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Become rich through hard work with Sunagakure — Chapter 325 Chapter 323 Beautiful

Yunqing has been a little annoyed lately.

I don’t know what’s wrong, I just feel a little annoyed.

It feels like something stuck in your teeth after eating and you can’t get it out.

This kind of irritability made Yun Qing very unhappy.

In addition, there were too many things going on recently, all of which required him to deal with them the same way. Under this situation, Yun Qing began to become a little irritable.

There is really no way to describe how busy Yunqing is now.

Sand Hidden Village is going to be expanded, and everyone is getting more and more agitated about the discussion about One Line Sky.

With the development of economy, Sunagakure Village has become a bit smaller.

Various outsiders made Sunagakure Village smaller and smaller.

As the current capital of the Kingdom of Wind, the status of Sand Hidden Village is unshakable.

The higher the status, the greater the symbolic meaning of oneself.

As a result, Sunagakure Village will have to bear more responsibilities.

Sunagakure Village was originally a town with hundreds of thousands of people living in it, but now that it has been transformed into the capital, it has to bear an even larger population.

Based on this calculation, the original land of Sunagakure Village is not enough.

However, the first problem that needs to be faced when expanding Sand Hidden Village is the existence of a line of sky.

Everyone knows that Sunayak Village is protected by a thread of sky.

However, sometimes protection can also be an obstacle.

Today, that’s it.

Therefore, Yun Qing became more and more irritable and unhappy.

If you feel unhappy, you need to vent.

For this reason, Ye Cang has been feeling very uncomfortable in the past few days.

Yun Qing was like a wild wolf, asking for it crazily.

This kind of request made her both proud and uncomfortable.

I am proud that I am still as beautiful as ever.

What’s uncomfortable is that playing music every night puts too much pressure on the body.

Yunqing also knew about Ye Cang’s situation, so he always secretly used magic power to help her comb her body.

Make her feel better.

Late at night, after making love with Ye Cang, Yun Qing leaned on the bedside and lit a cigarette.

“You didn’t smoke this kind of thing before, why did you start smoking it today?”

Ye Cang was very confused. Cigarettes were an industry under Yunqing’s name.

However, she had never seen Yun Qing smoke something like this.

In Yun Qing’s words, if you smoke too much, you will easily feel nothing when kissing.

However, Yun Qing actually started smoking cigarettes today, which made her very confused.

“I feel a little irritable. I always have an itchy feeling. I want to scratch it, but I can’t.”

After tapping it a few times and flicking the ashes away, Yun Qing said slightly depressed.

“Is it because things have been too much recently and you are a little depressed?”

When Ye Cang thought about the huge amount of documents she sent to Yun Qing every day, she felt a little distressed.

If you don’t feel sorry for your own man, who will?

“It’s not these things. This feeling is very subtle. It’s like something involving myself, but I don’t feel it, and I have no way to solve it.”

Yun Qing thought about it for a long time, but couldn’t describe it perfectly.

Ye Cang shook his head, leaned on Yun Qing’s shoulder, and began to enjoy the time between the two of them.

“Since you can’t think of it, stop thinking about it and go to bed early. There are still many things to do tomorrow.”

When thinking about tomorrow, Yun Qing’s face started to look a little ugly.

Xia and Ebizo, led by the two elders of Sunagakure Village, found a lot of things for him.

The fleet that Scorpion wanted to build and the documents that Ebizo wanted to expand Sunagakure Village made him very unhappy.

Very boring.

Everything was unpleasant.

Also unhappy was Sakumo Hatake.

After several days of sparring with the rope tree, Hatake Sakumo’s mood became worse and worse.

Too hard to beat.

Wood Dun plus Wood Dragon, the power of the two is commissioned. It’s not as simple as one plus one.

If it’s one plus one, Hatake Sakumo is confident that he can hang them both up and beat them.

However, when one plus one is added, sometimes the result is ten.

Rope tree and wooden dragon, that’s it.

Staring at the rope tree on the opposite side, which had entered pseudo-sage mode, Hatake Sakumo’s face was ugly, and then he unnaturally pulled out another short sword.

Rope Tree will not be the professional immortal mode of the three holy places.

However, because Wood Dragon has Senju Hashirama’s genes, part of the natural chakra is integrated into his body, and he can absorb and convert natural chakra.

In this way, relying on the contract and combination, Mulong transferred his converted natural chakra to the rope tree, temporarily creating a pseudo-sage mode.

However, the most terrifying thing about Sage Mode is the bonus to ordinary ninjutsu.

The Rope Tree already possesses the immortal body, and when combined in two, the Rope Tree’s Wood Escape power reaches a new level.

Because Wood Dragon’s own chakra is extremely large, although he cannot use cheating tricks like Tailed Beast Tama.

However, a few small-power energy balls are still fine.

For example, the wooden dragon knows dragon breath, although it is just spitting.

What made Hatake Sakumo uncomfortable was that when he finally cut a way through the wood escape, he was met with a large amount of water spitting out at him.

This made him feel very frustrated.

Today, after Orochimaru completed the basic experiment, he came to the underground secret room and wanted to see the sparring situation between Hatake Sakumo and Nawaki.

Then, as soon as he entered the secret room, he saw Hatake Sakumo brandishing two swords with both hands. The electric light on the swords shone. After a sword dance, the wooden escape that surrounded him was cut open.

When Mulong saw Hatake Sakumo break out of the encirclement, he took a breath of dragon breath, then condensed several energy bombs, and dropped them unceremoniously.

As a master of swordsmanship, Hatake Sakumo naturally chose to attack when faced with this scene, attacking without mercy.

It doesn’t matter whether it’s dragon breath, energy bombs, or the wood escape that continues to besiege them, I will cut them away with one strike.

Hatake Sakumo chose to cut off these attacks with one sword. After cutting them off, he quickly moved forward and rushed directly towards the rope tree.

Facing Wood Dragon’s claws caught in the air, he didn’t even dodge and rushed straight away.

The teleportation technique was used instantly, and a knife was directly placed on the rope tree’s neck.

Very beautiful show.

At the very least, Orochimaru enjoyed watching it.

Looking at the expressionless and calm Hatake Sakumo in front of him, Naoki laughed twice to show that he was convinced.

The strong men of the older generation are the strong men of the older generation after all. Young people like me are really no match for them.

“Sakumo-senpai, I lost again.”

Shen Shu said indifferently.

It was not embarrassing to lose to Hatake Sakumo. He had always thought that his sister, the licking dog Jiraiya, and his teacher Orochimaru, if the three of them teamed up, they would not be able to defeat Hatake Sakumo.

However, if the three of them were separated, they would definitely not be able to defeat Hatake Sakumo.

Thinking about it this way, he and the Sannin, who were both defeated, had become on the same level.

However, one is at level 60 and the other is at level 90.

“A very beautiful attack, worthy of Sakumo-senpai.”

Orochimaru clapped his hands and walked out of the darkness.

Mulong, Sakumo, and Nezuki all looked towards him.


Become rich through hard work with Sunagakure

Become rich through hard work with Sunagakure

Status: Completed Author:


Time travel is not scary. There are nine time travels in ten novels. It is not scary to time travel to Naruto. What is scary is that time travel to Sunagakure, the village that relies on eating soil and using love to generate electricity. After awakening the random lottery system, Yun Qing decided , he wants to lead Sunagakure to become rich through hard work and rise in the ninja world.
The new book Zhenguan Paper Seller has been released, everyone is welcome to read it.


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