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Become rich through hard work with Sunagakure — Chapter 316 Chapter 314 Force decides everything

“You must be sick, to be able to stay alone for so long.”

Hiding alone in the corner, Kuro was speechless to Nagato.

Twenty-four hours a day, Black Zetsu saw that Nagato was alone in the office for ten hours.

Processing documents, dealing with various things, or just reading books, not practicing ninjutsu.

Anyway, it’s just a sentence, just stay here and don’t go out.

This made Hei Jue, who wanted to leave something here, very depressed.

He couldn’t understand at all how you, a grown man, would buy a house, find a girl, marry a wife, and have children to pass on to future generations if you don’t practice cultivation or work hard to make progress.

However, Hei Jue is also a ruthless person who will never give up in order to achieve his goal.

In this way, he watched Nagato rest in the office before continuing the next day.

There is a bathroom and a bedroom in the office, so everything can be done for washing and sleeping.

Black Zetsu was at war with Nagato just for the sake of his goal.

The result was good. On the third day, Nagato finally left because of a mission.

And Hei Zetsu, looking at Nagato going away, especially Konan who came to ask Nagato to leave, tears were streaming down his face. It was so difficult, it was really difficult for him.

I spent three days here alone, watching that boy Nagato eat, sleep and go to the toilet, and refused to leave this room. It was easy for him.

Who is a fool living like this?

Moreover, he really didn’t understand how Nagato managed to read for several days.

What kind of book is this? It’s so beautiful.

Therefore, after Nagato left, and after Hei Zetsu was sure that he could not sense Nagato’s aura, he just came out of the corner when he heard several people talking.

Hearing the sound, Hei Jue quickly hid again.

Within a few seconds, three cleaning staff came in and started cleaning.

Looking at the three people cleaning the house, Hei Jue felt very depressed.

He thought bitterly: “Nagato, you are too degenerate. You have to have others clean the bathroom.

What are your hands for? “

Black Zetsu thought that when he followed Uchiha Madara, Madara never had anyone else clean his room.

Of course, a big reason was that Tai was sleeping in a hole in the ground and there was no need to clean it.

Moreover, they do not eat, drink, or make garbage.

Madara’s life comes from the life energy provided by the Six Paths Golem. There is no garbage to excrete. Hei absolutely does not need to eat. As for Fei, it is even simpler.

In this way, the food, clothing, housing and transportation for the three of them are quite simple.

Therefore, Black Zetsu deeply hates the lazy Nagato.

You are a grown man, but you live such an enviable life.

I was thinking wildly and stared at the three people cleaning the house.

Hei Jue wants to record their faces deeply, and he will definitely kill the three of them when he finds time in the future.

It’s so hateful. I don’t know that Master Hei Zetsu has important things to do, but he dares to chat while cleaning, and the conversation is still about such useless things.

As a person with lofty ideals, Hei Jue cherishes his time, earns every second, and uses it on the edge.

And these three guys who were chatting and laughing while cleaning the house have already been blacklisted by Lord Black Jue because of their bad living habits.

Finally, when Hei Jue couldn’t bear it anymore and was about to explode, the three guys left.

When the three people left, Hei Jue emerged and stared at the backs of the three people with hateful eyes.

“It’s so inefficient, it took me three hours to clean just one place.

Damn thing. “

“Country of Rain, no wonder you are poor. Even with this efficiency, you can’t get rich.”

“Ayu, Nagato, just wait, one day I will kill you.”

“The Country of Rain is a place that people don’t like.”

After coming out of the underground, Hei Jue started his career of complaining.

Nonstop rants kept coming out of Hei Jue’s mouth.

People who don’t know what they think the Kingdom of Rain did to him.

In fact, it’s just that his mentality has exploded.

After finishing complaining, Black Zetsu walked towards Nagato’s desk and bookshelf.

He wanted to take a closer look and see what book Nagato was reading that made him sleepless and reluctant to leave.

In order to read, I even left the door.

“The boss is in love with me.”

“The King of Soldiers is back.”

“A master of personal touch.”


After seeing the names of these books, Hei Jue had the idea of ​​​​clearing the door for his cruel brother, Six Paths Sage.

You, the descendant of the Uzumaki clan, the successor of the Samsara Eye, and the future of the Rain Hidden Village, actually read such degenerate books. Why don’t you practice ninjutsu when you have time?

Hiding in your room all day reading these degenerate books, how will you be the future of the Kingdom of Rain and how will you be responsible for everyone?

The more he thought about it, the angrier he became, and Hei Jue almost smashed it in anger.

He let out a sigh of relief at the wretched life he had endured for the past three days.

However, when he thought about his future, he was so angry that he couldn’t bear it.

Taking out a scroll that recorded various “secrets” and dark history, Black Zetsu sneered and placed it in Nagato’s safe.

As for how to put it in, you can just think about it yourself.

As an outstanding young man who can trick idiots into conquering the world, and who can sneak in and pick locks, Hei Jue said that how could he be troubled by a mere safe.

After doing all this, Hei Jue swore that he would never do such a thing himself again.

If you have any questions, you can come to Bai Jue.

Yes, that’s right.

Let Bai Jue take care of this hard life from now on.

Let those fools come to Bai Jue.

Anyway, he definitely has the ability to control dialogue.

However, his control ability is not omnipotent. At least, it is not very useful for Ah Fei.

It may also have something to do with the fact that A Fei was created by Madara.

When he thought of Ah Fei, Hei Jue felt his heart aching again.

Why, there are always a group of scammers around him.

This group of scammers will not do any good, they will only trick him, the wise and powerful man, Lord Black Jue.

Hei Jue has never thought about it, maybe his brain circuit is different from this group of people.

If he had switched his brain circuitry back to the same channel, he might not be so tired.

After finishing the matter, Black Zetsu immediately returned to the secret base, and then sent out all the White Zetsu under his command, asking some to investigate the situation in the ninja world and collect intelligence, and some to monitor Nagato.

He wanted to know Nagato’s movements so that he could prepare for what was to come.

Because of the shortcomings of his force, Heijiang must think twice before making any calculations, otherwise, he is afraid of failure.

If he had enough force, he would have shattered the moon and rescued his mother long ago.

Even if it’s a little bit close, I’m starting to plan the Five Hidden Villages.

Force decides everything.


Become rich through hard work with Sunagakure

Become rich through hard work with Sunagakure

Status: Completed Author:


Time travel is not scary. There are nine time travels in ten novels. It is not scary to time travel to Naruto. What is scary is that time travel to Sunagakure, the village that relies on eating soil and using love to generate electricity. After awakening the random lottery system, Yun Qing decided , he wants to lead Sunagakure to become rich through hard work and rise in the ninja world.
The new book Zhenguan Paper Seller has been released, everyone is welcome to read it.


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