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Become rich through hard work with Sunagakure — Chapter 388

Today, the streets of Sunagakure Village are bustling with activity.

Different from the business atmosphere in the past, few shops are open on Sunagakure Street today.

Shops that used to sell luxury accessories, toys and groceries were closed, and only a few restaurants and markets were still open.

Because today is a special day, officials from all over the Kingdom of Wind have come back to report on their duties. Under such circumstances, chaos is generally not allowed on the streets.

Moreover, on this grand festival today, not many people will go shopping. Everyone is in a fixed place and doing fixed things.

Officials from all over the country came back to report on their work, and the busiest place in Sunagakure Village was the Kazekage Building.

The Fengxing Building is already crazy busy at this time, and all the staff are under high load.

Ebizo, who has been doing this for a while, did not choose to continue doing this today, but started to receive guests.

For example, this local official and the general of that local army.

Also, what big things has this city lord done in the past six months, and a new little city lord has arrived over there.

Well, the new small city lords are relatively capable people. They have developed a village into a city. Even if it is a small city, they need to be respected.

Is this ability, or is it a very strong ability? When facing capable people, you need to show respect.

In fact, it was these new little city lords who Ebizo personally received the most.

They have been working on the front line for several years, slowly developing a small village composed of refugees into a small city with all the necessary organs, allowing the people to be well fed and clothed.

This kind of person is what Yunqing and Ebizo like the most.

Those who are on the front line of this kind of struggle and rise by relying on their own strength are strong in both character and strength. They are also the cornerstone of the rise of Sand Hidden Village and the Kingdom of Wind.

The other veteran figures looked at the newcomers and nodded with smiles.

They also know that they are about to retire, and the world in the future will be dominated by these young people. Giving them some face and more smiles will be beneficial to everyone.

Don’t talk about the kindness of a drop of water, but repay it with a spring of spring.

At the very least, when you are powerless, you can open your mouth and ask others to do some work.

Well, that’s how realistic it is.

For example, Shatu is currently chatting with several young city lords.

The content of the chat is also very simple. Oops, I heard that you need some iron stones for development now. Come to me, I have them there.

I heard that you are opening up a new trade route. If you need help with anything, just say it. As long as I have it, you can do it.

You are short of supplies and need to coordinate. There is no need to run far away, just come to me directly.

Shatu was like a social butterfly, staying in the Fengying Building, staying in the office where he reported his work, watching the group of local officials coming in and out, listening to them explain things in their own place, and whenever someone was in need of something, he would Will jump out and tell the other person that they can come to him.

An important part of local officials’ work reports is to complain to the headquarters, complain in various ways, and try their best to defraud a batch of supplies.

Well, to put it simply, it is a battle of wits and courage between the local area and the headquarters.

But today, no one understands how Shatu is in the mood to cause trouble here despite his age.

However, Shasu didn’t make any trouble for more than a few minutes before he was taken away.

The person who took him away was not as high in status as him, not as strong as him, and I don’t know what he looked like. He was mainly wearing a mask.

The person in charge of communicating with local officials watched Shatu being carried away by two Anbu and let out a sigh of relief.

Really, I’m already very busy, and you still come over to make trouble. It’s really annoying. It’s okay now, I was taken away by the ANBU.

Of course, everyone also knows that given the situation of the sand and soil, the things done this time can be big or small.

To put it more seriously, this is hindering the work of Sunagakure Village and needs to be punished.

To put it bluntly, this is just a joke, just laugh at it.

Well, no one thought that this matter could be taken seriously.

Who is Shatu? He followed the second generation Kazekage to conquer the country and supported the third generation Kazekage when he came to power.

How could Yun Qing punish such an old minister so severely?

To be honest, for this kind of veteran, especially one who is kind to him, Yun Qing can take him away in front of everyone, which is already a great honor to everyone.

Otherwise, Yun Qing secretly sends someone to knock him out and take him away, and there is nothing we can do, or Yun Qing has someone quietly notify him. Anyway, there are many ways, which are better than losing face and letting him go. There is a good way to make everyone look good.

Well, Yunqing’s approach made many officials who were doing their work reports very happy.

What does this mean? It means that Yun Qing values ​​them.

They have no experience of sharing hardships with Yun Qing, and they did not support Yun Qing when he first came to power. Their impression of Yun Qing is more of admiration. In their memories, Yun Qing should not know them.

Yun Qing’s behavior just now was to lose the face of the people who followed him to conquer the country. The face he lost was indeed for them. They liked this kind of behavior very much.

Shatu always makes trouble here, making it impossible for them to report on their work.

Shatu’s “kind-hearted” behavior was a slap in the face in their eyes.

Who doesn’t know that the group of people under Shatu’s command are for the elderly.

As a result, we young people are short of a few people under our command, and we need to find people everywhere, and even need the support of Sunagakure Village. As a result, you group of elderly care workers lack nothing, you don’t need support, and you can even feed back. This is not It’s a slap in the face.

A naked slap in the face, where to put the faces of us people, this is not the key. The key is that they can’t do anything to the sand.

Again, Shatu is the one who follows Yunqing to conquer the country. They can feel unhappy with Shatu and sue Shatu, but they cannot do anything to Shatu.

To attack Shatu is to attack Yunqing, and to slap Yunqing in the face.

If you slap Yunqing in the face, you are slapping Sunagakure Village in the face, and you are slapping the Country of Wind in the face.

Therefore, before, they could only stay awkwardly and chat with Shatu without saying a word.

How uncomfortable it is to chat awkwardly.

In Fengying’s office, Yunqing was sitting behind the desk, handling various work matters seriously, while Shatu, Shasuke, Luosha and others were sitting on chairs, eating snacks and drinking tea.

It can be seen that they get along very well.

Just as those officials outside speculated, Yunqing’s handling of the sand was not.

After all, you are the one who has followed you through thick and thin, so you must cherish them.

“We still have a few scorpions left, but we’ve already gathered them together.”

Shatu felt that the atmosphere was a bit awkward and said.

“He has a long journey and a lot of things to deal with, so it’s normal for him to come late.”

Sunasuke spoke with a cold face.


Become rich through hard work with Sunagakure

Become rich through hard work with Sunagakure

Status: Completed Author:


Time travel is not scary. There are nine time travels in ten novels. It is not scary to time travel to Naruto. What is scary is that time travel to Sunagakure, the village that relies on eating soil and using love to generate electricity. After awakening the random lottery system, Yun Qing decided , he wants to lead Sunagakure to become rich through hard work and rise in the ninja world.
The new book Zhenguan Paper Seller has been released, everyone is welcome to read it.


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