

“How did you get involved with Master Shatu? It seems that he takes good care of you.”

“My father and Master Shatu were comrades in arms in the past, and we have a close relationship.”

“Oh, then your father also has a lot of stories.”

“How to say?”

“I heard from the old man that if the people in Master Shatu’s team were younger, they could serve as guards for the Third Kazekage.

Even so, they are all high-ranking officials and dignitaries, and they are all direct relatives of some kind of Kazekage. “

As she spoke, Ye Nan was a little surprised. She never expected that this little girl would be branded as a direct descendant of Feng Ying.

Look at the Ye family, they married a girl just to hold Feng Ying’s lap.

“Hey, yeah, I really don’t know about this.

Dad and these little friends are so awesome. “

Saori thought for a while, but she really didn’t feel that these people were so powerful.

She always felt that Shatu’s officials had to be bought. Otherwise, how could a big man with a dirty mouth become an official? Shayin Village needed to think about its face.

“No, they are very powerful. Lord Sando and the others are very powerful. They followed Lord Kazekage in the wars in the north and south, fighting against Konoha, fighting the Iwa ninja, and raging against the Mist ninja.

Everyone has made great achievements in battle, and now they all hold high positions.

You must know that sometimes, people sitting in high positions do not necessarily have outstanding abilities, but also need a certain level of awareness and qualifications. “

Ye Nan sighed.

She was the one who caught the last train of the war, truly participated in the war, and witnessed that cruel era.

The most important thing is that she has also experienced the process of Sunagakure Village from desolation to prosperity.

As things change, people will also mature.

Ye Nan has always had a feeling that if Ye Cang had not married Yun Qing, she and many people in the Ye family would not be in their current position.

Once the emperor and his ministers were not direct descendants, why should they sit in high positions?

In terms of ability, that requires a lot of incredible ability.

Throughout the ages, there was only one person who could break through the level ceiling with his ability, General Wei.

Just because his sister married the emperor, she caught up with the fast ship that was attacking the Huns.

Otherwise, no matter how many abilities he has, he won’t be able to use them.

“Why are you coming here? Logically speaking, you should stay well at the rear.”

Ye Nan was a little curious. As for this little girl’s family affairs, if she didn’t stay well in the back, why would she go to the front line and suffer hardships?

“I don’t know, I just don’t want to stay behind and live a life where I can see the end of the world, so I signed up.”

“You didn’t tell your parents.”

“Of course, if I tell them, they won’t let me come.”


“Sister Ye Nan, what about you, why are you here.”

“The work requires it. We need someone here who is in charge of logistics and can control the situation, so I’m here.”

“Oh, I see, then you are quite powerful.”

“Well enough.”

“If only I could be as good as you in the future, I would be satisfied.”

“Will do.”

“Go to bed early, we will be busy tomorrow.”

“Yeah, let’s go to bed early.”

Unknowingly, after finding out the basics of gauze weaving, Ye Nan felt at ease.

If she didn’t know the background of Shaori, she wouldn’t be able to sleep peacefully.

This is also a problem left over from the battlefield when she was young.

Chapter two.


Become rich through hard work with Sunagakure

Become rich through hard work with Sunagakure

Status: Completed Author:


Time travel is not scary. There are nine time travels in ten novels. It is not scary to time travel to Naruto. What is scary is that time travel to Sunagakure, the village that relies on eating soil and using love to generate electricity. After awakening the random lottery system, Yun Qing decided , he wants to lead Sunagakure to become rich through hard work and rise in the ninja world.
The new book Zhenguan Paper Seller has been released, everyone is welcome to read it.


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