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Become rich through hard work with Sunagakure — Chapter 410 Chapter 408 Kill it

The latest information about the dark world that Yunqing needed was quickly sent to him by ANBU.

Looking at the recent information from the Dark World, especially their current shrinkage behavior, Yun Qing seemed to see that the forces of the Dark World had been infiltrated.

“The power is shrinking and shifting. This is to deceive others.”

Yun Qing frowned. In his opinion, what was happening now was very interesting. A group of people were doing all kinds of trouble.

“Sure enough, it still has to be like this. No matter how reassured you are, you still have to have someone check it out.

Hey, since they are so troublesome, let Sunasuke take the people there.

No matter how strong he is, Sunasuke who is well prepared should not be intercepted. “

Yun Qing finally made up his mind to investigate everything clearly and hold everything in his hands. Only in this way can he feel at ease. Otherwise, he would not be completely at ease with anything.

Moreover, he also needs a pathfinder.

Often the people who explore the path are the ones who know the most.

As Yun Qing made up his mind, an ANBU headed towards Sunasuke with Yun Qing’s order.

When Sunaki received Yunqing’s order, he just frowned slightly. Although he didn’t quite understand it, he was still willing to carry out the order.

In a wild place, there were not many ninjas from Sand Hidden Village stationed here at this time, only a dozen or so, led by Sandosuke and Rasa.

“Have you received a reply from Kazekage-sama, Sunaki-sama?”

Luo Sha looked at Sunasuke’s slightly frowning expression and guessed that there might be a reply.

Just yesterday, they were attacked and killed a white monster, which meant that they were close to the truth.

Luo Sha didn’t think Yun Qing was the kind of person who would stop when he was close to the truth.

“Master Kazekage asked us to go to the dark world to investigate. He thinks something is wrong in the dark world.”

Sandosuke said calmly.

In Sunasuke’s eyes, there was a haze.

No matter how annoying and disgusting the people in the dark world are, at least they are still human beings, but Bai Jue is no longer human.

“Could something happen in the dark world? I think something has already happened.

Otherwise, although those guys are not smart, they will not send people to attack us at this time. “

Luo Sha sneered, he looked down upon the members of the Dark World.

A group of things hiding in the sewers, dreaming that darkness is stronger than light all day long, always imagining that they are the righteous party, and how much can be accomplished by people who are hypocrites in the five hidden villages.

To put it bluntly, this group of people is the most hopeless. They don’t want to give and spend all day dreaming about getting something for nothing and what they can achieve.

Sunasuke didn’t react at all to the disdain in Luo Sha’s words, and he didn’t like people from the dark world very much either.

But there is no way. There is also a part of the dark world that is separated from Sunagakure Village. This group of people, more or less, know something about Sunagakure Village. Their target is also this group of people. Kill them and ensure that there is no How much information has been lost.

“Take a break, recharge your batteries, and get everyone serious. Our next task will be more severe.”

Sunasuke stood up and gave instructions to the ten people present.

“Yes, sir.”

The people present also replied seriously.

After replying, he immediately began to check his equipment to make sure that everything about him was in peak condition.

I brought the chakra-restoring medicine.

The chakra weapon was intact and undamaged.

Five new explosive bombs were brought.

The chakra ninja sword is fully equipped.

Finally, my physical condition has been adjusted.

Originally they didn’t care too much yesterday, but after being attacked by the white monster and almost causing personal injury, they all became serious.

The white monster almost took away several of them yesterday. If Luo Sha and Sunasuke hadn’t reacted quickly and were strong enough to help block it, their team would have suffered casualties yesterday.

If doing such a mission would result in casualties, then they wouldn’t have to mess around.

After you go back, you can cancel the title of Elite Team yourself.

After seeing everyone starting to check seriously, Sunsuke nodded and walked towards Bai Zetsu’s body.

Although they didn’t research anything, they still needed to take it back. Their Sunagakure Village also had many people who could read information from corpses.

What’s more, if it really doesn’t work, you can still use it as experimental material for Uzumaki Akiza.

A monster that can spit fire and water and absorb chakra, Sunaki believes that Uzumaki Akiza will definitely like it.

Of course Uzumaki Akiza liked it, but Sandsuke didn’t know what it would be like when Uzumaki Akiza received Bai Zetsu’s corpse in the future and found active chakra cells in Bai Zetsu’s body.

Bai Jue’s strength is not the most important, the most important thing is his body mass, which is quite interesting.

Bai Jue’s physical fitness is quite good, otherwise, he wouldn’t be the best raw material to use to perform the Reincarnation of the Earth.

Other ninjas will always have flaws in their strength when using the Earth Reincarnation, but White Zetsu will not. From this, we can see the superiority of White Zetsu.

As a successful researcher who successfully transferred jobs and developed genetic medicine, Uzumaki Akiza can certainly see the superiority of White Zetsu after studying it.

That is a body that all biologists long for.

After everyone had rested, Sandosuke immediately walked towards a nearby town, where he could find the connectors of the dark world.

They are not in the five major countries now, but in an unknown small country.

Now only small, chaotic countries can become excellent soil for the development and growth of the dark world.

In the five major countries, there is no soil for the growth of the dark world.

The five major countries also did not give them a chance to grow.

In the eyes of the five major countries, since my sphere of influence has expanded to the entire country, outsiders like you should get out.

What’s more, you still dare to unscrupulously offer bounties to the people of our hidden village. Why do you keep a guy like you here for the New Year?

Therefore, facing the group of people in the dark world, the five major countries all expelled them cleanly, which was cleaner than the floor they washed.

Although it’s a bit excessive to say this, Sunasuke is really in the Kingdom of Wind now and can’t find any place to connect with the dark world.

There must still be some in Sunagakure Village, but there are definitely not that many. Unlike before, they could be found in any city. Now it is estimated that there are only one or two in the border areas that cannot be found no matter how hard they are.

Therefore, in order to save time and effort, Sunaki went directly to an unknown small country and found it from them.

The main ones are the five hidden villages and the five domestic countries. The current meeting point has completely distrusted the five countries.

Asked, what is the best way to avoid paying intelligence fees? Of course, it is to kill the person who collects intelligence fees.


Become rich through hard work with Sunagakure

Become rich through hard work with Sunagakure

Status: Completed Author:


Time travel is not scary. There are nine time travels in ten novels. It is not scary to time travel to Naruto. What is scary is that time travel to Sunagakure, the village that relies on eating soil and using love to generate electricity. After awakening the random lottery system, Yun Qing decided , he wants to lead Sunagakure to become rich through hard work and rise in the ninja world.
The new book Zhenguan Paper Seller has been released, everyone is welcome to read it.


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