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Become rich through hard work with Sunagakure — Chapter 336 Chapter 334 I dare not think about it

The Yin and Yang seal was invented by the Third Kazekage Yunqing, and it was a semi-public ninjutsu in Sunagakure Village.

This is a ninjutsu that can grow.

The lowest level is to transform excess chakra, improve the body, and delay aging.

The highest level, it can store chakra, improve the body all year round, and keep the body in a youthful state.

Because of its ability to delay aging, this ninjutsu has been used by a large number of female ninjas.

Especially those family members.

However, it is of little use to Uzumaki Akize who is a member of the Uzumaki clan and has a long lifespan and a long period of adulthood.

However, Uzumaki Xiangzi finally learned it, and she studied it very seriously.

The level is very good and belongs to the stage that everyone envies.

However, it is precisely because of the existence of the yin and yang seal that Yunqing knows what collagen is, and people’s potential is endless.

You can imagine that a group of chuunin and genin female ninjas, in order to stay young and delay aging, just clicked on a bunch of skill points in the sealing technique.

The ninjutsu that should only be learned by jounin was forced to be learned by them.

What hyaluronic acid, what face-lift injections, what powder.


It’s all wrong. It’s all wrong when it comes to collagen.

As long as I delay aging, I still have to use powder when I reach puberty. It’s just a joke.

Therefore, in front of collagen, women’s potential truly explodes.

What, you said that learning the sealing technique requires meticulous chakra control.

I’ll let you see what chakra manipulation is.

What, you said that learning sealing requires a certain amount of talent.

But I heard that diligence can make up for weakness.

What, you said that learning sealing requires a sufficient level of knowledge.

Look, these are all the certificates I got from elementary school to graduation.

In order to delay aging, the overall strength of the shinobi of Sunagakure Village has suddenly risen to a higher level in a short period of time.

Well, the boys didn’t escape either.

If your girlfriend has learned it, how can you not learn it yourself?

When his girlfriend told him that twenty years later, even if your face is full of wrinkles, I can still cheat on you, the male ninjas all fell silent.

They suddenly felt that it was quite good to be a little fresh meat.

The main reason is that they don’t want to go through divorce procedures twenty years later and then watch their still beautiful wives sleep with other men.

Yunqing didn’t expect that a ninjutsu he prepared for Ye Cang would actually raise the strength of the entire Sunagakure Village to a higher level, especially the literacy campaign.

Learning the art of sealing and practicing it to a certain level really requires a lot of knowledge.

Ninja illiteracy exists, and it’s not just a day or two.

Illiteracy does not mean that you cannot read, but that your level is not good enough.

Just like everyone’s general education level is college, and you suddenly have a primary school diploma, you think you are equivalent to illiterate.

Everyone is talking about investment and finance, and you can interject and say how to feed the pigs.

When everyone around them starts to learn, those who have been dawdling for a long time also start to learn.

Then, if you have learned everything, then go and get a certificate.

Asked, after learning the knowledge of sealing, what certification should I take?

Of course, you need to learn one or two sealing techniques.

In Sand Hidden Village, there are many channels for learning sealing techniques.

For example, if you go to Fenfu, he will teach you as long as you really want to learn.

Another example is the Uzumaki clan. If you ask them for one or two basic sealing techniques, they will teach you.

Another example is to learn the Yin and Yang seals.

Of course, these are the basic sealing techniques you first learned. If you want to learn advanced ones, you need to have a certain amount of talent and hard work.

However, after Yunqing saw this situation, he understood that in two or three generations, Sand Hidden Village would become a hidden village where sealing techniques were prevalent.

If parents know the sealing technique, their children will be interested in it since they are young and will gradually master it.

Whether you are proficient or not is one thing, and whether you are proficient or not is another matter.

To sum up, Yun Qing just let these things go.

Let them develop naturally.

Of course, the most important thing is that Yun Qing feels that if Shayin Village knows the sealing technique, one or two geniuses will emerge over time and a system will be established.

A system about sealing.

On how important a system is.

Just look at the dark-skinned guys in Yunyin Village.

Basically, every hidden village will have its own ninjutsu system, excluding Konoha.

Everyone among the low-level ninjas in Sand Hidden Village knows a skill or two of wind escape.

Earth escape in Iwagakure Village.

The Ninjutsu of Cloud Hidden Village.

If Madara Uchiha was the Hokage in Konoha, everyone would probably know the fireball jutsu.

It’s a pity that Konoha belongs to the Senju clan, a clan famous for its large amount of chakra.

Yunqing just wanted to see Shayin Village become a village of seals, and everyone would know one or two sealing techniques.

When the time comes, some powerful sealing techniques will emerge from the old and the new.

He, Yun Qing, was also greedy when he looked at the forbidden techniques in Konoha’s sealing technique.

When will their Sunagakure Village also have these?

Yun Qing had a lot of things on his mind, otherwise, he wouldn’t be living so tiredly.

Yunqing and Uzumaki Akizawa kept chatting, while Uzumaki Kouko next to him had been reading the experimental report of Orochimaru Hirohu.

He was so fascinated that he completely ignored the two of them.

However, Yunqing and Uzumaki Akize didn’t care.

“Master Kazekage, do you want to create a monster like this?”

Uzumaki Xiangzi raised her head and looked at Yun Qing seriously.

“This experiment is no longer an ordinary experiment.

This is touching the taboo and trying to master it.

Create life.

That wooden dragon, in my opinion, is more like the continuation of Senju Hashirama’s life. “

Uzumaki Xiangzi became more and more excited as she spoke, and finally stood up.

“No, I’m not trying to create life.”

Shaking his head, Yun Qing said softly.

At first, he wanted to create a few wooden dragons. Later, after studying Senju Hashirama’s cells, he came to a similar conclusion.

That wooden dragon, theoretically speaking, can be regarded as the continuation of Senju Hashirama’s life.

He didn’t want to make the entire ninja world full of traces of Senju Hashirama.

“Appreciate further details.”

Uzumaki Xiangzi calmed down and then sat down.

As a doctor, the two things I hate most are longevity and creating life.

However, these two points are what they always study.

Because studying these two points can bring out many additional products.

The value of these add-ons is great.

Just for the ultimate goal, I experiment with various things in the middle.

Although these things can be called failures, failures also have the value of failures.

That’s why Uzumaki Kouko was so shocked and frightened after reading it and guessing the creation of life.

I can’t help but be afraid, it’s really too scary.

These things were something she couldn’t even imagine.


Become rich through hard work with Sunagakure

Become rich through hard work with Sunagakure

Status: Completed Author:


Time travel is not scary. There are nine time travels in ten novels. It is not scary to time travel to Naruto. What is scary is that time travel to Sunagakure, the village that relies on eating soil and using love to generate electricity. After awakening the random lottery system, Yun Qing decided , he wants to lead Sunagakure to become rich through hard work and rise in the ninja world.
The new book Zhenguan Paper Seller has been released, everyone is welcome to read it.


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