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Become rich through hard work with Sunagakure — Chapter 343 Chapter 341 Can’t Hold It Down

“Hey, little girl, what’s wrong? I feel distressed.

If you like to eat it, I can warm it up for you at night. “

The cafeteria lady couldn’t help but laugh when she saw how distracted Saori was.

“No, I just don’t understand why they want these leftovers.”

Saori lowered her head, feeling a little uncomfortable.

She has never eaten leftovers since she was a child. Her family has money.

“There’s something I can’t figure out there.

Of course it’s because they are poor. “

The cafeteria lady sneered and said disdainfully.

This disdain may be due to those who buy leftover beef, or it may be due to ignorance of yarn weaving.

Maybe, maybe.

“Little girl, you haven’t experienced hardship.

We went over there to chat for a while, and I happened to be eating too. “


The aunt in the cafeteria saw that there was no one around, so she said hello and asked others to help prepare food. She took Saori and sat aside. When the fat girl saw the two of them, she also sat aside.

Three people gathered at a small table.

“Little girl, it’s the same question as before. You haven’t experienced hardship, right?”

The cafeteria lady asked funnyly.

“After eating, I went to work every day and earned my own money. I started to support myself.”

Shazhi blushed and told all the torture she had endured during these days.

According to her description, she has gone through a lot of hardships to get where she is today.

“Silly girl, what kind of suffering is this? You have never seen real suffering, real human tragedy.”

The cafeteria lady sneered and lit a cigarette.

Smelling the smell of smoke, Saori frowned, she didn’t like it.

“Why, I don’t like it.”

The cafeteria lady said funny.

She was quite happy to see the young girl frowning.

It’s like seeing your younger self.

“I don’t like it, smelly, I don’t know why you like it.”

Saori is a straight-tempered person who tells the truth directly.

“Well, I don’t like it, maybe because you are young.

When you are my age, you will like it. “

The lady in the cafeteria smoked a cigarette and put out the cigarette butt.

“You said we haven’t experienced real suffering, but have you experienced it? Can you describe it?”

The fat girl asked after seeing the lady in the cafeteria finishing her cigarette.

“Starving everywhere, there is nothing that cannot be given up just for a bite to eat.

It’s just leftovers, there’s nothing you can’t eat.

You know, in our day, it was normal not to eat meat for three years.

Some people may not even eat meat from birth to death.

There, like yours, there is meat for every meal, and they even cook grilled steaks.

It’s all a dream.

The same goes for people who buy leftover steaks. It’s not that they don’t have ambition.

But forced by life.

Being able to buy a bite of meat is already pretty good.

Remember, ambition can only be discussed after filling your stomach. “

The cafeteria aunt is a person with stories, and told the two of her own experiences, choosing the ones that were not too scary.

“Death by hunger, what is that?”

The fat girl didn’t quite understand and asked in confusion. Next to her, Saori also blinked her big eyes and looked at the cafeteria lady in confusion.

At that moment, the cafeteria lady wanted to strangle them both to death.

What the hell.

After working on it for a long time, what I just said was all in vain, right?

Considering the ignorance of the two people, the cafeteria lady fell into deep thought.

“Just think about it, you haven’t eaten for half a month and you can only drink dirty water.”

Just when the aunt in the cafeteria was thinking about how to spread knowledge to the ignorant two people, a baritone voice sounded, and then Shatu sat down next to the aunt in the cafeteria, facing Saori.

“Um, Uncle Shatu.”

Saori smiled awkwardly. She was still very embarrassed when her father’s good brother and her elder saw her ignorant side.

There is no way, she wants to lose face.

However, when she thought about how she had not eaten for ten days and a half and could only drink dirty water, she felt a chill coming over her.

She thought it was too scary.

The fat girl next to me didn’t know what kind of scary scene she thought of. She shuddered and then ate a few bites of beef to calm down her shock.

“You silly boy, never say you are my junior when you go out in the future. You cannot afford to disgrace that person.”

Shatu was speechless and weaved the yarn.

Really, I’ve never seen people die of hunger, and I haven’t read about it in books.

As for listening to someone talk for a long time, I asked what death by hunger is.

“Master Shatu, your niece is indeed amazing.”

The cafeteria lady thought for a long time and finally came up with the word amazing.

“It doesn’t matter if you just say it’s embarrassing.”

Shatu glanced at him and knew he was trying to save face, so he didn’t say anything directly.

Shatu is still aware of the extent of Shazhi’s ignorance.

“I heard that the Uzumaki Flame is coming. It looks like you have no place to stay tonight.”

Shatu seemed to have remembered something and said funnyly.

“Yes, Sister Ye Nan and Lord Uzumaki Yan, you didn’t see them just now, but they are so annoying. They are showing off their affection here, and you don’t care about them.”

When Shatu heard what Shatu said, she quickly expressed her bitterness.

“Yes, yes, those two guys really went too far. If the beef hadn’t been a bit attractive, today would have been in vain.”

The cafeteria aunt also quickly agreed.

“You can’t even complain to me. The Uzumaki Flame Theory level is no lower than mine, let alone Ye Nan. My sister is Mrs. Kazekage.

There is nothing I can do.

What’s more important is that the two are lovers, they haven’t seen each other for a long time, and they are very passionate.

There is nothing anyone can do. “

Shatu was helpless.

If it were anyone else, he could use his identity to suppress it.

As for Uzumaki Yan, there was nothing he could do. He couldn’t suppress him until he made a mistake.

Behind Uzumaki Yan stands Uzumaki Akize, who has a good relationship with Yun Qing and can be called brother-in-law.

You can only reason with people like this who have connections, strength and status.

However, you go and reason with the young couple who haven’t seen each other for a long time, their relationship is quite good, and they are currently in the honeymoon stage.

I don’t know if others can make sense of Shatu, but he couldn’t make sense anyway.

“Ah ah ah, there is nothing you can do, so what else can we do, we can only wait.

There is no future. “

Saori gave up completely.

Here, her biggest support is the sand. If the sand can’t do anything, she can’t do anything.

“It seems I can only sleep in the office.”

Saori lay helplessly on the table and said in despair.

The moment she saw Shatu, she thought Shatu had a solution, but now she really thinks highly of Shatu.

“It’s okay, just bear with it for a few days and you’ll be fine. Uzumaki Akiza heard that something happened and he has to stay in seclusion for a while. The Uzumaki clan is now waiting for Uzumaki Yan to return to take charge of the overall situation. You don’t have to be afraid.”

Shatu comforted.

No matter how ignorant you are, no matter how disgusted you are, this is your descendant, and you still need to have the comfort you deserve.

Especially these few times when he went back, his old friend was frightened when he heard about his daughter’s behavior after being angry.

He was still very scared when faced with his daughter’s controlling father and a daughter who loved to complain.

If Shazhi didn’t say a word and took him away, and he was beaten, where could he go to reason with him.

If he comes back to take revenge on Saori, I’m afraid his old face will be even more irresistible.

Therefore, the comfort that should be given must still be given.


Become rich through hard work with Sunagakure

Become rich through hard work with Sunagakure

Status: Completed Author:


Time travel is not scary. There are nine time travels in ten novels. It is not scary to time travel to Naruto. What is scary is that time travel to Sunagakure, the village that relies on eating soil and using love to generate electricity. After awakening the random lottery system, Yun Qing decided , he wants to lead Sunagakure to become rich through hard work and rise in the ninja world.
The new book Zhenguan Paper Seller has been released, everyone is welcome to read it.


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