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Become rich through hard work with Sunagakure — Chapter 407

Konoha moved very quickly. After discussing the results, they began to quickly make arrangements. As for the resistance in the middle, it was not a problem at all.

The great and kind-hearted Ninja will help you with the demolition using detonating charms.

Huge villages were quickly established one after another with the help of the Thousand-Hand Rope Tree’s Wood Release – the Four-Pillar Family Technique. The speed was so fast that no one expected it.

The demolition problems that may be encountered in the urban world are not at all under Konoha’s operation.

Holding a knife to his neck, he stepped on the banknotes and threw them on his face. He threw the land deeds on the table. He made his own choice. Should he take his things, sign the household registration certificate, and live in a new village, or would he rather go to the underworld? Complain to the first two generations of Hokages and daimyo of Konoha.

Such execution is amazing, so damn strong.

This demolition efficiency is enough to crush everything.

As for your question about money.

The answer is that in Konoha’s eyes, problems that can be solved with money are not problems.

What Konoha lacks most is money, and what it lacks most is people, people who can come up with ideas, spend money, and use money to make money.

Otherwise, Namikaze Minato would not be proud to say that Konoha is not afraid of making mistakes, because Konoha can really rely on its own huge strength to survive the darkness before dawn.

Darkness has a time limit. As long as you endure it, you can enjoy it freely.

In Konoha’s eyes, as long as there is a return on investment and the interest rate is not too low, they can accept it.

After all, that money is of little use if left in your hands.

With this idea in mind, the Fire Country’s village establishment plan was implemented quite well.

Especially those residents who had objections at first, but later had no objection at all. The reason is very simple. They looked at their spacious new homes, looked at the land allocated to them outside the village, and finally felt their arms. The money in it is no problem.

Especially Konoha’s sudden announcement of a series of subsidy policies for ninjas.

Of course, for ordinary people, the subsidy policy is nothing and cannot benefit them.

However, immediately afterwards, the schools that Konoha established in various villages to teach children about chakra cultivation had something to do with them.

As soon as they saw that a genin received a subsidy of several thousand taels a month, the villagers became jealous.

In particular, the school is free of charge and also provides free physical examinations.

Of course they agree with this good thing. Not only do they agree, they will also give a loving education to their children who do not want to go to school.

This kind of love education is beyond the reach of ordinary people.

As for what you said about the education problems in local schools, that is really not a problem.

Konoha has been living peacefully in the past few years and has accumulated a lot of ninjas.

These ninjas usually go out for training, nothing major happens, and Konoha also takes care of them.

Now that it is used, go down below and teach the students. Go and study hard for me.

As the saying goes, teaching people is also a kind of learning.

Those guys have to go back to the drawing board and rebuild.

It’s not wartime, but the basic knowledge of ninjas who came out of peacetime is still very solid.

Basically, the foundation has been laid, and you only need to see blood and participate in a few missions to become a qualified ninja.

Think about the twelve Xiaoqiang in the original work. They are people who have received a complete ninja school education in the peaceful era.

The speed at which they grew after becoming ninjas, to say the speed of light is not an exaggeration.

From the time they graduated from the Ninja School to the Fourth Ninja War, the Twelve Strong were basically at the level of Jonin.

This is extremely scary.

If the prince and the second pillar are at the outside level, and the rest of the Twelve Xiaoqiang are geniuses, then what about those who are not geniuses, what are their strengths.

Facts have proven that the worst of those people are Chuunin.

With solid basic knowledge and an authentic academic background, all it takes is a comprehensive understanding to create a pretty good ninja.

Konoha happens to have several batches of such talents now.

Sarutobi Hiruzen’s idea was very simple, throw them all down and let them learn and know the dangers of the world.

The most important thing is to let them know what it means to be a naughty child.

Well, that’s too much.

You know, the naughty kid doesn’t care who you are, he has no knowledge of horror.

He just needs to know that you can’t punish him to your heart’s content, and he can break the truth for you. Even if it’s a small matter, he can piss you off to death.

It is this horrific situation that gives people the biggest headache.

In fact, the bigger headache is yet to come.

In Sand Hidden Village, Yunqing started various meetings after Sand Suke and Luo Sha left with their troops.

Basically, there is a small meeting in the morning, noon and evening, and a big meeting the next day.

There is no way, the development of Sand Hidden Village has reached a bottleneck, and next is the harvest period. During this period, you need to be careful not to let the ripe fruits escape and rot.

For this period, it is necessary to strictly guard against death.

Yunqing released Sha Jie and Luo Sha with the intention of shocking the world.

It’s also nice to show others how crazy we really are.

It is also a good behavior and method to give others the concept that we are crazy dogs and you should not mess with us at will.

Sometimes, Yun Qing had to sigh that he had really changed and become dirty.

I can only say one thing, no one who is an elegant person is not dirty.

Bah, vile.

While lamenting that he had changed and was no longer as pure as before, he continued to change without any intention of changing back. Yun Qing also felt that he had no one.

People will become the same. If they remain the same, something will really go wrong.

Yun Qing also knew that his situation was not very good. He could only say that if he met the opportunity, anyone could fly into the sky.

As a certain boss said, as long as you stand in the wind, a pig can fly into the sky.

Yunqing himself had never seen pigs flying into the sky, but he had seen Shayin Village flying into the sky.

With him imitating and copying various information and ideas from his previous life, Sunagakure Village has successfully taken off. This has to be said to be a miracle.

No matter what others think, this is Yunqing’s idea.

In Yun Qing’s eyes, he really couldn’t be called great or powerful.

The sources of force are all given by the system. The only chakra and swordsmanship that I have cultivated by myself are so strong. The big reason is that they are only available with the help of templates.

As for other aspects of governance, Yun Qing believes that he just put forward ideas and does not have much effect.

Ebizo is the most powerful one, he perfects his idea into reality, and finally helps him realize it. Compared with Ebizo, he is really weak.

In addition to Ebizo, there is also help from Shamon, Chiyo and others.

Finally, there is the support of the people in Sunagakure Village.

Anyway, in one sentence, Yun Qing didn’t think he was that powerful.

If in the past Yun Qing still thought that his own existence made Sand Hidden Village better and better, and that he was indispensable, now Yun Qing can only say that he was so stupid at that time.

I didn’t see other people’s efforts at all.

Just like a fool, now that Yun Qing has seen the efforts of others, Yun Qing also

I saw my shortcomings.

Yunqing can now proudly tell everyone that the success of Sand Hidden Village is not because of her, Yunqing, but because of everyone’s efforts.

Of course, other people wouldn’t think so.


Become rich through hard work with Sunagakure

Become rich through hard work with Sunagakure

Status: Completed Author:


Time travel is not scary. There are nine time travels in ten novels. It is not scary to time travel to Naruto. What is scary is that time travel to Sunagakure, the village that relies on eating soil and using love to generate electricity. After awakening the random lottery system, Yun Qing decided , he wants to lead Sunagakure to become rich through hard work and rise in the ninja world.
The new book Zhenguan Paper Seller has been released, everyone is welcome to read it.


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