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Become rich through hard work with Sunagakure — Chapter 359 Chapter 357 It’s not easy

Ye Cang was quite dissatisfied with Yun Qing’s bad idea.

The result of dissatisfaction was that Ye Cang was angry and did not allow Yun Qing to go to her bed. This was not the most serious thing. The most serious thing was that she did not allow Yun Qing to sleep in the study.

Finally, Yunqing experienced the feeling of sleeping on a bed and sofa together with many men.

When lying on the sofa, Yunqing felt that he was grateful for the salesperson’s words when he bought the sofa, “You can be sure that you can sleep on the bed every night.”

Yunqing can clearly tell all male compatriots that sofas are very important. When buying a sofa, don’t be scared by the price.

Buying an expensive sofa and a spacious sofa is very important, very important.

Because, you can’t be sure that you can sleep on the sofa every night.

This is reality.

If you feel good about teasing your wife, you have to pay the price.

The price Yunqing paid was to sleep on the sofa for one night.

When I got up the next day, I felt a little uncomfortable touching my waist.

The discomfort is not the most important thing. The most important thing is that no matter how good a sofa is, it is not as good as a bed.

Sitting in the office, Yun Qing was stunned.

After sleeping on the sofa for a night, he was exhausted and extremely uncomfortable.

In addition, he originally liked the bed and slept on the sofa. It was strange that he felt better and slept well.

He couldn’t sleep well, and Yun Qing was in a bad mood. When the leader was in a bad mood, he naturally didn’t want to deal with things.

Yunqing didn’t want to deal with things, so the daily heavy government affairs of Sand Hidden Village and the Country of Wind naturally had to be handed over to Ebizo.

And Ebizo is also in the salty stage, and those government affairs can only be divided into categories in the end, according to the size and emergency of the matter.

For urgent and major matters, leave them to Ebizo and Yun Qing.

If it’s not urgent, leave it behind and wait for processing.

Matters that are relatively minor, whether urgent or not, are all handled by the elders.

When it comes to logistics, there are elders who are in charge of logistics.

There are elders who are specifically responsible for fellowship.

Anyway, it’s just a sentence, dedicated people to dedicated tasks, no need to fight, scramble, or shirk.

If the boss doesn’t do it, someone below will do it.

Yun Qing felt that he must be the most perfect boss. Look, all major national affairs can be left to his subordinates, and he doesn’t have to worry about it at all.

Yun Qing’s big-hearted behavior mainly depends on his own strength.

If you have the strength to push forward the entire Kingdom of Wind, it doesn’t matter whether others seize power or not.

As for Ebizo, he is confident in being Yunqing.

He believes that Yun Qing can live in the entire Kingdom of Wind.

As for the elders below, I just want to say one thing.

If it weren’t for the fact that I really couldn’t distribute the work to others, I wouldn’t want to do it. I just want to retire peacefully and don’t want to live so tiring every day.

Every time Yun Qing looked at the dark plane of the Kingdom of Wind, he saw the growing national power of the Kingdom of Wind, and he had a deep admiration for himself.

It was his wisdom and martial arts that allowed Sunagakure Village to have so many talents.

It is with these talents that Sunagakure Village and the Kingdom of Wind will prosper and their national power will grow day by day.

In Yun Qing’s words, I can’t make everyone be like Ebizo, with all abilities above 90%, but I can find a group of people whose individual abilities reach 90%.

The elders of Sunagakure Village are such people.

They only have a single ability that stands out.

For example, the elders in charge of logistics are very good at storing and transporting materials and collecting taxes.

If you ask this kind of talent to handle all government affairs, he may not be able to do it. However, if you ask him to handle logistics, he will be very good.

The elders of Sunagakure Village are basically in a state where they can’t beat Ebizo in terms of overall ability, but they can beat Ebizo in individual abilities.

This kind of team, as long as there is one person who can control the situation, there will never be any problems.

After catching up on some sleep in the office in the morning, Yun Qing felt very good and comfortable.

When I asked why, of course it was because there was a bed in the office, a big and comfortable bed.

Yun Qing bought it with public funds. Although the person selling the bed was unwilling to accept the money, Yun Qing still gave it to him.

There is no other reason than that I don’t want to owe anyone a favor, even from my own village.

After taking a nap in the office, Yun Qing looked at the piles of documents on his desk, his head hurt, and he started working.

It’s a lot of work, but not too tiring.

The work sent here is basically handled by the elders and Ebizo gives simple instructions.

When it is sent to Yunqing, it requires more approval from Yunqing.

As for Yun Qing, he will read all these documents.

The solutions proposed by the elders and Ebizo’s instructions need to be looked at carefully.

After reading it, Yun Qing felt that the elders also wanted to retire.

If you ask Yun Qing how he knew, of course he would look at the documents they handed over.

Some of the solutions attached at the back of the document are too immature.

How could a group of old men in their fifties and sixties write such a childish plan.

Moreover, after knowing each other for decades, Yun Qing had never seen them make any rash plans.

As soon as he saw those plans, Yun Qing knew that they were definitely not made by the elders. Those elders had definitely distributed the work to the next level.

Yun Qing had nothing to say about this situation.

All we can say is that another group of people want to retire.

Shaking his head and smiling bitterly, Yun Qing was helpless.

“It’s true that the upper beam is not straight and the lower beam is crooked. It was all caused by me.”

With a self-deprecating smile, he didn’t know what to do.

It can only be said that in Sunagakure Village and the country of Wind, the political arena has not collapsed yet, which is something to be thankful for.

A group of people are thinking about retirement, and the daily handling of government affairs has gradually been transferred to young people, while the elderly are only responsible for control. Under such circumstances, it can only be said that it is a blessing that the political arena can continue to expand.

After thinking for a while, Yunqing took out the work report handed over by Xie and began to write approval documents on it.

He wanted to tell Xie some situations so that Xie could be mentally prepared. Soon, he would need to take his friends on stage.

Coming to power is not a big deal. The big thing is that he needs to make enough contributions quickly.

Although everyone has already acquiesced, they still need to take credit in exchange for it.

Without merit and reputation, you cannot control countries externally, and you cannot control ambitious ministers internally.

Only with enough fame and merit can one control the world and secure one’s position.

Just like when an emperor is about to pass the throne to a new king, before the throne is passed, the old ministers who have made great achievements are either killed or demoted. Anyway, they are paving the way for the new king.

Yun Qing felt that Xie was not his son, so he couldn’t kill all the old ministers because of him.

Therefore, he could only write a letter to tell Scorpion that he should work hard on his own. If he wanted to be a Kazekage, he would have to make enough achievements. At the very least, you would have to look good on the surface.

You asked Scorpion if he wanted to be a Kazekage, of course he did.

Who doesn’t want a position above ten thousand people?

Countless people in the entire Kingdom of Wind want it, but unfortunately, looking at their own strength, no one wants to step forward.

Looking at this position, the most important entry ticket is film-level strength.

After reaching the shadow level, your brain must be flexible enough.

If you have a flexible mind and good character, everyone must like you.

After all these are completed, you still need to have enough connections, that is, a political force to support you.

Generally speaking, it is not easy to be a movie star.


Become rich through hard work with Sunagakure

Become rich through hard work with Sunagakure

Status: Completed Author:


Time travel is not scary. There are nine time travels in ten novels. It is not scary to time travel to Naruto. What is scary is that time travel to Sunagakure, the village that relies on eating soil and using love to generate electricity. After awakening the random lottery system, Yun Qing decided , he wants to lead Sunagakure to become rich through hard work and rise in the ninja world.
The new book Zhenguan Paper Seller has been released, everyone is welcome to read it.


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