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Become rich through hard work with Sunagakure — Chapter 424 Chapter 422 Tragedy

“Oh, I never imagined that I could meet such a wise monster.”

In the Land of Fire, there was a battle between White Zetsu and Konoha ninjas. At this time, Orochimaru was staring at Black Zetsu with a smile.

“Orochimaru, how did you discover me?” Black Zetsu asked gloomily. He was so shocked. His concealment skills should be unmatched in the world. How could he be discovered so easily.

Hei Ze really felt that he was having a bad time. He was very unhappy that the Five Hidden Villages were using Bai Ze to clean up their own internal problems. In addition, everything he had done recently was going well, so Hei Ze was ready to come out and do something big to vent his anger. Get angry and feel better.

In this way, Black Zetsu led his people to the food base in Konoha. Before they could take action, Orochimaru rushed out with his people and attacked them violently.

Black Zetsu expected that something bad would happen, and just as he was about to leave, Orochimaru appeared in front of him blankly.

Orochimaru looked at Bai Zeze’s miserable expression and felt very happy in his heart.

I’m so happy. It turns out that scaring people is so fun. No wonder the Third Kazekage scared me last time.

Orochimaru was in a good mood, so he explained to Black Zetsu.

“It’s difficult to find you. Your concealment skills are very good, but I have too many snakes and the steps are too wide. There will always be one or two who will meet you.” Orochimaru explained with a smile: “And you are so powerful Yes, the monster still hiding at the back is of course the target we need to pay attention to.”

Orochimaru is very interested in Black Zetsu’s current body.

Black Zetsu’s face suddenly sank when he saw Orochimaru’s interested expression. He was completely unable to defeat Orochimaru.

If he could beat it, he would have already started it.

However, even if he couldn’t defeat him, Black Zetsu still attacked Orochimaru directly. If you ask the reason, of course it was because he didn’t think he could make Orochimaru let him go with his words.

Orochimaru is a person who has no respect and no bottom line, and will not be easily deceived.

Hei Jue, an old Yinbi, is what I hate the most.

Uchiha Madara is still in awe of the Uchiha clan, the Sage of Six Paths, and the history left by his ancestors. In other words, he is still in awe of people who are stronger than him.

It is precisely because of his awe that he can be deceived and calculated.

Obito is completely crazy. As long as he is subtle, he can slowly achieve his goal.

Black is absolutely different from this kind of person. As long as he succeeds in getting close, he will have a way to fool him.

But he couldn’t fool someone like Orochimaru.

If you go talk to Orochimaru about dreams and the future, he will only talk to you about the importance of your body to my research progress.

There is no dream and no future, or in other words, he doesn’t believe in anyone.

Faced with such an incompetent old thing, Hei Jue could only use his ultimate trick and find a way to escape.

Orochimaru looked at Bai Zetsu, who had been holding back on the opposite side, and moved forward with the Ten Thousand Snake Formation.

Facing the white snakes surging from all directions, Hei Jue didn’t panic at all. He opened his mouth, stretched out his hands, and flames spurted out from his mouth.

There’s no other trick, it’s just that simple, a humanoid flamethrower.

A vacuum area was cleared in an instant, and then, Black Zetsu opened the animal aura of White Zetsu’s body to force the snakes back.


Orochimaru became more and more interested in Black Zetsu’s operations.

He could clearly feel that this white monster had an animal aura.

“Are they fused monsters? Or are there problems with these monsters themselves?” Orochimaru had a lot of guesses in his mind.

However, no matter how many guesses there are, it is better to catch it and send it to your own research room for careful study.

There is nothing that cannot be solved by studying it. If there is, then study it again.

Dissecting one body cannot solve the problem, we can dissect two bodies.

Orochimaru has decided to find Sarutobi Hiruzen when he returns. He wants the corpses of these monsters, and he must study them thoroughly.

Of course, Orochimaru also knew that he could not take them all. Who allowed Shimura Danzo to have a research team at his root? Shimura Danzo would definitely not give him his own part.

If Orochimaru runs out, Shimura Danzo will probably give some to Orochimaru if he has any leftovers.

After Black Zetsu had a brief fight with Orochimaru and attracted Orochimaru’s attention, he immediately found a way to escape.

After giving the order to stop the White Zetsu corpse, Black Zetsu disappeared immediately.

He didn’t have anything to do with it. If he had nothing to do with Orochimaru, wouldn’t he be despising his own longevity?

This sentence is only useful to myself. Many masters in the ninja world still don’t care about Orochimaru.

Compared with Orochimaru’s strength and his research ability, the most useful thing in Konoha is his research ability.

Orochimaru looked at Bai Zetsu who suddenly went berserk and wreaked havoc with a puzzled expression. After a hard fight with the Kusanagi sword, he quickly left.

“What’s going on? It was an IQ operation just now. How come it’s like this now? It’s being manipulated.”

Orochimaru was very confused, but no matter how doubtful he was, he had to solve it first. He summoned two giant snakes to control Bai Zetsu, and then used the sealing technique to seal Bai Zetsu.

After briefly observing White Zetsu, Orochimaru discovered that there was something wrong with White Zetsu’s intelligence. After thinking about the rational behavior just now, Orochimaru already had a guess.

“It’s being controlled by someone, right? No, if it was controlled remotely, he would have fought me tooth and nail just now to control it to the end.

Then, it must be something like possession, and he ran away through the fight. “

Orochimaru’s IQ is so high. Combining the cause and effect, he can guess it quickly.

After Hei Jue left here, he ran directly towards his home. Hei Jue decided that he would never come out again in a short period of time. The outside world was too dangerous and not suitable for a weak person.

This is just Orochimaru. You must know that in the ninja world, there are few who are stronger than Orochimaru, but there are many, especially the Third Kage who are still at their peak.

Hei Jue didn’t know that his home was already in a mess at this time.

Yunqing stood in Hei Jue’s research room, looking at the gestating White Jue that had not yet hatched, and the dozens of White Jue that Hei Jue used as their fighting bodies, with a satisfied expression.

“Sure enough, Hei Jue is a good person. These are all prepared for me. It wouldn’t be appropriate if I didn’t come and get them.

The Otsutsuki clan are all good people. If you have the opportunity in the future, you must thank them. “Yun Qing used Angel Eyes to carefully read and understand the status and information of the White Jue, and then began to collect the White Jue.

The purpose of Yunqing’s coming here is to take away the White Zetsus. Where does Uzumaki Akize need to do research.


Become rich through hard work with Sunagakure

Become rich through hard work with Sunagakure

Status: Completed Author:


Time travel is not scary. There are nine time travels in ten novels. It is not scary to time travel to Naruto. What is scary is that time travel to Sunagakure, the village that relies on eating soil and using love to generate electricity. After awakening the random lottery system, Yun Qing decided , he wants to lead Sunagakure to become rich through hard work and rise in the ninja world.
The new book Zhenguan Paper Seller has been released, everyone is welcome to read it.


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