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Become rich through hard work with Sunagakure — Chapter 432 Chapter 432 is full of emotions

Ye Cang felt that his mouth was a little dry. What was going on in this world? Why were there so many schemes everywhere, and each scheme was more ruthless than the next.

Plan everything invisibly, move forward in the darkness, turn disadvantages into advantages in an instant, and reverse the situation in an instant.

Ye Cang suddenly realized that she was no different than the group of people who were really planning on the overall situation.

Yun Qing looked at Ye Cang who was thinking there with a smile.

As expected of my wife, she is so beautiful.

Whenever Ye Cang asks him a question, Yun Qing will tell her that if she asks for a reason, there is no reason.

Who let this be his wife?

As for the question that Ye Cang asked for advice, he couldn’t answer it. Sorry, he never did.

Yun Qing likes to teach his subordinates very much, but he doesn’t want his subordinates to live like fools.

In the original novel, the only shadow Kumo Kiyo of Sunagakure sees is Gaara.

Gaara seems to have turned Sunagakure Village into Konoha’s licking dog, and even Konoha is the leader.

But let’s be realistic. The Sunagakure Village that Gaara took over was really too weak. The only strong person who could take action was Gaara himself. What if he didn’t follow Konoha’s footsteps?

Especially after the two idiots, the prince and the second pillar, appeared, they followed Konoha closely, did business with Konoha, and relied on time to restore the foundation of Sunagakure Village bit by bit. This was the right way.

Therefore, Yunqing admires Gaara in the original work. After all, Gaara’s choice is correct.

That was really pulling the Sunagakure Village out of the abyss little by little.

If Gaara was stubborn enough to engage in various schemes and battles with Konoha and other hidden villages, he would probably be done with the little wealth his father left him.

Appropriate compromise is not something difficult to accept.

With appropriate compromise, coupled with good military support, and giving the opponent enough face, you will definitely get what you want.

The night gradually deepened, and there were enough things to talk about. Yun Qing stretched, stood up, and went to finish the remaining government affairs.

After handling all the government affairs, Yun Qing and Ye Cang walked towards their homes.

As Yun Qing left, the staff who had completed their tasks in the Fengying Building also began to rest.

As on-duty staff, they can only rest in their own offices.

Walking in Sand Hidden Village, looking at the bright lights on the street, Yun Qing was very emotional. It seemed that the results of his efforts were good. He was very happy seeing these people who already had nightlife.

Sand Hidden Village is no longer the place it used to be where people go out by walking, convey information by shouting, and have children in the dark.

The place has gradually developed its own culture. People go to the cinema every day, and someone is already building an amusement park with the characteristics of Sunagakure outside the village.

In addition to these, there are also things such as TVs and mobile phones that are under development, and the entertainment industry is booming.

Although the entertainment industry is not a very good industry, the emergence and vigorous development of the entertainment industry can indeed represent the situation of a country.

Without a stable situation and a peaceful system, the entertainment industry cannot develop.

Everyone lives precariously every day, who has the mood to pay attention to your eating, drinking, diarrhea and sleep.

Who would go to the cinema to watch a movie if there was a possibility of being blown to death every day while watching it?

Don’t talk about how much you pay for a commercial performance, first think about whether you can spend your life doing it after earning this money.

Therefore, regarding the development of his hidden village, Yunqing would know by looking at the shops that were still open at this time and the crowds on the street.

Everyone has sunny smiles on their faces, and this place can represent everything.

If there are no smiles on everyone’s faces, Yun Qing should reflect on whether he should do something.

In other words, I won’t do anything too extreme recently, otherwise everyone would be unhappy.

Therefore, Yun Qing was very happy, especially after saying hello to a few familiar faces.

“People’s hearts are really unhappy. Now everyone doesn’t work overtime properly and runs away as soon as they get off work.

Look, I saw several familiar faces in the Kazekage Building just now. “

Yun Qing sighed as he walked. In the midst of his emotion, he didn’t know whether he should cry or laugh.

Just now, he saw several guys who should be working overtime now, but turned out to be shopping with their girlfriends.

I even saw two guys who were supposed to be at work doing crazy shopping. It looked like they were out buying late night snacks.

With this group of people, Yun Qing really didn’t know what to say.

In the end, Yun Qing could only ignore them in an attitude of human rule. Otherwise, Yun Qing felt that he would be able to fire many people tomorrow.

Ye Cang, who was next to him, heard Yun Qing’s emotion and just smiled without saying anything.

As Yun Qing’s pillow, she knew Yun Qing very well, not to mention that the people in Fengying Building only came out to buy some food after finishing their work.

Even if they don’t come out and finish their work, Yun Qing will order a portion of any delicious food he encounters outside and have them deliver it to Fengying Building.

We all grew up together, and some of them are Yun Qing’s descendants. Of course Yun Qing has to take care of them.

Not only need to take care of it, but also take good care of it.

“Looking at these changes, it’s really emotional.

Kazekage-sama, I still remember the first time I met you. “Ye Cang held Yun Qing’s arm and said with emotion.

When she heard that her family asked her to be Yun Qing’s deputy, she was very happy. After all, how could she not be happy to be able to stay with her idol? Later, her family told her that she was Yun Qing’s child bride. She is angry.

Although she likes Yun Qing and regards Yun Qing as her idol, she is far from wanting to marry Yun Qing.

In fact, she didn’t want to marry Yun Qing at all.

But orders cannot be disobeyed, especially when everyone agrees. Unless she defectes, she will definitely have to accept her fate.

Thinking of the consequences of defecting, Ye Cang suddenly felt that it was not a big deal.

If she defected, it would be impossible for her family to defect for her because she must be the first person to hunt her down.

Later, when Ye Cang was struggling, Ye Xiu went to find her and talked a lot with her, about her family, the future, and about herself.

It was at that moment that Ye Cang suddenly discovered that in life, it was impossible to let everything develop around him.

From that moment on, Ye Cang began to try to accept Yun Qing emotionally.

As they gradually get to know each other, Ye Cang discovers that Yun Qing has many bad habits, such as his love to visit young ladies.

When he first learned that Yun Qing liked to express condolences to young ladies, Ye Cang labeled Yun Qing a gangster. Later, he also labeled Yun Qing as a pervert.


Become rich through hard work with Sunagakure

Become rich through hard work with Sunagakure

Status: Completed Author:


Time travel is not scary. There are nine time travels in ten novels. It is not scary to time travel to Naruto. What is scary is that time travel to Sunagakure, the village that relies on eating soil and using love to generate electricity. After awakening the random lottery system, Yun Qing decided , he wants to lead Sunagakure to become rich through hard work and rise in the ninja world.
The new book Zhenguan Paper Seller has been released, everyone is welcome to read it.


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