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Become rich through hard work with Sunagakure — Chapter 474

The meeting went very smoothly, and everyone discussed a hundred small suggestions for the future of the ninja world.

In addition to these, everyone also discussed how to develop the ninja world and how to explore the universe together.

Among them, Secretary-General Rokudo Sennin published the history of the Ninja Sect, saying that everyone was one family five hundred years ago.

As the saying goes, following the brothers to fight outsiders, everyone has a way to recognize each other, and naturally they are very happy.

It was precisely because everyone was happy that the meeting went smoothly.

The meeting went smoothly, and everyone said that as long as you pay a higher price, we can’t sell you some core technologies.

As soon as he heard this, someone immediately came forward and asked how much it would cost.

Then, a sky-high figure appeared, and everyone was immediately disappointed.

What the hell, if you don’t want to sell it, just say you don’t want to sell it, why does it have to be so exciting?

Everyone didn’t take this kind of appetizing thing seriously.

After the meeting, in order to celebrate, everyone decided to have a banquet.

When the Sanlangshan Conference Hall was established, everything was really prepared.

All equipment is complete, and a banquet hall that can accommodate hundreds or thousands of people is naturally prepared.

As for the raw materials, there were ninjas on the spot who took the money and went to nearby towns to buy them.

It is worth mentioning that there are many towns built around the Sanlang Mountain Conference.

The officials here are autonomous and are under the control of the maintenance ninjas in the conference hall.

At the beginning, there were no towns nearby, just some refugees from the Iron Kingdom and scattered villages.

The ninjas stationed here don’t want to worry about it and just buy some ingredients from time to time.

Later, a smart man appeared. He felt that it was not good for everyone to live in such a haphazard manner, so he took advantage of a ninja purchase opportunity and established a relationship with the ninjas here.

It’s easy to say that we have a relationship. If we have a relationship, we will get to know each other as soon as we go back and forth.

After getting familiar with it, the smart man carefully asked if he could use the name of the ninja here to act.

The ninja who was associated with him was also an interesting person, so he smiled and said, as long as you don’t use this name to do bad things and work honestly, then there will be no problem.

Smart people are smart people. After the average fool gets a promise, he will definitely find a way to cheat and then do nothing good.

This smart man used his reputation as a ninja to gather the refugees and build a town, building a good town from scratch bit by bit.

It is this approach that makes everyone happy.

Smart people also know where their roots come from and never think about becoming a king.

Especially now that I heard that this place is going to become a huge base, I have even more respect for the ninjas here. For example, now, when I heard that there was a banquet, I immediately served a bunch of extremely fresh fruits and vegetables.

At the banquet, everyone wore casual clothes and gathered together in twos and threes to chat and gossip.

“Oh, it’s amazing. It’s such a joy to have such fresh vegetables and fruits during this period.”

The first Raikage, who had been living in the deep mountains and forests since the Warring States Period, looked at it in surprise and knew it was a fresh fruit plate.

“Tsk, of course. Now is no better than in the past. Life now is dozens of times better than what you had in the past.”

Senju Tobirama mocked with an old-fashioned expression that had never seen the world.

The first Raikage was very dissatisfied with Senju Tobirama’s ridicule.

However, he cannot have a seizure.

Who wants me to have a brother with incredible fighting ability?

Besides, after knowing how his brother died, Senju Hashirama always wanted to find an excuse to beat them up.

The atmosphere was tense for a while.

“Don’t be surprised, Raikage-sama. The ninja world is changing with each passing day. It’s just fruits and vegetables that cross seasons. It’s not something to be surprised about.”

Yun Qing saw that the atmosphere was a little awkward, so he came over and joked.

After all, it would be a pity if a good banquet was ruined because of a little grudge.

Yun Qing has always liked banquets. It is only fun if you are happy.

With Yun Qing coming to interrupt, the atmosphere became active again.

After bowing his hands to Yun Qing, Lei Ying left immediately and went to eat and drink somewhere else.

“Oh, you came too early. If you had come a little later, I might be able to find an excuse to beat them up.”

Senju Hashirama said with a disappointed look on his face.

Regarding Senju Hashirama’s disappointment, Yun Qing could only shake his head speechlessly, “Why are you so disappointed?”

If you dare to kill them, today’s meeting will be in vain.

Moreover, you may not be able to kill people.

“Don’t make trouble, Mr. Hashirama, we are all civilized people. Now that we have already spoken, don’t do anything again.

Moreover, no one can explain the fault at that time. “

No one can explain the grievances between Yunyin Village and Qianju Fei.

It can only be said that both the Second Raikage and Senju Tobirama were deceived.

Those two wasted things by the golden horn and the silver horn.

When he thought of this, Yun Qing had to sigh that Jin Jiao Yin Jiao was really strong. The two of them joined forces to take away Qianju Tojama head-on.

This strength is considered powerful no matter where it is.

Strong strength is often liked by people.

On the other side, the first-generation Tsuchikage Ishikawa took Ohnoki and Mu and the first-generation Mizukage to communicate with each other.

The two felt that now that there was peace, everyone should resolve their previous grievances.

For example, some things that you cheated on me and I cheated on you have been discussed.

As for the second-generation Tsuchikage Mu and the second-generation Mizukage, they still dislike each other.

The Third Mizukage has a good temper. He feels that his political achievements are very good, and he has not offended too many people, so everyone will not dislike him too much.

The first generation Mizukage was very emotional about the third generation Mizukage. This little guy at the beginning has now become the hero who leads Kirigakure Village to glory.

He was very happy about the islands now owned by Kirigakure Village.

It’s not a big deal that there are many islands. What makes people happy the most is the countless shipyards and the thousand-sail fleet that can be launched at any time, especially the steel ships that are undergoing trial voyages.

He really likes big steel ships.

We are all sons and daughters of the sea, and no one can resist the temptation of the giant steel ship.

After living a life without regrets, who doesn’t like the Steel Fleet anymore?

Yun Qing walked freely among the crowd and occasionally had something to eat. Yun Qing was very satisfied with everyone’s current state.

Is this what the ninja world looks like?

Yunqing has a feeling that one day, they will break out of the ninja world and go to the universe. In the future, they will always hit the planet of the Otsutsuki clan.

Defeat Otsutsuki, unify the universe, and create glory again.

Thinking about that scene, Yun Qing quickly took a sip of wine and said that he must have thought too much.

Although the future is bright, we should still move forward in a down-to-earth manner.


Become rich through hard work with Sunagakure

Become rich through hard work with Sunagakure

Status: Completed Author:


Time travel is not scary. There are nine time travels in ten novels. It is not scary to time travel to Naruto. What is scary is that time travel to Sunagakure, the village that relies on eating soil and using love to generate electricity. After awakening the random lottery system, Yun Qing decided , he wants to lead Sunagakure to become rich through hard work and rise in the ninja world.
The new book Zhenguan Paper Seller has been released, everyone is welcome to read it.


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