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Become rich through hard work with Sunagakure — Chapter 366 Chapter 364 doesn’t make sense

“Puzhen, go to work again.”

A bearded middle-aged man shouted to a handsome young white-haired boy.

“Yes, Uncle Youdou, going to work makes me happy, and the salary makes me happy.”

Otsutsuki Po said with a smile.

“Haha, young people are full of energy.”

Yuto replied with the same smile.


My name is Otsutsuki Shopuma, and I am an ordinary member of the Otsutsuki clan. I have been living on the moon since I was born, repeating a boring life day after day, year after year.

Every day I either monitor the ninja world or the universe. It’s very boring and boring. The only fun is practicing kung fu and listening to the elders telling stories about our ancestors and our mission.

I don’t like this kind of life very much.

I hope that those expected enemies will arrive soon. Whether I kill the invading enemies or be killed by the invading enemies, this boring life can be ended.

Just when I was expecting it, a beautiful man appeared on the moon. He was really beautiful. It was hard to imagine that a man could grow like him.

A man who is more beautiful than the most beautiful woman of the Otsutsuki clan.

Pu really wants to know what Yun Qing ate to grow up to be so beautiful.

The most important thing is that Yunqing, who came to the moon, has wings.

This made Puzhen wonder if Yunqing was the enemy that their clan had been wary of.

However, even though I had many doubts in my heart, I still faithfully carried out my mission to stop this invading enemy.

Three knives, just three knives, and I was cut down.

Immediately afterwards, the head of the branch family, the head of the clan, and the elite ninjas of both families appeared in front of the invading enemy.

Everyone, no matter who they were from the clan or branch families, it didn’t matter who they were, they were all chopped down.

The maximum number of knives that can be cut and climbed down is three knives.

When I saw the head of the clan being chopped down with three swords, I felt very excited.

It turns out that the gap between me and the head of the clan is not that big.

After we were all cut down and climbed down, the invading enemy began his speech.

The meaning is very simple. He is the village chief of Sand Hidden Village in the lower realm, also known as Feng Ying. The purpose of coming here is also very simple. He is interested in their abilities and wants to recruit them.

However, their clan’s temper was not very good, and his temper was not very good either. During the recruitment, there were inevitably some disharmony, but he didn’t care.

Although Yun Qing said a lot, he also performed a big move with his bare hands.

However, for Puzhen, the thing that makes him happiest is that the Otsutsuki clan no longer needs to stick to the moon. They only need to leave some people behind, and the rest need to go to Sunagakure Village. Life.

As for the mission on the moon, it is enough to take turns, there is no need for everyone to be here.

At that moment, Pu Zhen felt that Yunqing was his sky and his land. Yunqing’s arrival loosened his mission and freed him from being trapped on the moon and repeating a boring life every day.

After coming to Shayin Village, Yunqing’s status in Pu Zhen’s heart improved again.

The reason is also very simple, because when they first arrived, Yunqing asked Shayin Village to hold a banquet. At the banquet, Puzhen ate a lot of good things.

Many of these good things have never been seen before, let alone eaten.

On the first day after leaving the moon, I really felt that life was so wonderful.

Especially the third generation Kazekage Yunqing, in the eyes of the Otsutsuki clan, his status has skyrocketed.

Not only did he take them out of the prison of the moon, but he also gave them delicious food and arranged dormitories for them.

Looking at the rooms assigned to them, they felt the modern atmosphere.

At that moment, the Otsutsuki clan swore that they never wanted to return to the moon.

You have to eat dirt when you return to the moon. In Shayin Village, you eat plenty of fish and meat every day, eat white rice, and drink tomato and egg soup. What a beautiful life, why should you go back and suffer.

People, once they have enjoyed it, never want to go back to the past.

The great thing about Yun Qing is that he grasped this.

Yun Qing still knew very well what the Otsutsuki clan lived on the moon, what they ate, and what kind of life they lived every day.

Otherwise, Yunqing would not have been able to catch it so accurately and catch the Otsutsuki clan’s weakness in one fell swoop.

On the second day after arriving in Sand Hidden Village, Puzhen followed the head of the branch family and his own clansmen to conduct a strength assessment together.

Give them the opportunity to do the assessment.

The moment he saw Fenfu, Pu Zhen was immediately shocked. The huge chakra in Fenfu’s body prevented him from moving.

Fenfu’s strength assessment was very accurate. No one in the Otsutsuki clan was dissatisfied, and no one dared to be dissatisfied.

Who prevented them from winning the score?

If they can defeat Fenfu, they can say whatever they want, and they can deny Fenfu’s strength assessment however they want.

It’s a pity that if you don’t win, then everything is empty talk and you can only endure it.

Fenfu This person is in a good mood, very peaceful, and will not speak randomly.

Everyone in Sunagakure Village was also convinced by his strength assessment.

Of course, it’s still the same sentence, no one can beat him.

In the entire Sunagakure Village, only Yunqing could beat him, and Sunagakure couldn’t. Sunagakure could only maintain a neither-losing nor losing streak.

After doing a strength assessment, you can receive ninja subsidies.

Sunagakure Village has ninja subsidies.

Every ninja, even if you don’t join the army, as long as you are from Sunagakure Village, you can receive a large sum of money every month.

Of course, depending on the strength, the subsidies received are also different.

You can’t have the same subsidy for genin and kage level.

After receiving their subsidy, the Otsutsuki clan was a little panicked. The money came a little too easily.

What should I do if money comes too easily? Of course, it is spent.

There are so many delicious food and drinks in Sand Hidden Village, so of course they have to enjoy them.

With his Jonin subsidy, Puzhen started his crazy life. No matter what it was, as long as he was sure it was edible, he would definitely try it and eat it thoroughly.

There is no other reason than this.

Soon, within half a month, my subsidy was gone.

At that time, the shop was a little panicked. What should I do if I had no money? Of course, I would find a big shot.

Of course the Otsutsuki clan is looking for a big shot from the Otsutsuki clan.

The head of the Otsutsuki clan branch who came to Sunagakure Village felt a headache when faced with a group of clansmen who came to see him.

After the pain was over, he could only grit his teeth and go to find Yun Qing.

At this critical moment, Yunqing of course smiled and took out the contract, as well as various job positions, and arranged for more than a dozen beautiful ladies and brothers to explain to the silly Otsutsuki clan.

He explained the survival rules of Sunagakure Village to the Otsutsuki clan in detail.

When faced with mentally retarded people, Yun Qing would never reason with them. Yun Qing would only wait until they were desperate and show them a clear way out.

Otherwise, what would he do if they all came to find him?

He, Yun Qing, is also very busy and has no time to chat with them all day long.

The Otsutsuki clan had just arrived in Sand Hidden Village, and they were curious about everything. If you tried to reason with them, you wouldn’t be able to make sense.


Become rich through hard work with Sunagakure

Become rich through hard work with Sunagakure

Status: Completed Author:


Time travel is not scary. There are nine time travels in ten novels. It is not scary to time travel to Naruto. What is scary is that time travel to Sunagakure, the village that relies on eating soil and using love to generate electricity. After awakening the random lottery system, Yun Qing decided , he wants to lead Sunagakure to become rich through hard work and rise in the ninja world.
The new book Zhenguan Paper Seller has been released, everyone is welcome to read it.


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