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Become rich through hard work with Sunagakure — Chapter 421 Chapter 419 Critical Damage

In a large city in the Land of Fire, Shimura Danzo sat on a corpse made of several White Zetsu corpses, watching his subordinates arrange the barrier technique with great temperament.

But Shimura Danzo’s expression was very ugly.

The news from his intelligence system showed that Sand Hidden Village did not need to deploy temporary sealing warlocks as an afterthought. When they established the city, they had already set up the barrier warlocks and only needed to activate them.

“The gap, why are there gaps everywhere?”

Danzo Shimura gritted his teeth and thought angrily.

Shimura Danzo felt uncomfortable when he thought about the various differences between Konoha and Sunagakure Village when the crisis came.

You blame Hiruzen Sarutobi, but if you give all your hope to Hiruzen Sarutobi, not only Hiruzen Sarutobi can bear it, but even Shimura himself can’t accept it.

In Danzo Shimura’s eyes, Konoha’s success today is due to the hard work of several of their friends. The Hokage, Sarutobi Hiruzen, can only be said to be the figure they recommended.

Just like a company’s board of directors, the chairman and CEO are only elected by them. Although this person has great power, you can’t change the fact that there are more people working hard behind him.

Anyway, just one sentence, Shimura Danzo was not happy, he did not believe that there were so many of them, but in the end they were not as good as Yunqing alone.

The strength is not as good as what they recognized, and in the end, even the IQ is not as good as they think. How can they recognize it?

“We have so many resources, I don’t believe it. Burning little by little, we can’t catch up with your small sand country.”

Danzo Shimura thought with anger and fear in his heart.

At this time, Shimura Danzo also understood better what Namikaze Minato meant by imitation.

Copying is also a technique, especially when they are introducing something new.

As long as they can understand it, this is a good thing for them.

“Work hard, come on, one day we will surpass Sunagakure Village.

If this generation is not good enough, there will be another generation. “

In Konoha Hidden Village, Hiruzen Sarutobi looked at the information about Sunagakure Village sent by the ANBU and could only cheer secretly.

It’s so annoying that Sunagakure Village didn’t suffer much damage.

In other words, compared to other hidden villages, the losses caused by Bai Jue’s raid were so small.

Now, under the suppression of various hidden villages, the turmoil caused by Bai Jue has slowly begun to come to an end.

At this time, each hidden village began to count its own losses and the losses of other surrounding countries. They wanted to see how their strength was, whether they had regressed, and how much they had regressed.

The intelligence sent back from Sunagakure Village showed that because Sunagakure Village opened the town barrier in advance and successfully prevented the white monsters from entering the town and destroying it, the town and population of Sunagakure Village did not suffer much loss.

The biggest loss to Sunagakure Village is the loss of people on the roads of Sunagakure Village, as well as some sports cars.

These losses are far inferior to those of other hidden villages.

The damage done to Sunagakure Village was even greater than the blow Shiro had caused to other Hidden Villages.

In the eyes of others, this world is so cruel.

What the hell are they? How can the gap between people be so big?

Doesn’t this fully prove that the gap between people is greater than the gap between people and dogs?

How can people accept such a huge gap and how can they live their lives?

The more I think about it, the angrier I get, and the angrier I get, the less I can do.

If they had a way, they would have used it long ago.

Hiruzen Sarutobi was in a good mood, but he was holding his teeth, which hurt a little.

His mentality exploded like the Third Raikage, who beat his two sons one after another.

The third generation Mizukage, who had a peaceful mind and had been alone overseas all year round, was just a little colder.

As for the grumpy Ohnoki, he has no one to control him and can only continue to pursue his will of stone.

I can only comfort myself with the will of stone over and over again. It’s not that I don’t work hard, it’s just that the enemy is too strong, and as long as I live long, I will be able to outlast him one day.

In Naruto, the third-generation Tsuchikage Onoki, the leader of Gomei-ryu, succeeded in Gomei-ryu. He survived the third generation of the same period, most of the fourth generation, and retired several fifth generation. In the same way, he also successfully survived. After comparing two people in the ninja world, I asked if it was uncomfortable.

After witnessing Uchiha Madara and Senju Hashirama, he actually met Erzhuma and the prince again in his later years.

What a bad luck.

It is estimated that Ohnoki himself resented why he lived for so long, and why Uchiha Madara didn’t kill himself during the Fourth Ninja War. If he killed him, he wouldn’t have to continue watching Konoha Kakebi pretend to act.

In his whole life, there is no one who has been beaten by two generations of cheaters. After being bullied like this, his mentality can still be stable, which is enough to witness the power of Shi Zhizhi’s will.

Anyway, just one sentence, the damage to Sand Hidden Village made the other Hidden Village Kages’ eyelids jump. They all felt that the two sides were not playing the same game and that the other side was cheating.

Of course, the fact is that Yun Qing is cheating, and what Yun Qing wants to tell everyone is that you can’t report me even if I cheat, just like you can’t report the prince.

Sometimes, reality, this garbage game, is just so unreasonable.

No matter how hard you talk, you won’t be able to make a single point.

In the end, all the other four shadows in the Hidden Village can say is that sometimes, the gap between people is wider than the gap between people and dogs.

To shorten this gap, a lot needs to be done.

All in all, Yan’er, in short, the other people in Hidden Village all have the same idea now, work hard and work hard, and they must find a way to surpass Sand Hidden Village.

No, it’s not about surpassing Sunagakure Village, but finding ways to narrow the gap with Sunagakure Village.

It is difficult to transcend this life.

All the Third Kage thought this way.

It seems difficult for their generation to surpass Sunagakure Village and Yunqing.

Since we have already put in all the hard work, we might as well forget about it and think of ways to work hard to lay the foundation for the next generation.

In this way, the Five Hidden Villages started to educate the next generation with strange ideas and the idea that if my son could not learn well, I would let my son work hard.

In fact, they all feel that their next generation, if not Yunqing, can just produce half Yunqing.

Otherwise, they are too difficult.

They are not ordinary difficulties, they are the difficulties of Class 2 and Class 3.

In this ninja world, what kind of bullshit is there?

In fact, several elders of Yinghe Hidden Village were wondering if it would take a genius from their Hidden Village to close the distance.

Otherwise, how could they widen the gap?

The White Jue Disaster caused varying degrees of damage to the five hidden villages.

It can even be said that except for Sand Hidden Village, other hidden villages suffered a double critical blow.

The first level is the harm caused by White Zetsu, and the second level is the harm caused by Sunagakure Village.

It’s really difficult for them.

In the same disaster, they had to suffer a double blow. Where could they reason?

There was no room for reasoning, and they suddenly felt like they had suffered another critical blow.


Become rich through hard work with Sunagakure

Become rich through hard work with Sunagakure

Status: Completed Author:


Time travel is not scary. There are nine time travels in ten novels. It is not scary to time travel to Naruto. What is scary is that time travel to Sunagakure, the village that relies on eating soil and using love to generate electricity. After awakening the random lottery system, Yun Qing decided , he wants to lead Sunagakure to become rich through hard work and rise in the ninja world.
The new book Zhenguan Paper Seller has been released, everyone is welcome to read it.


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