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Become rich through hard work with Sunagakure — Chapter 299 Chapter 297 Ugly

After confirming the situation, the elders recognized Shatu’s ability and told him, keep working hard and you will be the star of tomorrow.

Shatu sneered at the expressions of the elders.

What the hell, the star of tomorrow, if I were a few decades younger, I would definitely be happy. Now, just stay where it is cool.

The elders looked at Shatu without any excited expressions, nor did they blame him.

After all, it’s useless.

They have nothing to do with an old man like Shatu.

It is impossible to give rewards, and if you reward them again, you need to kick out one of them.

Without actual rewards, only verbal comfort can be given.

As for verbal comfort, you don’t allow others to ignore it.

Therefore, the main purpose of this meeting is to understand the situation of refugees in the radiation zone, as well as the construction and on-site inspection of those factories.

As for the rest, I’m sorry, they really are not in the mood to care.

Knowing that these things can bring them counter-profits for a short period of time, they won’t have much interest.

It was originally a planned plan, follow the steps, and we would deal with problems when they arise.

Under this kind of adjustment, many situations will be easier to talk about and handle.

In short, if everyone is fine, that’s the best thing.

They really don’t want an accident to happen.

After the elders expressed their opinions, they left immediately.

They still have a lot to do, and there is no time to delay here.

In commanding the entire Kingdom of Wind, each of them is equivalent to the boss of a department and has a lot to deal with.

After many elders left, Shatu, who had been kneeling on the ground, also stood up, sat on a chair, and faced Yun Qing face to face.

Seeing Shatu’s movements, Yunqing didn’t mind at all. He shrugged and said nonchalantly: “Thank you for your hard work, Lord Shatu.”

“It’s not hard, Kazekage-sama is really hard. You have to face such a huge workload every day.”

Shatu sighed.

In the past, he always thought that Yun Qing’s work was not too tiring.

Now, after being in charge of one’s own affairs, I know how tiring it is.

Just the trivial things that came to him every day in the radiation zone kept him busy.

And this is still a region. Yun Qing is responsible for the entire Kingdom of Wind, so how tiring it is.

Therefore, Shatu was full of sympathy for Yunqing.

“It’s hard work, but it’s okay, I’ve gotten used to it after so many years.

How does it feel to be in charge of your own affairs? “

Yun Qing was stunned for a moment, then realized what Shatu was talking about and asked.

“It’s very tiring. The lives of a group of people are carried on our shoulders. It’s more tiring than going to the battlefield.

Especially when dealing with some special matters, you need to check the information.

All arrangements require me to make decisions.

really tired. “

After thinking about his life these days, Shatu suddenly became discouraged. He was so tired.

This is more tiring than letting him go to the battlefield and kill people.

“Haha, it’s okay. Study more and shoulder more of your responsibility, and future generations will have an easier time.

You made a mistake, and you can survive based on your past achievements. Those young people who have no merit in their body make mistakes, but it is easy to lose their lives. “

Yun Qing changed into a comfortable position and said playfully.

After hearing Yun Qing’s words, Shatu fell silent.

He knew that Yun Qing was right.

Everything is in an exploratory stage now. If the older generation can’t go up to protect us from the wind and rain, how can we let a group of children go up?

They are the older generation, they have a long history of achievements, and if they make mistakes, as long as they admit their mistakes, they can correct them and accumulate experience for future generations.

If you are from the younger generation, it will be difficult.

Let’s not talk about the difficulty, just talk about the blow, which is quite fatal.

Therefore, after hearing Yun Qing’s words, Shatu agreed very much.

Just like now, Shazhi has him by her side, and if something happens, someone will be able to tell the truth.

You can have enough time to grow up, and you can have enough time to accumulate.

If it weren’t for his existence, Saori’s life would have been different.

It was precisely because of his own understanding that Shatu understood what Yun Qing said.

“Shatu, tell me, what is our future goal and where should we go?”

After a long silence, Yun Qing suddenly spoke and asked a very serious question.

Of course, he would conquer Konoha and dominate the ninja world.

Shatu subconsciously wanted to answer, but when the words came to his lips, he suddenly stopped.

It seems that they have achieved this goal.

Yunqing’s martial arts had already achieved all of this in the first martial arts conference.

The reason why they wanted to defeat Konoha before was because they coveted Konoha’s land and wanted to feed every Sunagakure villager.

And they achieved it.

Shatu thought about it carefully and found that every goal they had before seemed to have been achieved.

However, after achieving it, what exactly is their goal?

At this moment, he seemed to understand what Yun Qing was asking.

Seeing Shatu’s dazed look, Yun Qing smiled and said, “Our original goals have been achieved using alternative methods. For a while, it seemed that we really didn’t know what to do.”

Shatu was silent, he didn’t know how to reply to this.

What Yun Qing said was wrong, that’s right.

The reality seems to be like this, the goals have been achieved, perfectly achieved.

But it was the perfect realization that made them even more confused.

“What should we do in Sand Hidden Village, and where should we go.

If no goal appears, where will our future be? “

“Many people are confused. I have clearly annihilated the power of other hidden villages, so why don’t I do it and let Sunagakure Village completely unify the entire ninja world.

I want to say, after unifying the ninja world, where should Sunagakure Village go? “

“The legendary ninja sect unified the ninja world, but later it fell apart, and now it only exists in legends.

I don’t want Sunagakure Village to become a legend after a few decades or hundreds of years.

That’s really bad. “

Yun Qing didn’t know what was wrong with him. Maybe he had suppressed it for too long. After finally meeting a good friend, he spoke out all his inner thoughts.

Shatu felt that it was lucky that he sat down on the chair, otherwise, he would have been paralyzed on the ground now.

Even if he blinked, he felt like he couldn’t stand up anymore.

The legs are a little soft.

Yunqing stopped and smiled apologetically when he saw Shatu sweating all over his body.

“Sorry, I talked too much nonsense, don’t pay attention.

Shatu, please slow down, I’m leaving.

Do you need me to find someone to help you? “

“No, no need, Master Kazekage, I can do it, just take it slow.”

Shatu showed an ugly smile.


Become rich through hard work with Sunagakure

Become rich through hard work with Sunagakure

Status: Completed Author:


Time travel is not scary. There are nine time travels in ten novels. It is not scary to time travel to Naruto. What is scary is that time travel to Sunagakure, the village that relies on eating soil and using love to generate electricity. After awakening the random lottery system, Yun Qing decided , he wants to lead Sunagakure to become rich through hard work and rise in the ninja world.
The new book Zhenguan Paper Seller has been released, everyone is welcome to read it.


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