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Become rich through hard work with Sunagakure — Chapter 483

Yun Qing looked at the others with a smile on his face.

He really doesn’t care.

You can do whatever you like, it’s none of my business.

Forcing me, you must also have that strength.

Even if you have that strength, you still have to have that courage.

If you have no strength or courage, then what the hell are you talking about.

Only strength is the criterion for measuring everything.

Without strength, everything is nonsense.

Everyone is very envious of Sunagakure Village’s satellite technology, but it’s no use coveting it.

After the second ninja world joint hidden village meeting, the leaders of each hidden village went back and began to hand over various work.

With the emergence of United Hidden Village, the biggest change after everyone blended in was that television entered every household.

All the hidden villages have also developed their own TVs. Although they don’t have satellites yet, they can borrow Yunqing’s satellites.

Spend a lot of money to borrow signals from Yunqing.

However, no one went to borrow Sunagakure Village’s phone anymore, as everyone was afraid that their calls would be bugged.

It is precisely this kind of technological crushing that has appeared, and everyone has begun to work harder.

There is no way, if you don’t work hard, you will really be bullied to death.

When Sand Hidden Village launched its second satellite, other Hidden Villages also launched new satellites.

With their own satellite, the hidden villages breathed a sigh of relief.

At the same time, each hidden village is laying out new telephone channels in its own country.

Basically, the ninja world has entered a period of rapid development.

Some small countries, based on the idea that their research was too slow, directly paid huge benefits and surrendered to the big countries they thought were good in exchange for support.

It is precisely because of support that they can grow better.

Otherwise, they will get cold faster.

After all, Kakuzu’s logistics was successful. It cooperated with the five hidden villages and had the support of the five hidden villages. It used telephone orders to order TV promotions, and thus slowly rose from the ninja world and gradually entered the personal family.

However, the phone orders placed by Kakuto and others are all large orders, such as bulk goods.

Only Mr. Kakuto would do it if he gets a lot of orders just by looking at it.

Otherwise, Mr. Kakuzu would be at a huge loss.

Although he had long expected that door-to-door delivery would be difficult, Mr. Kakuzu never expected that it would be so difficult.

Faced with all these difficulties, Uncle Kakuzu chose to grit his teeth and persevere.

Not only Uncle Kakuzu is insisting on this, but also various countries and hidden villages are insisting on this.

Even though we know we are losing money, we still do it.

There is only one reason: this thing has really solved the employment problem of a large number of people.

In addition to solving the employment problem, it has also successfully improved the happiness of the people.

For people from various countries in the ninja world at this stage, if the people are happy and don’t make trouble, then everything can be said.

If some common people pick up a chakra gun and start a small-scale uprising, everyone will be dumbfounded.

Faced with this situation, everyone still chose to persist silently.

However, everyone still belongs to Pixiu after all. Every tael of silver is worn on the ribs. If you want to take it off, you have to use pliers to pull it off. The pieces that are pulled off are also bloody.

This kind of stuff that costs a lot of money every year, everyone definitely wants to end it as soon as possible.

There is strength in numbers, and everyone has found a way, so how to solve the problem of information transmission technology.

In order not to lose money, in order to have a bright future.

Many big names in the ninja world mobilized all researchers to study how to solve this problem.

What kind of transfer and what kind of position building are all problems that can be solved.

Orochimaru, Shamen led the team, and all the hidden villages and countries had people.

Finally, the ninja world’s version of the computer was created.

Relying on Tsukuyomi and relying on the reflection of the moon to transmit information, the Internet speed is very good.

As for chakra energy on the ground, it mainly relies on the supply of heretic demons and sacred trees.

When this technology came out, Yunqing said that he was shocked.

What are you doing? You are going against heaven.

It has to be said that money is an indispensable thing in life.

In order to get out of the plight of losing money as soon as possible, everyone works very quickly.

It was this quite impressive speed that shocked everyone.

The ninja version of the computer appeared and immediately entered every household.

Everyone found that with this gadget, many things can be improved, such as making residents happy.

Such as the popularity of news.

For example, I finally don’t have to lose money anymore.

Yun Qing looked at the computer on his desk with a strange expression on his face. This thing had finally been tinkered with.

Turning on the computer, the familiar interface made Yunqing wonder if he was about to return to the modern city.

However, Yun Qing soon had no doubts anymore.

There is no way, the computer’s Internet speed is too fast.

The Infinite Tsukuyomi, made by the Sage of Six Paths, is a converter based on the moon. The speed of this network is really impressive.

The moon is the largest CPU processor, and the effect is shocking.

“This is the world of the mysterious test. If you change to that world no matter what, such great things will not happen.”

Yun Qing couldn’t help but sigh.

If it is a technological world, if you want to move from a feudal society to a high-tech era, the manpower and material resources required are unimaginable. Even if you have manpower, material resources and various resources, you still need time to research and develop.

Faced with all these situations, everyone still chose to obey.

Over the years, everyone in the ninja world has also discovered that following development is beneficial to everyone, but going against the trend is really harmful to others and yourself.

People who don’t want to harm others or themselves have chosen the simplest and most trouble-free way to comply with the development of the times.

Sitting in his office, Kakuzu looked at the profitability of his company with emotion.

So cool, so cool.

The biggest and most correct decision I made in my life was to follow Yun Qingqian, come to Sand Hidden Village, set up a logistics company, and earn such a lot of money.

This is really faster than robbing money. In addition to being faster than robbing money, the money is really easy to come by.

I used to work hard to do the tasks, and the money came in very quickly. But no matter how fast the money comes in, there are no companies that are fast.

There are many advantages to opening a company, such as stable job, stable salary, and no risk to life.

It’s not like before, there are all kinds of life dangers. If you take a task, you may be killed before you get the money.

Anyone with a little knowledge would choose to refuse that kind of precarious life.

Think about it, if you go out to do a task, you may die at any time.

Is it possible for your wife to live a good life with you?

In addition to your wife not living a good life with you, you will no longer be able to do your tasks when you are old, and you will not be able to provide for your old age by then.

Forget it if you have no way to support yourself in old age. At that time, you will still need to consider more things, such as whether you will be thrown into the wilderness.


Become rich through hard work with Sunagakure

Become rich through hard work with Sunagakure

Status: Completed Author:


Time travel is not scary. There are nine time travels in ten novels. It is not scary to time travel to Naruto. What is scary is that time travel to Sunagakure, the village that relies on eating soil and using love to generate electricity. After awakening the random lottery system, Yun Qing decided , he wants to lead Sunagakure to become rich through hard work and rise in the ninja world.
The new book Zhenguan Paper Seller has been released, everyone is welcome to read it.


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