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Become rich through hard work with Sunagakure — Chapter 377 Chapter 375 Breaking through the bottom line

The three Samanas knew Yun Qing well and knew that Yun Qing was not the kind of person who talks nonsense.

Since Yun Qing said this, it means that he is not afraid of the other party taking random actions.

After receiving Yun Qing’s confirmation, the three Shamen also left here.

After such a terrible incident, the three of them had no choice but to deal with the situation and ensure the smooth operation of Sunagakure Village.

Ebizo began to re-accept jobs in various places in the Kingdom of Wind, Chiyo began to inspect various reserve resources in Sunagakure Village, and Shamon went to secure things needed for the war.

These things are all important.

They want to ensure that Sunagakure Village will not be caught off guard in the war that may break out at any time.

The news of Yunqing’s attack was known to the entire ninja world in less than three days.

Hidden Leaf Village

“Check, check carefully for me, who attacked the Third Kazekage, what is the specific information.”

Sarutobi Hiruzen shouted excitedly in the office.

He was happy. There were people like Yun Qing who dared to be attacked. This meant that there were still capable people in the ninja world who were not afraid of death.

Kirigakure Village.

“Don’t worry about him. Whether you like to be attacked or not, it has nothing to do with us. We just need to be ourselves.

Prepare a fleet and continue exploring the sea. “

After the Third Mizukage got the news, his expression was abnormal and his state was indifferent.

It seemed that being attacked by the Third Kazekage was just a trivial matter.

The Yanyin Village and Yunyin Village didn’t show much. The two Hidden Villages seemed to have a tacit understanding, and they just stayed there quietly, showing no signs at all.

However, in the ninja world, there were suddenly many ninjas from the two hidden villages.

The Third Kazekage was attacked, and this incident caused the entire ninja world to become undercurrent.

The careerists applauded, thinking that this was an opportunity, a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. They felt that they could take advantage of this opportunity to rise.

Peace-loving people believe that God does not want them to have enough food and live a good life for a few days.

However, the Five Hidden Villages did not panic.

After all, Yun Qing is not dead, right?

It was just an attack, big or small. Senju Hashirama was also attacked back then.

Although they said this, when the actual situation was reported to other hidden villages, they also felt a little thirsty. The situation seemed to be a little different from what they thought.

At first, they thought that Yunqing was just thrown a shuriken from eight hundred miles away.

The accurate information that came back was indeed that Yun Qing’s accompanying ANBU, a quasi-shadow level expert, was silently squeezed out using a barrier.

This is just one method, and it is enough to scare people to death.

Moreover, this person sneaked into Kazekage’s office in Sand Hidden Village where many powerful people existed, drove out a quasi-Kage powerful person, met with Yun Qing alone for a long time, and finally left safely.

Wuying thought he couldn’t do this process.

They can kill a quasi-shadow ninja, but let them do this and use the barrier to squeeze out a quasi-shadow level strongman. Sorry, they really can’t do it. This requires sufficient level.

The most important thing is to spend some time alone with Yunqing.

Yun Qing is not a good-tempered person. You attacked someone and got along with Yun Qing for a while. No matter how you did it, your strength, courage, and character must be the best choice.

Even these are easy to solve separately, and many people can do it, but it is so easy to combine them.

The Five Shadows didn’t think they could do it anyway.

Konoha Hidden Village, Hokage’s office.

“This strength is too terrifying.”

When Xiaochun went to bed, she felt that her mouth was a little dry and her mood was complicated.

“Isn’t this a bit scary? To be honest, if it weren’t for the fact that there are many people who know about this matter, and the person who sent the information back is a trustworthy person.

I even suspected that this was a trap created by Sunagakure Village, a trap waiting for us to take the bait. “

Danzo Shimura said with a fearful expression.

There are still undercover agents hiding among each other in the five hidden villages.

Although there are not as many as during the war, there are still a few.

These people have more or less access to information that they normally would not receive.

“Indeed, I have never heard of such a person. It is really hard to believe.”

Mitomonitis is also consistent with Tao.

“The confirmed news is that the Third Kazekage Yunqing did not fight with that person. The two just had a fierce confrontation for a while, and the entire Kazekage office was destroyed.”

Sarutobi Hiruzen spoke softly.

“The aura confrontation, there is no one who can turn the aura into a physical attack.”

The four people present all thought they couldn’t do it.

They thought they couldn’t do it without using ninjutsu.

“We don’t have to think about what’s available and what’s not, let’s just think about how to deal with it.”

Sarutobi Hiruzen waved his hand, interrupting the three people’s random thoughts.

As he said, there is no use in thinking so much, it is more important to think about how to deal with it.

“It’s impossible for us to surpass it in this life, so we should rely on the next generation.”

After going to bed, Xiaochun shrugged and said helplessly.

They were convinced by Yun Qing’s strength, and were still quite convinced.

This kind of person is too strong to deal with.

They are already at this age, and it is a good thing that their strength has not declined. I hope they can take further steps. Hahaha, everything is possible in dreams. As long as they work hard, they can achieve it in their dreams.

“I mean, we should have some backup options ready.

Both the Third Kazekage and the people who emerged this time have exceeded our limits.

The Third Kazekage is still under control, but for the latter one, we really have no way to contain him. “

Sarutobi Hiruzen held his head, looking helpless and having a headache.

Who makes him just an ordinary, down-to-earth, ordinary ninja who works hard little by little.

There is a huge gap between those who drive dry racks.

The other three people also had gloomy expressions.

There is no way to contain it, which means there is no weakness.

Again, if this kind of person fights guerrilla warfare with you, you will definitely lose.

You are no match for the opponent in a single fight. If the opponent is shameless and attacks you directly, you will be defeated to death.

It was this situation that made everyone laugh helplessly.

“Sarutobi, tell me what you think.”

The others smiled bitterly, and then spoke. They knew that Sarutobi Hiruzen must have had his own ideas, otherwise, he would not have said this.

“The reincarnation of the filthy earth, the first Hokage.”

With eight words, the other three people fell silent.

Indeed, this is a good way, but it is also a way to break through the bottom line.

Although the three of them are the kind of people who just draw another line when their bottom line is breached.


Become rich through hard work with Sunagakure

Become rich through hard work with Sunagakure

Status: Completed Author:


Time travel is not scary. There are nine time travels in ten novels. It is not scary to time travel to Naruto. What is scary is that time travel to Sunagakure, the village that relies on eating soil and using love to generate electricity. After awakening the random lottery system, Yun Qing decided , he wants to lead Sunagakure to become rich through hard work and rise in the ninja world.
The new book Zhenguan Paper Seller has been released, everyone is welcome to read it.


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