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Become rich through hard work with Sunagakure — Chapter 412 Chapter 410 Appearance

Sunasuke and others returned to Sunagakure Village very quickly, taking only two days.

It is enough to show that Sunasuke and others attach great importance to this matter.

In two days, he traveled across half of the ninja world and quickly returned to Sunagakure Village.

In order to prevent the news from leaking, Sunagaki did not dare to use animals such as letter eagles to convey messages.

Only Sunaki himself used reverse channeling to send some news back to Yunqing.

At the Sand Hidden Village training ground, more than a dozen White Zetsu corpses were placed here.

Yun Qing looked at the Bai Jue corpses piled in front of him without any emotion.

“Interesting, what is Black Zetsu doing?”

Yun Qing racked his brains, and in the current ninja world, he could only think of one Black Zetsu.

Yun Qing really couldn’t think of the other people.

In the entire ninja world, there are only four people who know that White Zetsu can use biological weapons like White Zetsu, Uchiha Madara, Black Zetsu, Otsutsuki Kaguya, and Six Paths Sage.

The Sage of Six Paths doesn’t care about White Zetsu, Madara is dead, and Kaguya Otsutsuki is still locked up in a small dark room on the moon.

The only thing left was Hei Jue, so Yun Qing could only say something interesting.

“Do you want to kill Black Zetsu?”

“It’s better not to, the ninja world needs a common enemy.”

“In that case, let him bounce around for a while.”

Yunqing waved his hand, threw Bai Zetsu’s body on the ground into the wormhole, and walked towards Uzumaki Akiza’s laboratory, muttering as he walked.

At the same time, in the Black Zetsu base in the Country of Grass, Black Zetsu stared at White Zetsu who was delivering the message in front of him, looking very bad.

“What happened and how could it be exposed?”

Hei Zetsu asked through gritted teeth. He was in a very unhappy mood. If it was revealed, it meant that he needed to act according to Sunagakure Village’s mood.

If Sunagakure Village is happy, it will not report him. If Sunagakure Village is unhappy, it will report him.

After being reported, he would have to face strangulation in the Five Hidden Villages.

Not happy, very unhappy.

“It seems that I have been too distracted recently. Otherwise, how could I be so careless?”

Hei Jue reflected on himself in his heart, otherwise it would be really impossible. Without self-reflection, he would be plotted to death.

If you are weak, you must be mentally prepared to be weak.

If he didn’t know it, he would have finished playing it long ago.

Therefore, the more Black Zetsu thought about it, the angrier he became. He was very angry at this group of stupid White Zetsu.

However, thinking about the strength of this group of Bai Jue, let’s forget it. They are no longer low-level cannon fodder and can already be used as thugs.

“Tell me, what exactly happened that caused Sunagakure Village to chase us all the way to the Dark World.”

Black Zee asked again in a hoarse voice.

“When we were stealing people at the border of the Kingdom of Wind, we were discovered. They sent a ninja team. We swarmed up and killed them.

Thinking that there is a so-called meeting going on in Sunagakure Village right now, no one should care about it.

But they never expected that they would send out Sha Jie and Luo Sha.

These two guys, within the sphere of influence of the Dark World, killed a White Zetsu and then overturned a stronghold. “

Bai Jue described the matter as quickly as possible and let Hei Jue make his own decision.

Black Zetsu was silent.

There is something wrong with what Bai Jue did. There is no problem, not at all. It can even be said that what they did was right. Whoever gave the order was given by him.

However, just like Bai Ze said, no one could have imagined that Sunagakure Village would go against common sense and directly send out a character like Sunasuke.

Is Sunaki a human?

Sunasuke is not a human being, he is a monster in human skin.

“Go down and let all the White Zetsu who are outside return to the Country of Grass and hide.

Don’t go to the Five Hidden Villages to steal people anymore recently. I will personally go to the Dark World to take charge of the overall situation.

Remember, hide all your strength in the Kingdom of Grass and don’t act rashly. “

Hei Jue came up with an idea that wasn’t too bad at all.

Hide large units and abandon small units.

Only in this way can we get through it.

Black Zetsu believed that no one would have thought that they were hiding in the Country of Grass, a place where two research bases existed in Konoha and Sunagakure Village.

Hei Jue believes that the most dangerous place is the safest place. Only by playing Hei Under the Light can he have hope for the future.

Just like what he did to Madara in the original work, Madara never thought until his death that his biggest enemy was right under his nose.

Perhaps, this is the most successful Dark Under the Light.

Hei Jue believes that as long as he plays well, no one will find out.

Black Zetsu quickly arranged everything in the Kingdom of Grass, and then found a white Zetsu with a higher IQ to manage it for him, and then quickly walked towards the dark world.

However, because of his fear of death and his cautious character, Black Zetsu deliberately fused with a White Zetsu transformed from an elite Jonin.

These were the strongest White Zetsu under him, and they were transformed into elite jounin models, and a bull ninja beast and a desert lizard ninja beast were added to them.

The White Jue that emerges like this is extremely powerful and protected by scales, and its attacks are also mixed with poison.

For things like Bai Jue, as long as your thinking is divergent enough, you can add things to it at will. The more things you add, the strength will not necessarily be strengthened, but it is indeed enough to cope with many situations.

Standing in front of his White Zetsu incubation laboratory, looking at the white monster standing on two feet with a tail trailing behind his back, two legs on top of his head and covered with scales, Black Zetsu nodded with satisfaction, and then merged into it. .

Black Zetsu himself, coupled with this White Zetsu, has reached the quasi-kage level in strength, and it is not a problem to fight against some shadow-level players.

In short, in one sentence, Hei Jue already has some self-protection power when he goes out this time. Hei Jue can even openly tell everyone that I am no longer the weakest among all bosses.

Well, it’s just so worthless.

After feeling the power of this white Zetsu body, Hei Zetsu felt that if he met Nagato again, at least he wouldn’t be as timid as before, and he could be timid.

After packing his belongings, Black Zetsu left the Country of Grass.

Just when Hei Zetsu left, Sunaki, Rasa and others had also returned to Sunagakure Village.

Yunqing also handed Bai Jue’s body to Uzumaki Akize.

These Bai Jue have cells and interstitial cells in their bodies.

In order to enhance the combat effectiveness of White Zetsu, Black Zetsu added Hashirama cells into it.

As for where Hashirama’s cells came from, of course they are Uchiha Madara’s legacy.

Uchiha Madara had chewed a piece of Senju Hashirama’s flesh back then. If he hadn’t cloned it and left some spare parts, no one would have believed it.

Besides, Shimura Danzo can get Hashirama cells, and Black Zetsu relies on his own escape technique to come and go without a trace, so it’s not a big problem to get it.

Therefore, Yunqing was very satisfied.

In Yun Qing’s view, these Bai Jue were sending resources thousands of miles away, which was very interesting and would not be in vain for him to date the Otsutsuki family.


Become rich through hard work with Sunagakure

Become rich through hard work with Sunagakure

Status: Completed Author:


Time travel is not scary. There are nine time travels in ten novels. It is not scary to time travel to Naruto. What is scary is that time travel to Sunagakure, the village that relies on eating soil and using love to generate electricity. After awakening the random lottery system, Yun Qing decided , he wants to lead Sunagakure to become rich through hard work and rise in the ninja world.
The new book Zhenguan Paper Seller has been released, everyone is welcome to read it.


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