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Become rich through hard work with Sunagakure — Chapter 399 Chapter 397 Sincerity and Attention

In fact, just as Uzumaki Akiza thought, the group of people at the dinner, after going home and experiencing their own changes for themselves, their favorability towards Uzumaki Akiza exploded.

Why did it explode directly? The main reason is that among their group, several people’s chakra volume increased sharply. They originally thought that they would never have a chance to break through the shadow level, but now they have.

Anyway, I can still live for more than ten years, maybe even counting the original ones, I can live for more than 20 years. Now my chakra has skyrocketed and my strength has improved by leaps and bounds. It seems that I can try to break through the shadow level.

In such a wonderful life, of course you have to be happy.

The happy result was that they thought of another question, what would they do if they were leaders and now had such effective genetic medicine.

This group of local and central bosses thought about it and came up with an answer. Their approach was of course to find ways to popularize it, and on the other hand, continue to research and develop genetic medicines with better effects and better life extension.

Yun Qing could not think of problems that they could all think of. In their consciousness, Yun Qing could certainly think of them.

In this way, the professionals led by Uzumaki Akiza are definitely working on something better.

Therefore, they secretly took action to help the Uzumaki clan and help Uzumaki Akize solve a large number of problems.

This is just like nuclear weapons, everyone must make way for him.

In an unknown “classic” restaurant in Sand Hidden Village, some of the big guys from yesterday’s dinner party were gathering together to drink and talk.

The content of the talk about Dashan is also very good, about the changes in my body after I returned home.

“Tsk, let me tell you, after I went back yesterday, I fought with my wife for half the night.”

An old man’s opening was a drifting turn at high speed.

“Oh, you old man, that’s what you said when you came up. Let me tell you, if your sister-in-law hadn’t left early and I was loyal, I would definitely be better than you.”

A big boss immediately replied in dissatisfaction.

This group of people are all too familiar with each other, having been in love for decades.

With the first one, there will be the second one, and with the second one, there will definitely be a third one who will speak out.

The topic became more and more biased, and some guys even talked about marrying a few more concubines and fighting for three hundred rounds to prove their strength.

Well, there are quite a few such people.

“Ahem, how old are you guys? You can’t just stay still.

Everyone talks about how their strength is now.

Are there any who have returned to their peak, and are there any who have made further progress? “

A big shot who was clearly the leader coughed twice, interrupting everyone’s conversation.

Hearing the boss speak, the others immediately became quiet and burst out one by one.

“I’m back to my peak and getting better.”

“IM about the same.”

“I’m a little younger, and my body has basically returned to its peak when I was thirty. I’ll probably be able to break through to the shadow level.”

“IM about the same.”


Not many people came, only seven or eight people, and they all had a blast with each other. The two younger ones had both returned to their prime, and were confident that they could take another step forward and become film-level.

“The genetic potion is so terrifying.”

The leader sighed.

“Yes, Master Kazekage, you are really awesome.”

“That’s right, this time it will fundamentally allow us to take Sunagakure Village a step further.”

“However, Lord Kazekage, it’s quite interesting. He is indeed our hard-working man, and he is honest in what he does.”

An old man said gratefully.

After hearing what he said, the others did not refute. They also felt that Yun Qing was too honest in what he did.

This group of people has basically exhausted their potential, has little possibility of progress, and has no ambition. They just want to live honestly and have a good start and a good end.

Look at the effect after they use genetic medicine, and then think about the effect if young people use genetic medicine.

In fact, they all had their own methods, and they all achieved the progress of Xie, Sunajie, Luosha and others.

You know, there are not only young people like Xie and Luosha in Shayin Village.

It can only be said that Xie and Luo Sha are gold medal players and are relatively good.

However, there are gold medals and there are silver medals. If those silver medal players use genetic medicine and their potential is greatly increased, they will not be able to become gold medal players.

Again, if they can guess it, Yun Qing can definitely guess it too.

Yunqing must have obtained these genetic medicines early. In fact, Yunqing may even know the effects of genetic medicines better than they do.

Even so, Yunqing still let them use it first, the first batch to use it. It can only be said that Yunqing does have them in his heart. Yunqing does things authentically and reliably. At least he will not kill the donkey and hide the bird. It’s a matter of the rabbit dying and the dog cooking.

Living with such a big boss, just two words, comfortable.

“Everyone must have some strange resources in their hands. Take them out and give them to Uzumaki Akiza.

He has the secret recipe for making genetic medicine. Let’s provide him with some raw materials so that these young people can grow up as quickly as possible.

We are getting old after all. “

The big boss who organized the banquet sighed, leaned back in his chair, and said sadly.

“Yeah, no problem.”

“It’s all what we should do.”

“I have a blood-stained body in my hand. I don’t know if it’s useful or not. I’ll give it to you first.”

“My family has studied some forbidden arts and has some information. Come back and make a copy for Uzumaki Akizawa.”

“Hey, I have some stuff left over from the Warring States Period at home, but it’s of little use. It would be good to take it out and use the remaining heat.”

With those who take the lead, there are those who follow. These old guys have more or less come up with something.

Of course, even the smallest things are shown to let people know the energy of the families left over from the Warring States Period.

If you treat me like a nobleman of the country, I will repay you with the courtesy of a nobleman of the country.

Yun Qing’s sincerity towards others was revealed at this moment.

These old guys are really repaying Yun Qing.

It’s not that they don’t know the priorities of things, and it’s not that they don’t know the best solution for all of this.

They have experienced it themselves and know the excellent and optimal effects of genetic medicine. In addition, even if they can guess the cost, they are moved.

Yunqing was so good to them.

The cost of the first batch of things manufactured is definitely the highest. Basically, the first batch is shipped, and the second batch needs to wait for a while.

After weighing this kind of thing themselves, they all felt that the most important thing should be given to the young people, those who are growing vigorously. Only by giving it to them can the future of Sunagakure Village be better and the foundation be stronger.

However, Yun Qingming knew the situation and returned it to them because he thought highly of them and truly regarded them as his own.

It’s sincerity and attention.


Become rich through hard work with Sunagakure

Become rich through hard work with Sunagakure

Status: Completed Author:


Time travel is not scary. There are nine time travels in ten novels. It is not scary to time travel to Naruto. What is scary is that time travel to Sunagakure, the village that relies on eating soil and using love to generate electricity. After awakening the random lottery system, Yun Qing decided , he wants to lead Sunagakure to become rich through hard work and rise in the ninja world.
The new book Zhenguan Paper Seller has been released, everyone is welcome to read it.


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