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Become rich through hard work with Sunagakure — Chapter 460

“Lord Kazekage, gentlemen, what we want to discuss is the impact of the Rain Country’s political system on us, and the power that the Rain Country’s political system can unleash. This is not for you to come here and be filled with emotion.”

Every place has one or two people who make people look bad, and Sand Hidden Village is no exception, and this conference room is no exception.

Ebizo, who has always been known for his high emotional intelligence and high IQ, after hearing everyone’s emotions, he knocked on the table with great dissatisfaction.

One by one, they have all kinds of things and want to do whatever they want. They don’t do anything serious all day long, just sighing here.

Is this the issue we want to discuss?


What we want to discuss is influence. As for how it was formed in the Kingdom of Rain, I don’t know.

Grumpy consultant, angry online.

Yun Qing pressed down his Feng Ying cloak and covered his face to cover up his embarrassment.

He had no choice but to face being scolded by his subordinates.

He also wants to get angry and feels uncomfortable being scolded by his subordinates. He also wants to lose face.

But as soon as the angry words came to his lips, he swallowed them back. Who knows that he had previously pushed a lot of work to Ebizo, causing him to work overtime for many days in a row.

After Ebizo went berserk, the atmosphere in the conference room changed in vain. Yunqing and Chiyo, who were able to suppress Ebizo, both relied on others and could not be suppressed. The remaining people were all subordinates, no matter in terms of power, status or personal strength, they were all inferior. Ebizo, not to mention.

It has to be said that Ebizo is the meeting administrator of Sand Hidden Village. If the group leader does not show up, he can ban anyone he wants.

There is nothing anyone can do about Ebizo.

“Ahem, everyone, we can actually refer to the former Kingdom of Whirlpool for the current political system and administrative methods of the Kingdom of Rain.

Didn’t we all see the final burst of strength from the Kingdom of Whirlpool? “

Yun Qing said with a slightly heavy expression.

The final burst of strength from the Kingdom of Whirlpool that year was able to withstand the all-out attack of Kirigakure Village. Although the gap in strength between the two sides was too large, the result was too tragic, but everyone still knew clearly that the Kingdom of Whirlpool finally exploded. The power deserves everyone’s attention.

There is no way, a small island country can actually block the attack of the five hidden villages, who would have thought.

Yun Qing’s words made everyone’s faces darken.

Yun Qing also sighed slightly in his heart.

The biggest thing that monarchy and a republic have in common is explosive power, unparalleled explosive power.

The ability to summon millions of soldiers at any time as long as I want is too terrifying.

Among all systems, the monarchy has the highest power of execution. I alone can represent the collective.

In a republic, as long as you offend, you will offend the entire group.

The situation in the Country of Whirlpool is a wake-up call for everyone.

Caution is the boat.

If the Kirigakure Village hadn’t been very strong and everyone was secretly helping each other, there might have been a ninja war called the Five Great Hidden Villages challenging the entire ninja world.

The five hidden villages will win, and the ninja world will be destroyed.

Now Yunqing wants everyone to see the Kingdom of Rain with reference to the last scene of the Kingdom of Whirlpool. Everyone can only say, don’t scare me, I am timid.

Yun Qing looked at everyone’s don’t scare me expressions and said helplessly: “I really didn’t scare you.

See for yourselves, if someone attacks the Kingdom of Rain, see if the damage will be equally distributed to everyone in the end.

If you offend the whole group, you say it’s scary or not. “

Yun Qing said truthfully.

There was nothing he could do.

The situation in the Land of Rain determines the future.

As long as Ayu doesn’t act stupid, he will definitely be the kind of class that is created to be as equal as possible.

Everyone is well fed and clothed. I have what you have, and I don’t have what you don’t have.

Or I just got it, and you will get it in a few days.

In this case, it is equivalent to condensing the entire Kingdom of Rain into a rope, and this rope is quite powerful in combat.

The other elders still had don’t scare me expressions. Yunqing had no choice but to look at Ebizo: “Find out our recent TV order, from the Land of Rain.”

Ebizo didn’t understand what it meant, but still asked someone to go out and get it.

After a while, someone brought the order from the Kingdom of Rain.

Yun Qing looked at it and nodded with satisfaction.

“Take it and take a look. How do you think Ayu will arrange such a large order?”

Yun Qing casually took out the order amount and handed it to the elders along with the orders in batches.

“Let me tell you, these orders are almost equivalent to a TV set for every household in the Land of Rain.

Ayu is doing welfare. “

Yun Qing said very seriously.

Unlike others who were happy to see such a large order, Yun Qing saw something on another level.

The current salary of personnel in the Country of Rain is very low, basically equivalent to half of that in other countries, but the current welfare of the Country of Rain is particularly good.

Family movie tickets, family television, family housing.

Public facilities such as playgrounds.

As long as they are entertainment facilities, the Country of Rain is basically in a public state.

To put it bluntly, it is up to the state to assign male and female friends.

“Everyone, the current wages of the people in the Rain Country basically only need to be used to buy food.

The Country of Rain does not produce food, or in other words, produces very little. As long as they farm the land, they will not be rich in the next life.

Since you have to buy it from outside, it might as well be directly provided by the state. “

Yun Qing continued while everyone was looking at the data and couldn’t react.

“If that’s the case, then there is no need for us to take care of the Rain Country.

Grain and vegetables need to be imported, domestic products need to be exported, and the work they perform involves a lot of processing and transfer.

Everyone, the attitude shown by the Kingdom of Rain and the situation in their country are no longer of concern to us. “

After a while, Ebizo said with a smile.

The others were stunned by Ebizo’s words, and they all laughed after they were stunned.

This is indeed the case. It can only be said that the strength of the Kingdom of Rain is good, and it has the potential to grow into the sixth largest hidden village.

However, potential is just potential after all, and the capital of Rain Country is still like that.

The most important things of the country are stuck by outsiders. As long as the Kingdom of Rain does not figure out how to produce its own food and how to bring technology to the level of the Five Hidden Villages, then they will never be able to grow.

When everyone thought about it, they suddenly lost their desire to study the Kingdom of Rain.

Everyone’s vigilance against the Kingdom of Rain has dropped to freezing point.

In addition, some people say that even if the Kingdom of Rain grows, it will face the attack of the Three Kingdoms.

The entire ninja world that could withstand the attack of three countries was only Konoha in the original work.

In the finale, Master Madara came to one versus five, but there was nothing else, sorry, really.

It is common for ninjas to fight each other, but one versus three is really rare.

It’s not that everyone has little knowledge, it’s that this situation is really rare.


Become rich through hard work with Sunagakure

Become rich through hard work with Sunagakure

Status: Completed Author:


Time travel is not scary. There are nine time travels in ten novels. It is not scary to time travel to Naruto. What is scary is that time travel to Sunagakure, the village that relies on eating soil and using love to generate electricity. After awakening the random lottery system, Yun Qing decided , he wants to lead Sunagakure to become rich through hard work and rise in the ninja world.
The new book Zhenguan Paper Seller has been released, everyone is welcome to read it.


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