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Become rich through hard work with Sunagakure — Chapter 451 Chapter 449 Hang out the window

Sometimes, when Uchiha Mina looks at Uchiha Itachi and Uchiha Shisui, she always feels that there is something wrong with their thinking.

In Uchiha Mina’s eyes, she always felt that these two things were sometimes too caring.

The two of them occasionally expressed their thoughts that everyone is much more important than the small family, as if sacrificing the small family for everyone is the right thing to do.

Moreover, these two things have fully inherited the Uchiha clan’s violent problem-solving thinking. If they can’t persuade you implicitly, then they will send you to death.

Uchiha Mina and the Uchiha clan have been trying to find ways to adjust their minds.

There is no way, one of them was trained to be the Hokage, and the other was trained to be the mainstay of the family. No matter which aspect, they need to have sufficient knowledge of the family.

Don’t you see that the Shimura and Sarutobi clans didn’t sacrifice everything for the village just because their families have the Hokage and advisors.

When Hiruzen Sarutobi became Hokage, he didn’t let the Sarutobi clan take the lead in everything.

All kinds of behaviors tell everyone that if someone in the family becomes the Hokage, it will definitely improve the family. The family can also support the Hokage, but it will never reach the point of unconditional support or even the life of the entire family for this.

Therefore, Uchiha Mina and the Uchiha clan need to adjust the status of Naruto and the family in the minds of Uchiha Itachi and Uchiha Shisui.

It won’t work if they don’t adjust. If the village and Hokage are too important than the family in their hearts, then people’s lives will be at stake.

With that in mind, there’s no problem in letting the two little guys take some beatings from society.

Uchiha Mina was thinking like this while waiting for the two people to wake up.

Yun Qing’s attack was not heavy, at least he didn’t cause any serious injuries, he just punished them a little and let them have a good sleep.

Uchiha Mina is also good at medical ninjutsu, and Uchiha Echizen is also very strong, and can easily feel the status of the two of them.

Uchiha Shisui woke up first. He was older and had good strength.

As soon as Uchiha Shisui woke up, he saw Uchiha Mina sitting not far from him with a dark face, and Uchiha Echizen stood behind her, assuming a protective posture.



“I don’t know why you are here. The negotiation with Lord Kazekage is over.”

“Negotiation, you also know that the purpose of our coming here is to conduct business negotiations.

You two idiots attacked Feng Ying. If he hadn’t been so generous and familiar with you, he would have killed us long ago. “

Uchiha Mina said dissatisfied.

As a woman, you have the right to be dissatisfied with anyone.

What’s wrong with having a little temper? I almost killed you. Why don’t you allow me to play with a little temper?

Uchiha Mina’s idea is very simple, just to educate you with her little temper.

“But he insulted Konoha and the Uchiha clan.

He said that without him, the relationship between Uchiha and Konoha wouldn’t be as good. “

As a rebellious young man, Uchiha Shisui naturally wanted to confront him directly.

“I think I did the right thing. He insulted Konoha and the Uchiha clan. We just want to fight him and defend him.”

Uchiha Mina and Uchiha Echizen looked at him as if they were a fool.

“Don’t say he didn’t insult, it doesn’t matter if he did.

Go up and save a life.

You rushed up and were killed. We were accused of attacking the Kazekage and then killed. If he was in a good mood and wanted to start a war, this would be an excuse.

To attack the Kazekage, just take off a big hat. “

Uchiha Mina said calmly.

“Impossible, I do things for myself and I won’t involve you, let alone Konoha.”

Uchiha Shisui jumped up, blushing and shouting.

“Impossible, why is it impossible? It’s impossible if you first gouged out Uchiha’s eyes and then took off Konoha’s forehead protector.”

Uchiha Mina said indifferently.

The thing is very simple, you can know it by just reasoning.

But the big fool in front of him is still living in his own fantasy.

Nothing is impossible in this world.

“I’m going to ask him how his majestic Feng Ying could do such a thing.”

Uchiha Shisui roared and rushed out.

Uchiha Echizen instantly appeared in front of Uchiha Shisui, punched him in the stomach, and then kicked him away.

Two moves to resolve the battle.

A genius is a genius, but it is a pity that he has not grown up.

Geniuses who have not grown up are ridiculous.

“Hide him and hang him outside the window to make amends to Feng Ying.”

Uchiha Mina’s expression has not changed from beginning to end. Regarding Uchiha Shisui’s various performances, she can only say one thing, no expectations, no disappointment.

There is only one reason for thinking randomly all day long, that is, not tired enough. If you are tired enough, you will not think randomly all day long, and the more you think about it, the weirder it becomes. Children who deserve to be beaten still need to be educated with fists and beaten with society. .

Maybe Uchiha Echizen really didn’t like him, so he found a rope and hung him out of the window, and also blocked his mouth.

As an experienced old ninja, Uchiha Echizen knew how to tie a knot that would look good and be strong.

Oh, by the way, Uchiha Echizen even blindfolded his eyes and tied his fingers together.

Form a seal with one hand and activate the pupil technique with your eyes. If you can do it, I will seal it for you.

Let me reflect on it carefully. You are not qualified to question the Kazekage or the Hokage, but you are a little brat and question who do you think you are.

Something is wrong.

It’s not a minor problem.

Uchiha Mina looked at Uchiha Itachi who had woken up, and asked calmly: “Are you going to get up by yourself, or let Echizen hang it out of the window for you?”

“Hello, Mina-sama.”

Uchiha Itachi became numb and did not dare to resist in any way.

It’s just too difficult.

Uchiha Mina is a person who does what she says.

“Tie them up and hang them out of the window.”

Uchiha Mina didn’t even want to say anything this time and gave instructions directly.

Uchiha Itachi’s little face fell instantly.

There’s no way, it’s too difficult.

He didn’t make any excuses, no, why did he hang him out of the window?

As per the old rules, blindfold your eyes, tie your hands, and the day trip outside the window begins.

Children of the clan leader’s family, stop making trouble. Don’t think that because your father is Uchiha Fugaku and your grandfather is the current clan leader, he doesn’t dare to mess with you. Don’t be ridiculous. As long as you are still in Konoha and still working in Uchiha, I will mess with you. no problem.

Uchiha Mina didn’t feel any psychological pressure at all about what she did to Uchiha Itachi.

Psychological pressure, what is that? In the eyes of the older generation, I have many lives on my hands, and I live one day at a time.

You earn every day you live.


Become rich through hard work with Sunagakure

Become rich through hard work with Sunagakure

Status: Completed Author:


Time travel is not scary. There are nine time travels in ten novels. It is not scary to time travel to Naruto. What is scary is that time travel to Sunagakure, the village that relies on eating soil and using love to generate electricity. After awakening the random lottery system, Yun Qing decided , he wants to lead Sunagakure to become rich through hard work and rise in the ninja world.
The new book Zhenguan Paper Seller has been released, everyone is welcome to read it.


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