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Become rich through hard work with Sunagakure — Chapter 435 Chapter 432 See clearly

Chapter 433

The three hidden villages of Cloud, Mist and Iwa felt depressed when they thought of the two hidden villages of Sand and Konoha pressing on their heads.

Sunagakure Village has Yun Qing in terms of military force, and they don’t want to surpass it.

Even excluding Yun Qing, they still feel aggrieved when they think of Rasa, Sunagakure, Chiyo, Fenfu, Xie, Garura and others in Sunagakure Village. These are shadow-level powerhouses with more than one hand. How can they get there? beat.

As for the gap in national power, they don’t want to talk about it. Yun Qing’s ability is too strong and has accumulated a lot of national power for Sand Hidden Village. As long as there is a fight, they will never be afraid. With this method of hurting people, now in Sand Hidden Village The Hidden Village is basically useless.

When thinking about these problems, the people in the Four Hidden Villages feel sad. They are all people, but there is such a big gap.

Sand Hidden Village can’t be surpassed, let’s look at Konoha.

The Fire Nation’s national strength was originally the best among the five hidden villages, and with the ability of Sarutobi Hiruzen, the Fire Nation’s development has been steady and progress has been quite good.

The issue of military force in Konoha is something that other Hidden Villages don’t want to talk about. Let’s not talk about the lower level ninjas, but the top ones, Sarutobi Hiruzen, Sannin, and Hatake Sakumo. These five are hard to accept, not to mention the next one. The existence of seniors.

Because of the ten-year peace, the five hidden villages have worked hard to develop domestically and can only use the small frictions on the border to train troops. At this time, the five hidden villages have accumulated too much strength.

The simplest point is that the number of strong people in the Five Hidden Villages has been accumulated for two generations.

In every hidden village, the weakest one can pull out three or four shadow-level experts.

In addition to these strong men, those hidden villages are also vigorously developing domestic national power and engaging in arms races.

Moreover, the Konoha family is not the only one who discovered that the system of Sunagakure Village is advanced and easy to use. They all also discovered it. For this reason, except for the other hidden villages in Sunagakure Village, they are not in much mood to engage in any war, and they are all working hard to develop. At home, copy the system of Sunagakure Village and work hard to become stronger.

The premise of fighting is that the gap between you and the opponent is not too large.

Once the gap between your strength and the opponent’s is too big, how do you fight? Wouldn’t that let children compete with adults in real-person PK? You don’t need to know the ending.

And there is no point in talking about the ending that is already known at first glance.

The leaders of the hidden village who are not stupid are working hard to develop the country.

Konoha, which is making the fastest progress, has already assembled a staff composed of political talents for this purpose.

If Yun Qing saw their staff, he would definitely shout out, isn’t this the cabinet?

Sarutobi Hiruzen attributed all the rights to himself, and then sublimated the Jonin Meeting to further expand his rights, giving him the right to deny the Hokage’s decision as long as three-quarters of the people passed it, and then from above He selected talented people from the Ninja Council to form a staff.

This staff department is responsible for logistics, advising the Hokage on internal affairs, and helping the Hokage govern the country. At the same time, this staff department only has the right to consult, not to make decisions. The decision-making power is in the hands of the Hokage.

But at the same time, there are consultants in this staff department. One of the rights that consultants have is to vote to determine the position of Hokage and have the position to select the next generation of Hokage.

To sum up, when the Hokage is strong and wise, this thing called the General Staff is actually a cabinet thing. It is a thing that is beneficial to the development of the country and is also an auxiliary tool for the Hokage. If the Hokage is disabled and has no energy to control the General Staff, , this thing, it will turn its back on guests and govern the country with its own will.

Overall, he is still a good guy.

You know, this is how it works.

The Hokage doesn’t care about things and all powers are delegated. You think there will be big problems. Sorry, reality will tell you that nothing will happen. As long as the person you appoint is not a fool, nothing will happen.

The existence of the General Staff Department, that is, the cabinet, means that there are no fools here. They all know what they should do and the origin of their rights. Coupled with the existence of the Jonin Council, everything is stable.

Yunqing was shocked when he learned about Konoha’s gameplay. These are all talents.

With the way this group of people play, they deserve it in the original novel that they have a bunch of oldies who survived into Boruto.

Everyone says that the Uzumaki clan lives a long life, but there are a few Uzumaki clan who survived into Boruto.

Surviving to Boruto is not a big problem. The big problem is that there are a few people who have seen the two idiots Senju Hashirama and Uchiha Madara, and experienced the two idiots Prince and Erzhu, and witnessed their growth. , and finally survived to Boruto.

There are two of them in Konoha, Koharu Koharu and Mito Menyan.

The two people met the first generation, and they still lived to Boruto, and they still had a clear mind and had great power.

This is awesome.

He is the real longevity person. Compared with the Uzumaki clan, everyone else is weak.

After Yunqing learned about Konoha’s actions, he had a feeling that he deserved to live until Boruto. Looking at Konoha’s mechanism, this was the best use of the two’s strengths.

The two of them talked about their martial arts. The strength of a quasi-kage at his peak was definitely not at the kage level. He was either more or less in Konoha.

When the younger generation comes into their own, they immediately find ways to move to the rear. Once they have achieved enough military exploits, they immediately start doing logistics. The key is that they do it very well.

After meeting the two of them, Yun Qing understood very clearly that these two were not the losers in the novel.

If the two of them didn’t have any strength, they would have been killed long ago.

You are not the kind of good people who say that for the sake of Sarutobi Hiruzen, I will not kill you.

The status and power of the two people have always been great, and they have blocked the way of many people, but everyone still has no way to kill them. When Sarutobi Hiruzen was alive, you can say that Sarutobi Hiruzen was partial, but now that Sarutobi Hiruzen is gone, what can everyone do? explain.

They were there when Tsunade was in power, they were there when Kakashi was in power, and they were there when Naruto was in power.

That’s the problem.

You can say that Naruto is kind and naive, etc. Tsunade and Kakashi are not good people. If they are cruel, no one will care.

If Koharu and Mito Katohan were to sleep with them, if they were the kind of people who had nothing to lose and were still gesticulating at Tsunade, do you think Tsunade wouldn’t kill them?

From a practical point of view, we can only say that the two people are indeed capable, and their abilities are not small.

And unlike Danzo Shimura, who only fought for power and profit in the later period, the two of them were very clear about their roles. They would not care about big things until they had to, and were only responsible for small things such as people’s livelihood. They managed the foundation of Konoha well for everyone to see. You see, no matter who becomes the Hokage, they can stay safely.

With such a beautiful life, why do you have to earn the unlucky position of Hokage?

Don’t you know how their teacher died? Don’t you know how tired the third generation is? I didn’t see how unlucky the fourth generation was.

So, it’s good to be a supporting character.


Become rich through hard work with Sunagakure

Become rich through hard work with Sunagakure

Status: Completed Author:


Time travel is not scary. There are nine time travels in ten novels. It is not scary to time travel to Naruto. What is scary is that time travel to Sunagakure, the village that relies on eating soil and using love to generate electricity. After awakening the random lottery system, Yun Qing decided , he wants to lead Sunagakure to become rich through hard work and rise in the ninja world.
The new book Zhenguan Paper Seller has been released, everyone is welcome to read it.


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