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Become rich through hard work with Sunagakure — Chapter 328 Chapter 326 A strange peace

The civilians of Tian Country dare not imagine such a thing, but they do live in this environment.

Moreover, what they don’t know is that both Orochimaru and Rasa are secretly changing the environment in which they live.

As an out-and-out graduate of Sunagakure Village, Luo Sha is good at using tricks that are large-scale and mutually supported by the environment.

Being in a foreign country and not in an environment that he was good at, of course he chose to change quietly.

For example, a large amount of iron energy is stored under one’s feet.

It is convenient for you to call at any time.

The same is true for Garura. For this reason, Garura also learned a secret technique from Yunqing, which can change the environment at any time.

A very cruel sorcery.

Well, Yunqing is very good at it.

Anyone who has seen Irene appear will know that the Dragon Queen is very good at this kind of trick.

Yun Qing can modify it casually and create a good secret technique.

As for Orochimaru, he is simple. In order to explore the basic situation of Tian Country, he will also release a large number of snakes for investigation.

And these snakes can turn into his fighting power at any time.

For example, come to the Ten Thousand Snakes Chaozong.

Therefore, it is correct to say that the civilians of Tian Country are miserable.

However, in general, ignorance is bliss, this sentence is quite correct.

The residents of Tian Country do not know that they live in an environment that can collapse at any time. Likewise, they also do not know that the land they are standing on at this time no longer belongs to Tian Country, but belongs to Konoha and Sunagakure. Village.

If they knew, they would feel uncomfortable no matter how they behaved.

Living on someone else’s land inexplicably is something I can’t be happy about.

Of course, they don’t know, after all, they are just ordinary people, and now they can only be happy.

The reason is simple. Whether it is Luo Sha or Orochimaru, although they come here with various purposes, they also bring opportunities.

They brought a better life to the people of Tianzhi Country.

For example, for work, a large part of the reason why they came to Tian Zhiguo is that Tian Zhiguo has what they need.

For Sunagakure Village, the land in Tian Country is very good and fertile. By occupying part of the land here, they can grow food on a large scale, and they can feed back to the country.

Building a large farm requires manpower.

Where did the manpower come from? Of course it came from the Kingdom of Tian.

Cheap labor is what they need.

The same is true for Orochimaru. Konoha needs various materials and products. Although they are available in the Land of Fire, they will eventually be used up. In this case, it is better to import them from abroad.

Besides, the Kingdom of Tian is so delicious to them.

Their force can guarantee that the Kingdom of Tian is like a naked person to them, and they can make all kinds of demands without restraint.

Of course, this kind of request is for everyone to get what he needs.

People in the two leased areas of Tian Country can also come into contact with the outside world through the Fire Country and Wind Country.

They also have more opportunities.

As for your feelings about Hei Zetsu.

He didn’t feel anything.

If he wanted to fight for the throne, he would definitely refuse all of this.

Who makes his goal not be.

His goal is to split the moon to save his mother.

Now the country of Parasite Field is just for its own goals.

As for the losses in the process, I’m sorry, it’s not his country, nor his mother’s country, so he doesn’t care what he does.

Within the rules, Tianzhiguo entered a state of self-destruction.

This state is very good for the people of Tian Country.

There is no exploitation by nobles and various classes, and you make money entirely based on your ability.

As long as you have strength, you can get ahead.

This kind of life is really wonderful.

The cooperative life of Black Zetsu also made Orochimaru and Rasa very happy.

If you cooperate, I don’t have to scheming with you. How great.

If you cooperate well, I will also have time to conduct the research I like.

This is Orochimaru.

As for Luo Sha, it’s even simpler. Such a good mission, how great.

If you cooperate, I will cooperate. I will take what we need, and we will not be too strict in what we do.

You go and play with yourself, I will accompany my wife, and when I have time, I will practice again and improve my strength. What a great life I have in my little life.

Even with this weird mentality, the situation in Tian Zhiguo is getting better and better.

The entire Tian Country is getting better and better.

Black Zetsu is studying how to create a more perfect White Zetsu, and how to recruit the people of Tian Country so that no outsiders know about it.

Orochimaru is working on his favorite research project.

If someone who lacks dedication helps, he will only be able to smuggle a few unwanted items on the street.

As for the rope tree that he originally agreed to be a sparring partner, I’m sorry, the teacher is too busy and doesn’t have time to talk to you, so just go and have fun on your own.

Naoki was very dissatisfied, and then he was hung up by Orochimaru and whipped a lot, and he was beaten severely.

For Orochimaru, the sky can collapse, the earth can be destroyed, and chaos can repeat itself, but research cannot stop.

Luo Sha’s life became even more wonderful.

How wonderful it is to have a beautiful woman accompany you every day, eat together, go shopping together, and practice together.

The relationship between the two of them was still so good, and of course he cherished such a wonderful time.

However, their life here is wonderful, and some people’s life is not wonderful.

After the Tianzhiguo incident broke out, many people wanted to get involved.

For example, the Kingdom of Earth.

No matter how far the territory is, as long as there are interests, we are not afraid of distance.

If the interests are great enough, distance cannot produce beauty.

However, Ohnoki was blocked before he could take action.

It was stopped by Konoha and Sunagakure Village.

In the words of Sarutobi Hiruzen, it is a small country to begin with, but it is far away from you. There is nothing to do with it, so why not just let us divide it.

Besides, how much benefit can a small country have if everyone shares it?

In short, it’s just a sentence, I won’t give it to you, I won’t let you play with it.

Faced with such an occasion and such a perfunctory response.

Ohnoki was angry.

Anger is of no use unless his strength allows him to fly over Konoha and perform a Dust Release and Original Realm Peeling Technique.

If he couldn’t, he would just stay there.

Facts have proved that he can’t, his strength can’t do it, let him challenge the entire Konoha and Sunagakure Village alone.

If you can’t do it, you can only endure it and look for opportunities to retaliate.

Seeing people eating meat, he couldn’t even drink the soup. No matter how envious, jealous and resentful he was, he could only endure it.

This is caused by strength.

If it were Uchiha Madara, he would definitely go up without saying a word.

Ask why? That is, the strength is guaranteed.


Become rich through hard work with Sunagakure

Become rich through hard work with Sunagakure

Status: Completed Author:


Time travel is not scary. There are nine time travels in ten novels. It is not scary to time travel to Naruto. What is scary is that time travel to Sunagakure, the village that relies on eating soil and using love to generate electricity. After awakening the random lottery system, Yun Qing decided , he wants to lead Sunagakure to become rich through hard work and rise in the ninja world.
The new book Zhenguan Paper Seller has been released, everyone is welcome to read it.


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