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Become rich through hard work with Sunagakure — Chapter 408 Chapter 406: Dealing with the Enemy

In the eyes of other people in Sunagakure Village, Lord Kazekage is the most powerful. He suppresses the world with force and opens up the future with intelligence. He endures the humiliation for the rise of Sunagakure Village.

In short, after some brainstorming, in their eyes, Yunqing was the old Yinbi who endured the humiliation for Sunagakure Village.

Because of their preconceptions, no matter what Yun Qing does, as long as it is not excessive, they can come up with an excellent script and then act according to the script. Basically, they are in this state.

The strange state of the two resulted in the situation that they were both humble and stable, and they would not easily do anything unexpected.

It is precisely because they are all stable that Sunagakure Village can move forward steadily.

If someone is replaced by someone who is not stable enough, something might happen.

Sitting in the conference room, Yun Qing held the meeting absentmindedly.

The main thing is that the subordinates make reports one by one, and he just listens.

The more he listened to Yun Qing, the more he felt that his subordinates were really powerful, and the various political achievements they had made made him wonder if they were lying.

The result is that there is really no false report. The data obtained by Yun Qing from the secret supervision and statistics show that the political achievements of his subordinates are somewhat euphemistic. There is no false report at all, and they are even suppressed.

For example, in some grain-producing places, with the advancement of reform and land management, grain production has begun to increase. They have opened up more and more fertile fields and newly managed land, all of which have reduced the production by half.

There are also cities where industrial products are popular, and the goods produced are also reported at a reduced rate of 50%.

The ANBU concluded that it was not that they had suppressed the statistics, but that the statistics in some places were really impossible to complete.

No matter how the statistics are calculated, both of them have problems, and neither of them matches up.

So, they gritted their teeth and pressed down together.

Yun Qing saw all these losses.

There is no problem if there is some acceptable loss in some unnoticeable places.

If there was really no loss at all, then Yunqing would collapse.

As for the ANBU betraying him, Yun Qing didn’t think about it.

Bribing ANBU is like bribing eunuchs in ancient times. You may be looking for death.

Where does the ANBU’s power come from? It’s all given by the shadow.

Anbu would be nothing if there were no shadows.

Zhanzhangyin Village has a fixed army and specialized administrative personnel, and education is not their turn.

ANBU say they are all-rounders, but in fact, ANBU are nothing, and all their power comes from the Kage.

If the ANBU wanted to live well, they had to listen to the shadows.

If Kage is happy, they will have more power. If Kage is unhappy, he feels that if this year’s ANBU is not good enough, they will have to go home and farm.

Well, that’s how realistic it is.

Therefore, Yunqing never doubted Anbu’s loyalty, and Anbu did not have the courage to do some petty theft in front of him.

If you do it, you need to pay a price. As for what the price is, only the ANBU knows it.

Yun Qing listened casually to the report of his subordinates, while flipping through the reports sent by his subordinates, and at the same time looking at the statistics given to him by the ANBU.

Among them, what concerned Yunqing the most was how much chakra was extracted from each city and how much learning resources each school sent to Sand Hidden Village.

This data is the most critical and what Yun Qing wants to see most. Yun Qing doesn’t care much about other data.

The reason is also very simple. This data is really related to the comprehensive national strength of Sunagakure Village.

Looking at the various data above, Yun Qing smiled with satisfaction.

Years of hard work are starting to bear fruit.

Ordinary people from the Kingdom of Wind can finally contribute talents to the Sunagakure Village and the Kingdom of Wind in proportion to the situation on time.

“Education is fundamental, and there is nothing wrong with this statement.”

Yun Qing sighed secretly in his heart.

The entire Kingdom of Wind has successfully sent out more than a thousand students so far this year, which means that by the end of this year, there will be more than a thousand genin in the Kingdom of Wind.

As time goes by, this number will continue to rise.

This is good news.

You must know that the ninja troops possessed by each of the five hidden villages are all accumulated over the years.

Again, more than a thousand genin looked inconspicuous, which was something that Madara could solve with a meteorite falling from the sky, and they were not even qualified to dance.

However, when quantity reaches a certain level, quality also comes out.

In Yun Qing’s eyes, out of the more than a thousand genin, only ten jounin are needed to appear.

What’s more, he must be more than ten.

