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Become rich through hard work with Sunagakure — Chapter 341 Chapter 339: Self-disturbing

After marrying Yunqing, Ye Cang was still very happy.

Just one sentence, you don’t have to go all over the world to eliminate mistresses, what else is there to be dissatisfied about.

The last time Ye Cang and his sisters got together, there was a little sister who expressed her dissatisfaction.

Because it was a political marriage, and my husband was a playboy.

In addition, my husband has to talk business all over the world. The result is that, talking about business all over the world, the world is full of little lovers.

The little sisters can only eliminate mistresses all over the world.

The most ruthless thing is that her husband, a playboy, does everything he wants to do, whether he wants to kill her or bury her.

After his mistress was eliminated, he didn’t feel any guilt at all. Instead, he could happily find another one.

Compared with this, Ye Cang is really not dissatisfied at all.

The main reason is that Yunqing is young and rich, and has an appearance that is always eighteen years old. Coupled with Yunqing’s beautiful appearance that kills both men and women, what else can be dissatisfied.

Ye Cang looked at this beautiful scenery and suddenly showed a regretful expression.

“What’s wrong? Why are you suddenly unhappy?”

Sensing Ye Cang’s sudden low mood, Yun Qing frowned slightly and asked.

“It’s just a bit regretful that such a beautiful scenery cannot be recorded and shared with others quickly. I’m not happy.”

Ye Cang pouted and showed a slight temper.

If she could quickly tell other people about this scene, coupled with pictures of her and Yun Qing, then how many people would die from envy.

Such beautiful scenery, such beautiful time, coupled with beautiful two people.

Beautiful scenery, handsome men and beautiful women, enjoying the scenery under the moon.

No matter where you say it, this is a beautiful thing in the world.

As a person involved, there is no way to tell others quickly and get a wave of envy, jealousy and hatred.

How can I not regret it?

Especially telling Ye Nan to make her envious, jealous and hateful, this must be such a happy thing.

As a woman, who doesn’t want to lose face?

When that woman was young, she didn’t have anyone to compare herself to, right?

The person Ye Cang compares to is Ye Nan, the good sister he grew up with.

Ye Cang thought of himself here, with handsome men and beautiful women kissing me and mine, and then he thought of Ye Nan living on the front line of difficulties, without a husband to accompany her.

At this time, I would like to share this beautiful scene with you.

Ye Cang could imagine Ye Nan’s expression.

That must be quite exciting.

Unfortunately, there is no circle of friends here, nor is it visible to only one person.

Ye Cang could only feel pity all the time.

Yunqing looked at Ye Cang’s changing face and felt funny in his heart.

It was difficult for him to understand how Ye Cang did it, with his face changing so erratically.

However, Ye Cang’s words also gave him a wake-up call.

You should click on the skill points in physics.

For example, good tools such as mobile phones should be highlighted.

Yunqing also thought about the wonderful life of scrolling through Moments, watching short videos, and enjoying ice coke and fried chicken wings.

Unfortunately, Coke and fried chicken are available, but Moments and short videos are not.

At this moment, Yun Qing made up his mind to point it out. Only in this way can a wonderful life come.

Otherwise, life will always be short of something.

Modern people can still be called modern people without smart phones, Coke, air conditioning, novels, comics, movies and various short videos.

Only by gathering all these can we call ourselves modern people.

The more Yun Qing thought about it, the unhappy he became, and he felt a little irritable.

With such a beautiful scene, Yunqing felt like he was wasting his family if he didn’t take a few intimate photos of his wife and himself, paired with the beautiful night scene, post it on WeChat, and envy those singles. Don’t know how to use it.

Yunqing felt that as a being who should be burned to death by the FFF group, he was really embarrassed for not stimulating the majority of singles and FFF members before his death.

Therefore, it is not without reason for Yun Qing and Ye Cang to get married together.

As for the bad intentions of the two of them, this kind of thing that bases one’s own happiness on the pain of others is not something ordinary people can do.

Anyone who can do such things as them is definitely not a good person.

Well, that’s it, yes.

Damn, those envious, jealous and hateful couples should be sacrificed by the FFF group.

Everyone who has not quit the group thinks this way.

Everyone who successfully quits the group believes that people with such ideas are heretics and dangerous elements who should be sent to a mental hospital.

However, Yun Qing, who has the strength to guarantee it, is not afraid of this.

