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Become rich through hard work with Sunagakure — Chapter 305 Chapter 303 Communication

The depressing life above the sea makes cool-headed but cold-hearted guys like Sunasuke and Orochimaru a little irritable.

Mainly on the sea, there are no entertainment activities.

We also have to face emergencies at any time.

On the sea, even if you take a well-explored route, emergencies may happen at any time.

What’s more, they were taking an unexplored route.

Unexplored waterways have more emergencies and require more manpower reserves, which can be said to be full of difficulties.

The boat Yagura used for this trip was still made of wood. It was already very impressive to be able to sail such a long distance.

This is because when encountering big winds and waves, shadow-level masters will personally protect them, break the wind and waves, and forcefully steer the ship.

Without these masters to protect them and good shipwrights to repair them at any time, they would have fallen apart long ago.

Therefore, this voyage is also an accumulation of experience for Yagura.

However, Yagura also knew that this time was also the best opportunity.

It’s a pity that the right time, right place, right people, and the right people are always a little different.

Next time, he might be able to equip himself with enough supplies and have a better basic crew.

However, it would be impossible to have so many experts protecting us like this time.

Finally, I can only say that time is fate, and we will never have such a good opportunity again.

We can guess that with Yagura, he can really intimidate Orochimaru and Sunasuke.

Impossible, it must be the people behind them who asked them to do this.

This is an opportunity for the people behind them to really see the sea.

The fundamental reason for Kirigakure’s sudden increase in national power is the development of the sea.

Just by developing part of the sea around Kirigakure Village, the basic national strength will be greatly enhanced.

The simplest thing is that Kirigakure Village, the Kingdom of Water, can guarantee that everyone can eat meat.

An island is circled and used exclusively for animal husbandry. All fishing boats engage in large-scale and calculated fishing.

With a two-pronged approach, it took less than two years for Kirigakure Village to kill the price of meat.

As for the wealthy families and businessmen who deal in meat products, what is their reaction?

The Blood Mist Butcher of Hidden Mist Village tells you that they have no objections, and they dare not have any objections.

Those who had objections were all deducted from the title of one of the daimyo’s surviving members and sent to see the daimyo.

Well, it’s so tough, is there anything you can do.

Of course there is no other way.

This is also the reason why the members of the Dark World will never be killed.

There are always some remnants of the old era, and there are always some unlucky ones under the New Deal in the Five Hidden Villages. They are unwilling to sink and live with the people they used to look down on. Then they go to the opposite side of the world and form a dark force. power.

When Yagura and others, who had been wandering on the sea for a long time, decided to return, the leaders of the Five Hidden Villages, the Five Kages, all received the news at the same time.

How could a shadow-level expert not have some channels to communicate with the rear?

You know, even undercover agents who may be thrown away at any time have channels to communicate with their rear.

At the place where the Mitsuo once lived in Kirigakure Village, the water inside was boiling. The guarding ninja quickly went to report the strange sight to the Third Mizukage.

When the Third Mizukage arrived, the boiling water had calmed down, and a three-tailed creature made of water and Yagura were standing on the water.

“Long time no see, Mizukage-sama.”

Yagura looked at the Third Mizukage, who was exuding an aura of ice all over his body, especially the clone that he had condensed with the help of the power of the three tails. It had begun to vibrate and was about to dissipate at any time.

Say hello quickly, and then share all the information and gains you have gained along the way.

Leniency for those who confess, severity for those who resist.

As a smart person, Yagura quickly told what he had learned along the way before the Third Mizukage asked any questions.

He focused on the gains he and others had made, and then used the Spring and Autumn style of writing to highlight his own offenses and bold moves.


A cold snort expressed the Third Mizukage’s dissatisfaction.

“Come back alive and I’ll deal with you when the time comes.”

The Third Mizukage glared at Yagura fiercely, and without giving Yagura any chance to reply, a wave of ice instantly froze the place.

The lake where Sanwei lived turned into a world of ice in an instant.

This shows the combat power of the Third Mizukage.

In Yunqing’s office, Yunqing, who was working, suddenly felt that someone was contacting him. He frowned and thought for a moment. The only people who could contact him through the private message channel he had established were those few people, and now those who have something to contact him through the private message channel, There was only Sunasuke.

After thinking about it, Yunqing asked the ninja who was making a report to leave quickly.

After making sure no one was in the room, he connected to the private message channel.

Sunasuke’s figure instantly appeared in front of Yunqing.

“It’s been a long time since I saw you, Sunasuke. What’s wrong? If there’s anything you need to report to me.”

Yunqing looked at Sunaki’s figure and smiled.

After all, he is his good subordinate, so he must smile and give him a good impression.

“Long time no see, Kazekage-sama, Yagura just held a meeting and decided to return instead of continuing forward.

Ask what you mean. “

Sunasuke’s mood fluctuated a bit, and he quickly explained everything.

“Returning to the voyage.”

Yun Qing frowned, thinking that this guy Yagura would prove the geocentric theory.

Maybe he could really sail around the planet and finally return to Kirigakure Village.

“Yes, when we returned, the mood of the crew on the ship was very bad. In a month, hundreds of fights occurred.

Now there is no way to calm it down, except to guarantee it with some good news. “

Seeing Yunqing’s expression, Sunsuke was a little hesitant, so he quickly added a heavy code.

The main thing is that he can’t stay any longer.

The scope of activities every day is so large, and there are so many entertainment activities, whether it is to ensure the normal operation of the boat, or to play in the waves and fish.

Or it could be to mediate the mood of the crew and deal with fights.

Boredom gradually eroded him.

Shaking his head and nodding again, Yun Qing chuckled and said, “Listen to the captain, remember to bring back the sailing route, and write down what you saw and heard along the way. Once these are completed, that’s it.”

Seeing Sunajie’s anxious look, Yun Qing understood that the boring life on the ship was too much for his iron-blooded warrior.

Even an iron-blooded warrior like Sunsuke couldn’t stand it. He could imagine what the atmosphere on that ship had become.

Just as he could imagine, Yun Qing had to smile bitterly for the rest of his life.

It seems that sailing around the globe is not that simple.

It doesn’t mean that you are a master enough.

There are so many factors to consider.

People’s hearts, supplies, and the boring life at sea.

Not everyone is called Luffy.

Chapter One.


Become rich through hard work with Sunagakure

Become rich through hard work with Sunagakure

Status: Completed Author:


Time travel is not scary. There are nine time travels in ten novels. It is not scary to time travel to Naruto. What is scary is that time travel to Sunagakure, the village that relies on eating soil and using love to generate electricity. After awakening the random lottery system, Yun Qing decided , he wants to lead Sunagakure to become rich through hard work and rise in the ninja world.
The new book Zhenguan Paper Seller has been released, everyone is welcome to read it.


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