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Become rich through hard work with Sunagakure — Chapter 331 Chapter 329 I understand what you mean

Sarutobi Hiruzen sat alone in the Hokage’s office, the faint moonlight shining through the window on him.

The shadow was stretched by the moonlight.

“I am truly a failure.”

He blew out a big puff of smoke, shed two lines of tears, and looked at the portraits of Senju Hashirama and Senju Tobirama hanging opposite the office, Sarutobi Hiruzen said sadly.

“I’m sorry, teacher, I lost my title as the number one hidden village. As a Kage, I was coerced. This is my failure.”

I’m sorry after another, echoing in this office.

In the middle of the night, this can be regarded as a terrifying scene.

When he thought of his ugly appearance when facing Yunqing just now, Sarutobi Hiruzen’s heart ached with pain.

He originally thought that the gap between himself and Yun Qing would not be too big.

However, he never expected that if Yun Qing did not suppress him, he would only have the courage to take action but not the determination to die.

Looking out the window at the still bustling Konoha Hidden Village, Sarutobi Hiruzen looked confused.

Konoha is becoming more and more prosperous, and the people of Konoha believe in him and praise him.

However, no one knew the pain in his heart.

The world saw that he was famous all over the world and gained both fame and fortune.

However, the world did not see his sad look.

He, Hiruzen Sarutobi, dared to say to everyone that the Konoha I command is far superior to the Konoha commanded by the previous two generations of Hokages.

But he dare not say that Konoha is still the number one hidden village now.

Now, he holds the military and political power of the Fire Country and stands above ten thousand people. He has made the Hokage’s authority extremely huge.

In short, he is the emperor of the Fire Country, there is no problem.

But, so what, Konoha still lost its status and title as the number one hidden village.

Sarutobi Hiruzen couldn’t imagine what it would be like to see the first and second generations after his death.

What his ancestors gave him was the position of Hokage, who was famous in the ninja world and sat at the top of the Five Kage Conference.

When he got here, he became a mediocre person.

If you are not the first, you will become mediocre.

Sarutobi Hiruzen was heartbroken.

Coupled with the fact that he had been coerced just now, he felt even more uncomfortable.

He believed that his strength had reached the peak of his life, even surpassing his teacher. Even if he couldn’t defeat Yun Qing, he could still withstand it.

The scene just now hit him hard in the face.

What to use to block it.

“Konoha has become prosperous in my hands, and I am confident that I will hand over a prosperous Konoha to future generations and leave them with a good hand.”

After walking out of the office and standing on the Hokage Building, looking at the lively and prosperous Konoha, Sarutobi Hiruzen murmured calmly.

“The Third Generation Fengying Yunqing is so terrifying.

My generation is finished, and it is impossible to surpass him.

We can only count on the next generation. “

Sarutobi Hiruzen was very clear about how much he weighed.

He clearly understood his situation.

His character originally belonged to the type of growing up in adversity.

According to the nine-square grid, he is orderly evil.

If there was peace and prosperity, he would never tolerate Orochimaru’s human experiments and genetic monster engineering, and he would never allow Orochimaru to study the reincarnation of filth.

But now, he has allowed all of this. Not only has he allowed it, he is also preparing to expand and increase investment. For the future of Konoha, to suppress Yunqing, and to regain the title of the No. 1 Hidden Village, he wants to increase Konoha’s background.

Looking at the bustling Hidden Leaf Village in the cold wind, Sarutobi Hiruzen made up his mind.

He wanted Konoha to reach the pinnacle of the ninja world.

Having made up his mind, Hiruzen Sarutobi selected direct descendants from Konoha the next day to form a giant arsenal.

The success of Mulong has allowed them to accumulate experience, and they have already taken a step forward in selling genetic monsters.

Next, he will focus on the reincarnation of dirty land.

Thinking of making it happen, Sarutobi Hiruzen found one of his trump cards, Beiruhu.

“Hokage-sama, you are looking for me.”

Beiruhu said respectfully to Sarutobi Hiruzen.

Now, he has stood above ten thousand people and reached the pinnacle of his life. He crosses grains, breeds animals, and cultivates better creatures, which makes him very popular in Konoha.

The deer of the Nara family, the dogs of the Inuzuka family, and the insects of the Aburame family are all the basics.

In fact, the relationship between the gene sequence and the bloodstains he proposed was deeply loved by the Konoha Bloodstained Family, and for a while, he was a guest.

The research he proposed to genetically improve blood stains made the major blood stain families very interested and invested a lot of money in him.

Especially after he helped the Kurama clan improve some of their blood stain defects and improved their family’s physical fitness, his status increased crazily.

Therefore, there is no problem in saying that there are no regrets in life.

He has no regrets in life, but he also knows how he got his current status.

After Yun Qing’s threats last night, he understood how his status came about.

The reason why the major families looked up to him was entirely because behind him stood the Sannin, Sarutobi Hiruzen, and the Hokage line.

Otherwise, he would have been killed long ago.

Study the genes of bloodstains and get a glimpse of their foundation.

With this kind of talent, the first way every major family thinks of is to kill him and take away his research results.

Therefore, Hiruhu became more and more respectful towards Sarutobi Hiruzen.

It’s not okay to be disrespectful, this is your own support.

Facing Beiruhu’s respect, Sarutobi Hiruzen didn’t show any expression, and said calmly: “How about last night.”

“I’m embarrassed, Hokage-sama, he took away the genetic information about the wooden dragon.”

Bi Liuhu’s heart tightened, and then relaxed.

Since Sarutobi Hiruzen knew about this, he must have met Yun Qing. As for what the two talked about, that was not his concern.

“you are still alive?”

“Yes, I can’t even think of resisting that gentleman.”

“Very good, just stay alive.”

Silence, then there was silence between the two of them.

“I remember you proposed the so-called genetic ninjutsu Kiyaro no Jutsu.

Let me explain this ninjutsu again. “

Sarutobi Hiruzen said with gloomy eyes.

“The original idea of ​​this ninjutsu is to balance both.

Taking into account the limits of blood inheritance and the psychic beast.

The existence of the wooden dragon involves this. “

Hirohu briefly and quickly introduced Sarutobi Hiruzen.

“Very good, very good, but it is too petty to study something involving genes just as a ninjutsu.

You treat it as a project.

I want to see the finished product.

Konoha itself has a strong man with blood stains. I can’t give you a body, but it’s still okay to provide some blood.

We also have some collection of blood-stained ninjas from other villages.

You know what I mean. “

Sarutobi Hiruzen stared at Beiruhu with serious eyes.

Some things cannot be explained too clearly.

It’s not good to say it too clearly.

Bei Liuhu also knew this, so he replied with an understanding.


Become rich through hard work with Sunagakure

Become rich through hard work with Sunagakure

Status: Completed Author:


Time travel is not scary. There are nine time travels in ten novels. It is not scary to time travel to Naruto. What is scary is that time travel to Sunagakure, the village that relies on eating soil and using love to generate electricity. After awakening the random lottery system, Yun Qing decided , he wants to lead Sunagakure to become rich through hard work and rise in the ninja world.
The new book Zhenguan Paper Seller has been released, everyone is welcome to read it.


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