He also looked forward to those members coming to fight with him.

After all, if you have the strength, don’t use it. What if it expires?

These days, everything has an expiration date. What if his character template also has an expiration date? Of course, it would be nice to have some fun before he dies.

Yun Qing and Ye Cang, the two guys who should be burned to death, were thinking crazy ideas about how to show off their love. On the other side, there was a couple doing things that made everyone and God angry.

Yunqing and Ye Cang were just thinking about how to show their affection.

Ye Nan and Uzumaki Yan really showed off their affection, but in front of a group of singles.

Shazhi held the knife and fork in her hand, mistaking the steak on the plate for Ye Nan, who was in the process of cutting it into pieces.

We agreed to have dinner together today, but after seeing Uzumaki Yan who came to express condolences, he left her alone, and the two went to the world of two.

This is nothing, she Saori is not an unreasonable person, right?

You said you live in a world of two, why do you come to the cafeteria?

It’s okay to go to the cafeteria, but you two are feeding each other.

Feeding is barely acceptable.

But you can’t sit in the front row.

He raised his head and reminded them with murderous eyes that he had accidentally affected the two of them.

It turned out that the two of them didn’t care and just went their own way without responding.

Saori was helpless.

It’s true that as long as you have a thick skin, you can conquer the world and go anywhere.

A mouthful of silver teeth made a crunching sound when bitten by Shazhi.

Unfortunately, it was useless. Shazhi was not the only one who gritted his teeth, but Ye Nan and Uzumaki Yan were all shielded.

The two of them were making love to each other, loving each other, and had been feeding for half an hour.

“Husband, come and eat.”

“Honey, open your mouth and I’ll feed you.”

“Okay, hubby.”

“Okay, wife.”

“You are such a good husband.”

“You are the best wife.”

“Come on, hubby, eat some meat.”

“Honey, you have a drink.”


Coupled with the action of wiping each other’s mouths from time to time.

The eyes of the people around me were dizzy when I looked at them, and I hated myself in my heart. I had done so much evil in my previous life, and in this life I met such a cruel couple.

“Where’s Master Shatu? Why haven’t you come yet? Hurry up and take charge of the situation.”

Shazhi gritted her silver teeth and said in a muffled voice.

The duo, who laughed and showed off their love without any boundaries, had already made her so angry that she could not speak.

“Master Shatu has something to do. He is not here today. He has gone on a long journey. He will have to come back tomorrow at the earliest.”

Another girl next to her who weighed 200 kilograms said nonchalantly.

However, seeing Saori’s gradually collapsed and distorted expression, she closed her mouth.

“As a leader, if he’s not there when you need him, what’s the use of him? That’s how much trust he has given to Lord Kazekage.

He deserves it. “

When Saori heard the fat girl’s words, she replied with an even more distorted face without even thinking about it.

The fat girl wanted to reply, “I’m sorry.”

Besides, Mr. Shatu is doing serious things, and a young couple falling in love is also a relatively serious thing. How can you do this?

I didn’t see that Sunagakure Village has opened several births recently. Lord Kazekage is encouraging childbirth.

Besides, it’s not a big deal for you, it’s just your envy and jealousy.

The fat girl complained bitterly in her heart.

However, in order not to be beaten to death, she did not speak out.

Whirlpool Yan and Ye Nan have the strength to guarantee it, so there is no need to worry.

She didn’t. Around her, it wasn’t just one Shazhi who was envious, jealous or hateful, but a group of people.

Just hearing the harsh sound of the knife and fork crossing the plate made her collapse a little. At this time, if she stepped forward to say something.

The fat girl estimated that if she could be killed, she would still die without a complete body.

So, the fat girl stood up silently, ordered another piece of steak, sat down, and continued eating.

As a fat girl weighing 200 to 300 pounds, she is confident that she has nothing to do with love.

In this case, let these mediocre people go away.


Become rich through hard work with Sunagakure

Become rich through hard work with Sunagakure

Status: Completed Author:


Time travel is not scary. There are nine time travels in ten novels. It is not scary to time travel to Naruto. What is scary is that time travel to Sunagakure, the village that relies on eating soil and using love to generate electricity. After awakening the random lottery system, Yun Qing decided , he wants to lead Sunagakure to become rich through hard work and rise in the ninja world.
The new book Zhenguan Paper Seller has been released, everyone is welcome to read it.


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