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Become rich through hard work with Sunagakure — Chapter 452 Chapter Four Hundred and Fifty Solved with a smile

“Tsk, who is this? Isn’t this a genius of the Uchiha clan? Why is he hanging out of the window?

I made a mistake and was punished. “

In this world, there is always a kind of person who likes to cause trouble, and they like to watch the fun without taking it too seriously.

But they happen to be very strong, so they can take the blame if they get into trouble.

When facing such people, you cannot beat them, scold them, or offend them. They are just stinky candy. When facing them, the best way is to do nothing.

Yun Qing was this kind of person. At this time, Yun Qing was standing on the street, pointing at Uchiha Itachi and Uchiha Shisui.

Uchiha Itachi and Uchiha Shisui were only blindfolded, but their ears were fine. When they heard Yunqing’s words, they struggled for a while.

“Oh my, it’s so tragic, this guy who kidnapped people is so bad, he even used tactics on the battlefield.

You two little guys, it’s better to stop struggling. No matter how much you struggle, this method is completely used to prevent ninja escape techniques and is useless. “

Yun Qing’s eyesight was so sophisticated, he could tell at a glance that the guy who kidnapped someone was very evil-hearted.

Ninjas have special ways of escaping from bondage.

Although every hidden village is different, it is one of the must-learn skills.

Although Uchiha Itachi and Uchiha Shisui were not very smart, they still learned everything they needed to learn.

Uchiha Echizen, as an old man on the battlefield, naturally used battlefield techniques when binding him, to prevent the two of them from escaping.

“Third generation Kazekage, you are still a great hero, yet you are here to add insult to injury and make fun of both of us, you are shameless.

If we can, we’ll challenge each other. “

Uchiha Itachi and Uchiha Shisui felt very uncomfortable when Yun Qing said that.

In excitement, a new round of provocations began.

“Single combat is a good idea, provided you can come down.

As long as you can come down, I will challenge you to a duel. If you can’t come down, there is nothing I can do. “

Yun Qing shrugged and said nonchalantly.

He doesn’t remember the faults of villains, and he won’t argue with two people.

Besides, there was no point in arguing with the Third Kazekage, a great figure in the ninja world, with these two little brats.

Just when Yunqing was about to leave, the window upstairs opened, and Uchiha Mina poked her head out and said with a smile: “Master Kazekage is so elegant that he came here to entertain the children.”

Yunqing looked at Uchiha Mina, who had her arm resting on the window sill and stuck out her head, her hair still a little wet, and her brows jumped.

This woman, she just took a shower and came out to seduce me.

Looking at that face that still had charm and was full of intellectual beauty, Yun Qing’s heart beat faster.

However, it just accelerated a bit.

Because Yun Qing silently recited the names of all the teachers who taught him enlightenment in his previous life.

For example, Hatano Yui, Oda Maria, ***.

“Haha, isn’t this boring, so I came to find something to do.”

Yun Qing is very thick-skinned, and he can laugh off humiliating things like bullying children.

Uchiha Mina smiled and did not go into details.

In the eyes of adults like them, these are all small things. As long as you are thick-skinned enough, there is nothing you can’t do.

If you insist on saying yes, then it still means no.

“Kazekage-sama, our Uchiha clan can hardly afford to eat lately. I wonder if Kazekage-sama can give us a bite of food.”

Uchiha Mina rolled her eyes and said.

As for Uchiha Itachi and Uchiha Shisui who were struggling on the wall, they were pitifully ignored.

“Oh, Mina-sama, you are joking. The Uchiha clan has a great business, how can they not be able to afford food?

What’s more, isn’t there the Hidden Leaf Village? “

Yun Qing asked knowingly and jokingly.

At this time, the people upstairs and downstairs were talking to each other like a couple who came to have an affair.

“A big family and a big business can’t afford to lose money. Nowadays, fewer and fewer people are watching movies, and the theaters we built in the ninja world are losing money.

No way, those movie screens haven’t recovered their cost yet, and now they have to add maintenance costs.

Neither can we Uchiha.

I can’t just go in and out, I can’t hold on. “

Uchiha Mina’s expression turned bitter and her eyes looked sad.

Looking at Uchiha Mina with a sad expression, Yunqing said, good-looking people look good no matter what expression they make.

If you are not good-looking, you will not look good no matter what you do.

Moreover, good-looking people are always right no matter what they do.

If you don’t look good, you can’t do anything right.

Just like the villains in a certain One Piece, they are not good-looking and have weird shapes, but the protagonist team is just normal.

Uchiha Mina is very good-looking, and Yunqing is very eye-catching.

“It’s okay, it’s okay, everything we sell in Sand Hidden Village has a warranty.

Come back and you all transport it back, and we’ll pay you some compensation. “

Yun Qing said with a lustful expression, patting his chest.

Yunqing’s attitude made Uchiha Itachi and Uchiha Shisui who were hanging on the wall feel like they were the best in the ninja world, and they were just like old perverts filled with lust.

However, the two little guys finally came to their senses for a while and did not speak.

Maybe they were bullied by Yun Qing, and now Yun Qing is happy to see them suffer.

This time Uchiha Mina was stunned for a moment and frowned.

She didn’t understand what Yun Qing was doing and why he agreed to recycle it.

As for the three-year warranty and replacement, just listen to it. The seller has a lot of reasons.

Moreover, Uchiha Mina didn’t think her beauty could seduce Yun Qing.

There are many people who make decisions out of lust, but the Five Shadows are definitely not included.

It is a well-known fact that Sarutobi Hiruzen is an old pervert, but you see, someone uses a honey trap.


The reason is simple, it doesn’t work.

Once in the arena of life and death, all love and affection are gone.

this is the truth.

And Uchiha Mina felt that there must be something wrong with Yunqing’s willingness to agree so readily.

However, when I think of the screens that the Uchiha clan spent their own money to maintain, my heart aches.

No matter what, we have reached this point anyway, go out and give it a try.

Uchiha Mina made a decision in an instant.

“Okay, we paid for the shipping costs ourselves, we just need to refund part of it.”

Uchiha Mina replied with a bright smile.

Yunqing looked at Uchiha Mina’s smile and replied with the same happiness.

“By the way, Master Kazekage, our Uchiha clan has made several TV series and movies. I wonder if we can play them on your TV in Sunagakure Village.”

After Yunqing answered, Uchiha Mina chatted for a few more words. When Yunqing was about to leave, she showed an expression as if she had just remembered something that she had not said yet, and said quickly.


Yun Qing turned around and smiled.


Become rich through hard work with Sunagakure

Become rich through hard work with Sunagakure

Status: Completed Author:


Time travel is not scary. There are nine time travels in ten novels. It is not scary to time travel to Naruto. What is scary is that time travel to Sunagakure, the village that relies on eating soil and using love to generate electricity. After awakening the random lottery system, Yun Qing decided , he wants to lead Sunagakure to become rich through hard work and rise in the ninja world.
The new book Zhenguan Paper Seller has been released, everyone is welcome to read it.


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