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Become rich through hard work with Sunagakure — Chapter 439 Chapter 437 No solution

After Orochimaru said Yunqing’s name, everyone in Konoha felt that it was right no matter who it was.

But then again, they didn’t know Yun Qing’s reason for doing this.

Moreover, they didn’t understand how Yun Qing knew it. They couldn’t really do nothing every day but stare at Konoha.

Unable to find a reason or reason, everyone in Konoha could only rely on their sixth sense to speak.

Life is so difficult.

While Konoha was thinking about how to solve this problem and how to kill the visitors from each hidden village, Sunagakure Village was also having a meeting at this time.

It can’t be said to be a meeting, it can only be said that the senior management of Sunagakure Village are discussing together at this time.

“Konoha has been exposed. I can’t believe that it’s not just our family that is researching genetic medicine.” Chiyo said with emotion as he sat in his seat.

“You really can’t take a peek, Konoha is full of talented people.”

Speaking of this, Chiyo also glanced at the young and middle-aged generation of Sunagakure Village sitting in his seat. After looking at them, he looked at Yun Qing.

This guy is considered to be in the prime of life, but his strength is still terrifying. He has been suppressing the ninja world for some years, and everyone has begun to subconsciously classify him as an old strong man.

For Yunqing, most Chiyo could only smile and couldn’t express too many emotions.

Whether young or old, Yunqing’s strength, character, and other things need to be convinced.

“Konoha’s strength has always been strong, with Sarutobi Hiruzen’s character and strength, Shimura Danzo’s ruthlessness, and Mito Kaden’s stable Koharu, it is already difficult to deal with them. In addition, the Sannin and Hatake Sakumo have different Something good.

We have to say that Konoha is the hardest nut to crack in the ninja world. “

Ebizo shook his head beside him and sighed.

From the day they met Sarutobi Hiruzen, they knew Sarutobi Hiruzen’s team.

No matter how scary a shadow is, no matter how strong or good his character is, there are other ways to deal with it.

But the other party has a whole team, so we need to think of a way.

The people around Sarutobi Hiruzen each have their own characteristics, and everyone can share some of the pressure to prevent Sarutobi Hiruzen from completely fainting.

Under Yunqing’s pressure, Sarutobi Hiruzen never had time to make mistakes. On the contrary, his tolerance grew bigger and bigger, and he could tolerate more and more things.

The ferocity of Danzo Shimura, the stability of Mito Kaden and Koharu Koharu, all helped Sarutobi Hiruzen at the right time.

Coupled with the previous blandness of Uchiha Kage and the gentleness of Akimichi Tifeng, this team has become even more difficult to deal with.

Everyone thought that after Uchiha Kagami and Akimichi Tofaze died, Konoha would see some changes.

The result is fart.

The Akimichi clan is originally a subsidiary of the Sarutobi clan, so they should behave as they should, with a stable mentality.

After the death of Uchiha Kagami, the Uchiha clan seized the opportunity and directly boarded the ship of the Hokage family. They lived quite well. Not only is the honeymoon period still there, but it has to be extended.

What will the other people in the hidden village do?

It was because there was no other way that other hidden villages had to try their best to find something for Konoha to do.

If Konoha doesn’t like it, other hidden villages must give it to him; if Konoha likes it, other hidden villages must find ways to stop it.

In short, it’s a good sentence, and it’s always right to target Konoha.

The other three hidden villages will definitely not be able to catch up to the first position, so just go for it and chase the second place.

The number one Sunagakure Village, of course, looked down upon Konoha who was always plotting evil against them.

So the calculations come after calculations. In the entire ninja world, everyone is still plotting against Konoha, and no one has changed at all.

Sarutobi Hiruzen once thought about why everyone held on to his Konoha. It was because Konoha had offended too many people.

It turns out not to be.

If Yun Qing doesn’t die, they won’t be able to kill Sand Hidden Village, and Yun Qing’s strength can’t be killed by trickery. In this way, the pursuit of the first place is far away, and if you don’t want to remain unchanged for many years, then just I can find someone second to bully me.

When Hiruzen Sarutobi knew this result, he spurted out a mouthful of blood, which meant that we Konoha were easy to bully.

It turns out, yes.

Konoha is easy to bully, or in other words, bullying Konoha gives a sense of accomplishment.

Having said that, the atmosphere in the Sunagakure Village conference room was a bit awkward at this time. Everyone didn’t know how to answer Ebizo’s words.

“It doesn’t matter whether Konoha is difficult to chew. If we chew it, we will have to face the three hidden villages by ourselves. If we can’t chew it, we will always have to worry that someone is thinking about us.” Seeing that no one answered his words, Ebizo He continued.

Konoha is also frantically improving its strength now. They want to upgrade as soon as possible. They don’t want to have to face the calculations of the three hidden villages while having to find ways to withstand us.

Ebizo thought a lot in his heart.

“That’s what I said, but at the moment I just want to know who released the news. It was so great and the timing was so accurate. I guess Konoha is depressed to death right now.” An elder sneered.

Because of Yun Qing’s presence, they have always pursued a policy of prudence and caution.

Only by sailing the boat with care can you reach the end with caution.

It is these two attitudes that have allowed Sunagakure Village to reach this day steadily.

Yun Qing heard the elder’s words and said softly: “I did it. I often pay attention to Konoha. This time I can only say it was a coincidence.”

Yunqing didn’t say that he had inserted an eye in Konoha, he just said that he had too much free time.

Yunqing has always believed that Orochimaru can develop genetic medicine. Since this is the case, he has always paid attention to it.

Not to mention Orochimaru’s incompetence, considering that there are two big guys in Konoha, Beiruhu and Tsunade, it doesn’t seem too difficult for them to come up with the results of the genetic potion.

Of course, Sand Hidden Village is simpler than them. Who let Sand Hidden Village have Yunqing’s bug?

If there are bugs, they are awesome and no explanation is needed.

Many senior officials in Sand Hidden Village raised their eyebrows when they heard Yun Qing admitting what he said, but said nothing.

What a good boss. If other people encounter something like Yun Qing, it will definitely not be easy to get over. At the very least, the subordinates must take a good look at themselves and see if they are slacking off. Otherwise, how could they not know about Konoha? things.

“As expected of you, Yunqing, you can always notice things that others don’t, and then make timely decisions.” Sunasuke took over, fearing that Yunqing would say something inappropriate.

“Don’t worry about Konoha’s affairs, what we mainly care about next is ourselves.

During this meeting, I had an idea that we still need to train our troops, otherwise our next generation will be useless.

We should all know that ninjas who have seen blood and ninjas who have not seen blood are two different creatures. “

Yun Qing looked at the calm expressions of the others and said slowly.


Become rich through hard work with Sunagakure

Become rich through hard work with Sunagakure

Status: Completed Author:


Time travel is not scary. There are nine time travels in ten novels. It is not scary to time travel to Naruto. What is scary is that time travel to Sunagakure, the village that relies on eating soil and using love to generate electricity. After awakening the random lottery system, Yun Qing decided , he wants to lead Sunagakure to become rich through hard work and rise in the ninja world.
The new book Zhenguan Paper Seller has been released, everyone is welcome to read it.


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