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Become rich through hard work with Sunagakure — Chapter 38 Extraordinary Intelligence

Ye Cang believed Yun Qing’s words and foolishly went to find Ye Xiu, the leader of the Ye clan, when he returned home.

Ye Xiu looked at Ye Cang like he was an idiot and was speechless.

This silly girl, your brain has been destroyed by cultivation. How can you say such things in front of Yun Qing?

“Come, see for yourself, this is the profit from our Ye’s sauna.”

Ye Xiu felt that since Yun Qing asked Ye Cang to question him, he wanted to get her back.

With doubts in his heart, Ye Cang took the scroll handed over by Ye Xiu and read it bit by bit.

Looking at the above income items and the huge numbers added up in the end, especially the tax amount written down at the end, everyone was dumbfounded.

“No wonder Lord Kazekage said that the elders want to evade taxes. If it were me, I would do the same.”

Ye Cang murmured with dull eyes.

How many tasks do you have to perform to get that huge number?

I’m afraid that what I earn in my entire life is not as much as Ye’s monthly income.

“You understand this time, money is so tempting. It’s not that they are weak in will, it’s just that money is too tempting.”

Ye Xiu waved his hands, shrugged, and said casually.

“Xiaoye Cang, your talent is very good, and with the guidance of Lord Kazekage, it will only be a matter of time before you become a Kage.

You will take my place in the future. I hope that you will not only have strength, but also wisdom. “

Ye Xiu fulfilled his duties and taught Chun Chun.

He was afraid. He had never thought before that Ye’s ninjutsu could be used for business and make money after modification.

They, the Ye family, divide money every month from top to bottom. According to their contribution, everyone can receive a considerable sum of money.

Children can afford the educational toys sold by Elder Chiyo, and can afford candies sold by so-and-so.

Women, you can buy some gold jewelry and clothes from Rasha and Garuru.

Men, when they go out to brag and drink, they gain more status and aura.

The most important thing is that the death rate of the Ye clan has dropped significantly and is almost back to zero.

“Xiaoye Cang, you have to know that the next era is an era of law, money and morality. Power is no longer so important.

Only when law, money and morality cannot restrain people, does power appear.

So, you have to learn to make progress. “

Ye Xiu said seriously.

As an old fox, he knows that no matter how the world changes, this world belongs to extraordinary people. If you want to truly live well, you still need strength.

In your family, whether you have a shadow level or not, they are always two different things.

“Well, I understand, I will try my best.”

Ye Cang blushed and whispered.

“Come on, the Ye family will be handed over to you one day.

Also, don’t listen to other people’s words, you are Master Feng Ying’s secret technique, and our Ye family also supports Master Feng Ying.

Remember this sentence: if you have something to do, the secretary will do it; if you have nothing to do, go to the secretary. “

Ye Xiu felt that as an old man, he needed to tell Ye Cang straightforwardly what his future was.

Ye Cang’s face suddenly turned red, and white smoke began to appear from his head.

“What are you talking about? It’s so annoying.”

Ye Cang stammered a retort and left immediately using the teleportation technique, not caring about etiquette.

Looking at Ye Cang disappearing, Ye Xiu burst out laughing.

“Are you so optimistic about Ye Cang?

You said it yourself, the next time is no longer an era of strength. “

A disembodied voice sounded in the room, questioning Ye Xiu’s words.

“Hmph, stupid, think about why Kazekage-sama was able to successfully reform, and why everyone listened to him.”

Ye Xiu snorted disdainfully.

The words of the man in the dark were full of disdain.

“Because of the support of the second-generation Kazekage and Elder Qiandai, because he is a direct descendant of the Kazekage with roots in Miaohong, and because he has made great contributions on the battlefield.”

The man in the dark gave three reasons in succession, each of which was correct.

“You are right about what you think as a fool, but you have overlooked the most important point, that is, the Third Kazekage, Yunqing, can fight, very well, and the entire ninja world recognizes that he can fight. situation.”

Ye Xiu’s face was heavy and he spoke word by word.

There are some people that you have to accept and admit that they can beat them.

What is justice? If you can fight and conquer everyone, then you are just.

“Think about it. In terms of status, isn’t the son of Elder Qianyo not noble? In terms of direct lineage, wouldn’t it be good for the Samana to continue to be in power? Fool, never forget that rules are established by the victors.”

Ye Xiu continued sarcastically.

The man in the dark fell silent, and after Ye Xiu finished speaking, he shivered all over.

Everyone ignored that Yun Qing had not made a move for a long time, not because he was weak, but because no one could make him take action.

Sunagakure Village has evolved peacefully and can accept the Uzumaki clan without any hindrance. It is not because other forces in the ninja world are kind and really can’t take any action, but because there is a powerful Kazekage in Sunagakure Village.

This Kazekage was able to overwhelm the second Tsuchikage and his disciples on the battlefield. Within a few moves, the three ninjas who were now powerful in the ninja world were unable to fight back.

“Thanks for the advice.”

In the shadows, there was a twist.

After Ye Xiu sensed that there was no one in the room, a disdainful smile appeared on his lips.

Give me some advice, give your grandma a leg up. If it weren’t for your cooperation, who would have warned you?

You are so stupid. You came to my room for nothing and eavesdropped on my conversation with Ye Cang.

Are you a tiger? Ye Cang’s IQ is often not online, but that doesn’t mean that Ye Cang’s strength is not online either.

Ye’s strongest ninja is no joke. She might not have been before, but now after Yun Qing’s guidance, who knows how strong she is.

If you are discovered and your IQ is not up to par, and you are stabbed out, the Ye family will not be able to survive.

What’s more, who doesn’t know that Yun Qing has a large-scale observation ninjutsu.

He is always free to monitor the entire Sunagakure Village.

What should I say if I do a spot check and see you at my house? You are my distant cousin.

“No, you must cut off this thread, this living person is too stupid.”

Ye Xiu made up his mind and murmured.

At the border between Earth Country and Konoha, the two ninjas had just finished a war and were cleaning up the battlefield.

No one noticed that there was a yin and yang face on the book next to him, observing.

“Tsk, tsk, Konoha and Iwa ninja fought so hard, it almost affected us.”

The white-faced man said angrily, as if he was afraid of it.

“The worse they play, the better it will be for our development.”

The black face said calmly, as the dominant personality, he said that he has a superior IQ.

“Would you like to go back? We have been out for a long enough time. Madara-sama should be angry again.”

The white face ignored the black face’s words and changed the topic.

He won’t admit that he has a problem with his IQ.

He is Bai Jue, a man of extraordinary intelligence and scheming.


Become rich through hard work with Sunagakure

Become rich through hard work with Sunagakure

Status: Completed Author:


Time travel is not scary. There are nine time travels in ten novels. It is not scary to time travel to Naruto. What is scary is that time travel to Sunagakure, the village that relies on eating soil and using love to generate electricity. After awakening the random lottery system, Yun Qing decided , he wants to lead Sunagakure to become rich through hard work and rise in the ninja world.
The new book Zhenguan Paper Seller has been released, everyone is welcome to read it.


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