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Become rich through hard work with Sunagakure — Chapter 433 Chapter 431 Changes in Thinking

Maybe it’s prejudice.

Ye Cang also knew that it was because she didn’t want to marry Yun Qing that she had a prejudice against Yun Qing, and gradually she became more and more displeased with Yun Qing.

As Yun Qing’s secretary, although she is not the person who has been with Yun Qing for the longest time, she can be regarded as the person who has been with Yun Qing for a long time. She understands Yun Qing’s character.

From the perspective of the shinobi of Sunagakure Village, a fair and open evaluation of Yun Qing would be that he is wise, powerful, fair, and tolerant.

He is not biased in his actions, he is ruthless yet kind, and his perspective as a person is never wrong. All his plans are based on Sunagakure Village, so that the people of Sunagakure Village can truly feel the goodwill from Kazekage. .

If someone were to evaluate the first three generations of Fengkage and Mizukage, which one is the most popular? Yun Qing can definitely rank first with far more votes than Li Dou and Sha Men.

After all, Yunqing was the one who really improved their lives.

Liedou was responsible for the establishment of Sand Hidden Village, and Samana was responsible for protecting him. Compared with Yunqing’s military achievements, everyone prefers his political achievements. Why? Force can only prove one person, while governance can prove a group of people.

Ye Cang knew all this, and when he compared his evaluation of Yun Qing, he naturally knew that it was biased.

Moreover, her own evaluation of Yun Qing was more about personal ethics.

However, you go out and ask the people in Sand Hidden Village, and ask them, is it a problem that Yun Qing loves to express condolences to the young lady?

Not a problem.

In everyone’s opinion, Yun Qing lived a free and easy life.

If Yun Qing fell in love with that girl, as long as he showed some attitude, he would be sent to Yun Qing’s bed that night.

It may even happen that Yun Qing expresses his position during the day, but when he comes home at night, there will be someone in his bed.

This is the degree of support. As for whether the girl is voluntary, 80% is voluntary.

There must be someone who will go to the girl’s house and ask what you need, and if she wants money, she will give you land, and if she is willing, she will give it to you alive.

Don’t think it’s impossible. Ye Cang thought it was impossible at first, but later he went back and asked Ye Xiu, who told her that it was all true.

Ye Xiu also told Ye Cang that if Yun Qing fell in love with a girl, he, Ye Xiu, would also help him. If not for anything else, he wanted Yun Qing to focus on the development of the changes he had made for Shayin Village. Sand Hidden Village.

Doesn’t it feel ridiculous?

However, when the old people of Sunagakure Village who came from the Warring States Period saw the real changes in Sunagakure Village, they really felt that Yunqing was great.

This kind of greatness is greater than leading them through victory after victory.

Yun Qing asked the children of Sand Hidden Village to go to war before they were six or seven years old.

Yunqing made it possible for every household in Shayin Village to have enough to eat.

Yunqing gave everyone in Sand Hidden Village a chance to compete fairly.

Yunqing gave hope to Sand Hidden Village and fundamentally changed Sand Hidden Village.

This kind of person who affects the future of a hidden village is still a person who has a better and better influence. He just likes the little girl, let alone condolences to the little girl. Even if he likes the yellow flower girl, those old people can do it. Come.

It’s hard to grab the ones in Sunagakure Village, but it’s easier to grab the ones in the surrounding countries.

Anyway, it’s just one sentence, as long as Yun Qing nods, there’s nothing he can’t do.

Just like Samana, he will always say with a smile, I am an ascetic, why is my adopted son not? It seems that he is not his biological son.

But Yecang was personally chosen by Shamen for Yunqing.

Samana even went to Yunqing in person and told him that as long as you marry the ones at home and don’t take the ones from outside home, it doesn’t matter how many you raise outside.

As for whether there will be trouble, I’m sorry, let’s take a look at the ANBU of Sunagakure Village. Solving personal problems for Kage is also one of the ANBU’s responsibilities.

Ye Cang even once doubted whether he would be quietly killed by those Sunagakure ninjas if he really didn’t marry Yun Qing.

Even after marrying Yun Qing, Ye Cang, who had a headache one day, went to ask some of his best friends.

Her best friend told her that if others didn’t know, her best friend would kill her.

Feng Ying is such a good person, such a perfect person, but you don’t want to marry him.

Are you stupid.

Ye Cang was dumbfounded at that time.

Whether she feels stupid or not can be decided later, but you are my bestie and close friend, shouldn’t you speak from my perspective?

At that moment, his mentality collapsed, his plastic bestie relationship broke down, and Ye Cang almost broke through the film-level strength in anger and reached a higher level.

The more Ye Cang thought about it, the angrier he became. He was such a good girl. She had a good figure and good looks. How could she not be as good as this guy next to her?

Ye Cang didn’t understand what else the guy beside him had besides being good-looking, strong, rich, powerful and able to govern the country and the village.

Well, others can tell Ye Cang, what you call good-looking is the peak appearance that exceeds 99%, strong strength is the number one in the ninja world’s martial arts, and money and power are the entire ninja. One of the five people with the most power in the world, the man who made the Wind Country’s Sand Hidden Village go from poverty to wealth.

Again, if you have Yun Qing’s level of appearance and power and strength, you won’t be able to achieve it. If you have Yun Qing’s level of power and strength, your personality won’t be as good as Yun Qing’s. If you have a personality similar to Yun Qing’s, you won’t be able to achieve it in terms of appearance.

Taken together, Yun Qing is the only person who has a good personality, cares about his family, is good-looking and powerful.

The third generation Mizukage of Kirigakure Village has good strength and appearance, and his family background is not inferior to that of Yunqing, but his strength and personality cannot compare with Yunqing.

Anyway, every time Ye Cang asked Yun Qing, Yun Qing would give the same answer. I was just praising and competing with others, so what?

Besides, it’s not like I don’t boast. Others can’t compare with me. They can only compete with me in a certain aspect. In other areas, they are all younger brothers.

They are outstanding, and I develop in a balanced way, without any weaknesses.

Well, the scariest and most useless people in the world are those who have no weaknesses.

This kind of person, at best, has no weaknesses; at worst, he has accomplished nothing.

The upper limit and lower limit are very scary. The upper limit is basically a flawless person like Yun Qing, and the lower limit is basically just picking up a random person on the street.

It’s scary and surprising.

Yun Qing didn’t know that Ye Cang had so many inner dramas. If he knew, he would probably laugh out loud. Why is this idiot thinking so much about nothing? I married you and I didn’t even go out to express my condolences to the young lady. Why are you still here? Whatever you want.

Yun Qing said that it is not his fault that he likes to go out to visit young ladies, and that the templates of Dragon Blood and Hua Ye have influenced him to a greater or lesser extent.

There is no other way. If you don’t go out and release it, you will become abnormal.

Men can’t always be patient and blindly suppress their bodies, they will go crazy.


Become rich through hard work with Sunagakure

Become rich through hard work with Sunagakure

Status: Completed Author:


Time travel is not scary. There are nine time travels in ten novels. It is not scary to time travel to Naruto. What is scary is that time travel to Sunagakure, the village that relies on eating soil and using love to generate electricity. After awakening the random lottery system, Yun Qing decided , he wants to lead Sunagakure to become rich through hard work and rise in the ninja world.
The new book Zhenguan Paper Seller has been released, everyone is welcome to read it.


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