Sunagakure Village has its own elite policy of educating ninjas.

These ninjas were all educated through ordinary education.

The difference can be seen at a glance, it is just to increase the background.

Yunqing couldn’t guarantee how far those ninjas from civilian backgrounds could go with the regular transportation of ninjas every year.

Maybe someday a genius will appear who can dance with Madara.

Although the result is a bit meager, you still have to have a dream, what if it comes true?

Looking at this number, Yun Qing was still very happy.

This batch is the first batch, and there will be a second, third, and fourth batch next year and beyond.

“It’s time to start implementing the ninja retirement plan.

The replenishment of new blood, the fading of old blood, the replacement of the old with the new, hide the troops among the people. “

Seeing this number, another plan appeared in Yun Qing’s mind, another plan that had almost been planned long ago but had no chance to be realized.

There is no retirement system for ninjas. You almost have to apply for it yourself. Otherwise, ninjas generally have no retirement.

Most ninjas died in the battle, without exception.

In other words, there are too few exceptions.

There are very few ninjas who can live into their seventies or eighties.

Onoki also later met the peaceful era brought about by the prince and Erzhu, otherwise, his end would not be too good.

In the entire original work of Naruto, the so-called mediocre Kosuke lived a longer life, and it was Otsutsuki Ichiraku.

Therefore, ninja is a high-risk profession.

Although he earned a lot, he couldn’t stand up to most ninjas and failed to spend the money successfully.

If you don’t spend it, you’ll die, so what’s the point of talking about it?

Just like Jiraiya, he had so much money, but he died in the end and didn’t spend it at all.

However, as times change, Yunqing believes that he should still implement the retirement system.

For example, in a family where the father is a retired ninja, the son will naturally be exposed to the ninja industry and learn chakra refining and basic ninjutsu at home.

In this way, the pressure on the education industry of Sunagakure Village can be reduced, and the foundation of Sunagakure Village will be fundamentally changed.

In Yunqing’s eyes, the heritage of Sand Hidden Village is not measured by how many working ninjas there are, but by how many retired ninjas there are.

If Sunagakure Village can successfully retire hundreds to thousands of ninjas every year, then as time goes by, the number of ninjas in Sunagakure Village and the Kingdom of Wind will reach a terrifying number.

This terrifying number is the biggest change to Sunagakure Village.

Accumulating a little becomes a lot, accumulating sand into a tower, this is Yunqing’s purpose.

Build walls high, accumulate grain widely, and become king slowly.

If you don’t have absolute strength, you will never take action easily.

Facing opponents like the Five Hidden Villages that may become stronger and stronger, we must seize the opportunity and take them away in one wave. Once we fall into the quagmire of war, we will be delayed.

Just like blitzkrieg, it seems that everyone looks down on it, but as long as it is used properly and the opponent is taken away in one wave, there will be no problem even if there is something left behind.

Take away the main force and what remains will not be a problem.

During World War II, Germany took away France in one wave. If it had not made too many enemies, unifying the European continent would not be a problem.

This is the advantage of accumulating food widely and building a wall high. A wave breaks out and takes everyone away.

Yun Qing’s goal is this, to break out in one wave and take everyone away. When the time comes, don’t force Lai Lai, it’s useless.

In the face of absolute strength, no matter how high your wisdom is, it is useless.

I’ll let you change your mind and say hell, I’ll cut you off with a knife and send your whole family away, and I’ll ask you if you accept it.

And the winner writes everything, the loser only deserves to eat dust.

Only the absolutely strong can have everything, and the rest is all nonsense.

What’s more, in the ninja world, except for the prince, no one else likes to use mouth escape.

Whether it’s Akatsuki, the Five Hidden Villages, or Madara, when he has the strength, he always chooses to deal with the enemy and never forces him to do anything.


Become rich through hard work with Sunagakure

Become rich through hard work with Sunagakure

Status: Completed Author:


Time travel is not scary. There are nine time travels in ten novels. It is not scary to time travel to Naruto. What is scary is that time travel to Sunagakure, the village that relies on eating soil and using love to generate electricity. After awakening the random lottery system, Yun Qing decided , he wants to lead Sunagakure to become rich through hard work and rise in the ninja world.
The new book Zhenguan Paper Seller has been released, everyone is welcome to read it.


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